CS/SE 4110 Senior SeminarPaper Style Guidelines

1Page Properties
Page limit / 8-10 pages, or up to 15 if you have permission
Page size / 8 1/2 x 11 inches
Margins / All margins: 1 inch
Page numbers / Top right corner, except first page; no number on first page
2Heading Style
Title / center, bold, 16 point, word capitalized, two blank lines following
Author name / center, bold, 12 point
3Abstract Style
Abstract heading / "Abstract" left justify, bold, 14 point, 2 blank lines after last author, and one blank line following
Abstract body / left justify, 12 point, 150 words or less, single spaced, blank line between paragraphs
4Body Properties
Justification / left, begin body on the same page as abstract with 4 lines between abstract and body heading.
Font / Times, 12 point
Columns / One
Spacing / non-indented, single-spaced, blank line between paragraphs
Emphasis / Italics
Level 1 / left justify, bold, 16 point, 2 blank lines before, 1 blank line following
Level 2 / left justify, bold, 14 point, 2 blank lines before, 1 blank line following
Level 3 / left justify, bold, italic, 12 point, 2 blank lines before, 1 blank line following
6Tables and Figures
Placement / center, with blank line before and after the table or figure
Table heading / center, the header text: "Table n: description" over the table
Figure label / center, the text: "Figure n: description" under the figure
Endnote heading / "References", using Level-1 header style
Endnotes / Insert "[n]" (without quotas) into the text where n is the number of the endnote. Place referenced information under the Reference section using APA style.
8Acknowledgements (Optional)
Heading / "Acknowledgements", using Level-1 header style, placed 2 blank lines after the last endnote

See examples of papers.