The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society


Charity Reference No: 1076229

Hon. Vice Presidents: James Carter, A.C. (Tony) Timms

Chairman: Elizabeth Cooper 01789 296238, Hon. Sec: Roger Cooper 01789 296238


Name (s)
Post code:
Tel no:
E-mail address
Primary RSCDS branch (if member of another branch)
Membership type (delete as appropriate)
Single / Joint / Young Adult / Youth /
Associate / Group / Fee paid and/or cheque/cash
Date / Signature
Annualsubscription (1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016)
Adult – single / £23
Adult – joint / 1 magazine per household / £37
Young adult / Over 18 and under 25 at 1 July 2015 / £18
Youth / Under 18 at 1 July 2015 / £11.50
Associate / For members of other RSCDS branches / £5
Group / For inclusion in newsletter & website / £7.50

How to pay

Subscriptions can be paid by any of the following methods:

  • Electronically to RSCDS (Birmingham) , Account number 41494457, Sort code 40-43-54,


  • By post to the Membership Secretary, Eileen Grady, 297 Yardley Road, South Yardley, Birmingham, B25 8NA. E-mail : . Tel : 0121 707 9041, or
  • At a Branch class or event

Please make cheques payable to RSCDS (Birmingham)

Personal details are kept solely for the purpose of contacting members with RSCDS information and will not be provided by the Branch to any third party. These details will be kept on both branch and RSCDS HQ databases. E-mail will be used, where possible, for communication with members on events or updates. Members without an e-mail address will receive paper communications.
The Branch newsletter may also be sent by e-mail and if you do not wish toreceive it in this way, please indicate in the box. /

Email :