University of North Texas

College of Education ∙ Department of Counseling and Higher Education

Counseling Program

COUN 5760 Appraisal in Child and Adolescent Counseling

I.  Catalog description: Study of appraisal concepts and various instruments, procedures, methods and techniques used to assess learning and behavioral patterns of children. Prerequisite(s): COUN 5680 and 5710 and EPSY 5210, or consent of department. EPSY 5210 may be taken concurrently. 3 hours.

II.  Goal of the course: Each student will be knowledgeable of appraisal concepts and various instruments, procedures, methods, and techniques used to assess learning and behavioral problems of children both in school and clinical mental health counseling settings.

III.  Knowledge and skills outcomes: The student can

Outcome / CACREP / Evaluation
1.  Explain historical perspectives concerning the nature and meaning of assessment / IIG7a / Learning Assessment
2.  Define basic concepts of standardized and nonstandardized testing and other assessment techniques, including norm-referenced and criterion-references assessment, environmental assessment, performance assessment, individual and group test and inventory methods, psychological testing, and behavioral observations / IIG7b; CMHC G1 / Learning Assessment
3.  Define statistical concepts, including scales of measurement, measures of central tendency indices of variability, shapes and types of distributions and correlations / IIG7c / Learning Assessment
4.  Define reliability and validity / IIG7d; IIG7e / Learning Assessment
5.  Identify social and cultural factors related to the assessment and evaluation for individual, groups, and specific populations; as well as potential biases of assessment measures / IIG7f; CMHC H1; CMHC K4 / Instrument Critique/Presentation
6.  Describe ethical strategies for selecting , administering, and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments in counseling / IIG7g / Learning Assessment
7.  Understand various models and approaches to clinical evaluation in a clinical mental health setting, including diagnostic interviews, mental status examinations, symptom inventories, and psychoeducation and personality assessments / CMHC G2 / Assessment Administration
8.  Identify standard screening and assessment instruments for substance use disorders and process addictions / CMHC G4; SC G2 / Assessment Administration
9.  Select appropriate comprehensive assessment interventions to assist in diagnosis and treatment planning / CMHC H1 / Assessment Administration
10.  Identify various forms of needs assessments and assessment strategies for academic, career, and personal/social development / SC G3; H2 / Assessment Administration
11.  Assess and interpret children’s strengths and needs, recognizing the uniqueness of each child. / SC H1 / Evaluation Report & Feedback
12.  Analyze assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual children and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. / SC H3 / Evaluation Report & Feedback
IV. Methods of instruction: This course will utilize class discussions, peer group work, lecture, demonstration, video recordings, direct observation, direct application, and student presentations to reach learning objectives.

V. Required text(s) and/or reading(s):

Mandatory Text and Protocol:

Merrell, K. W. (2008). Behavioral, social, and emotional assessment of children and adolescents. (3rd ed.) New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

*Test protocol packet at the University Bookstore also mandatory for this class.

Optional Texts:

Sattler, J. (2001). Assessment of children: Cognitive applications. (4th ed.). San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler Publisher.

Zuckerman, E. (1991). The clinician’s thesaurus. (2nd ed. rev.). Pittsburgh: Three Wishes Press.

Web Sources: The Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education

VI. Student performance evaluation criteria and procedures:

Learning Assessment 10

Instrument Presentation and Outline 20

Parent interview & Child/Adolescent Assessment Administration 20

Child/Adolescent Evaluation Report 25

Mock Parent Feedback Session 15

Class Attendance 10

Final Grade:

91-100 = A 81-90 = B 71-80 = C F<71

VII. Sample class schedule:

Week 1: Introduction & History of Assessment

Week 2: Statistical Concepts: Measures of Central Tendency, Distributions, Correlations

Week 3: Validity & Reliability

Week 4: Ethics of Assessment & Cultural Considerations

Week 5: Parenting Stress Index, Child Behavior Checklist, Behavioral Assessment for

Children; Learning Assessment

Week 6: Introduction to administration; Piers-Harris; Developmental Test of Visual

Motor Integration

Week 7: Parent intakes; Report Writing; Test of Information Processing Skills

Week 8: Scoring Night

Week 9: Interpretation/Parent Feedback

Week 10: WISC-IV & Intelligence Testing

Week 11: Assessments for specific populations/clients; Adult assessments – Symptom

Checklist-Revised; Adult Behavior Checklist & Adult Self-Report

Week 12: Parent feedback practice

Week 13: Career Inventories: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; Strong Interest Inventory

Week 14: Student Presentations

Week 15: Student Presentation

Week 16: Final Reports Due