HELD ON 18th MAY 2011



Matters Arising

The Chairperson and members extended their sympathies to their fellow member, Cllr Vincent Jackson, on the recent death of his father, Paddy Jackson RIP.

The members also congratulated Catherina Benson on her recent marriage.

343.Minutes of meeting held on 20th April 2011.

Order: Agreed.

344.Questions to Dublin City Manager.

Replies circulated.

345.South Central Area.

(i) Presentation on Naas Road Local Area Plan.

(ii) Nomination request to the Canals Partnership Board to replace

Cllr. Rebecca Moynihan, who has resigned from the Board.

(iii) Naming proposal for roundabout at Cooley Road/Mourne Road

in Drimnagh, Dublin 12.

(iv) Area Manager’s Report.

  1. The following items for the South Central Area were

considered by Traffic Advisory Group at it’s meeting

on the 19th April 2011.

e Pedestrian Facilities

South Circular Road/Emmet Road, Dublin 8.

Reps for Pedestrian Crossing at the junction

of South Circular Road and Emmet Road.

Public Rep


Order (i)Noted.

(ii)There was no nomination forthcoming at this meeting.


(iv)The Area Manager informed the Committee of the following:

  1. One item (Pedestrian Facilitiesat South Circular Road/Emmet Road) listed for the Traffic Advisory Group meeting of the 19th April 2011. Noted.
  1. Bluebell Community Centre
  • Construction is complete and the building was handed over to City Council last week.
  1. Braithwaite Street
  • Demolition Complete.
  1. Weaver Square Allotments
  • A large ploton the site has been allocated to Reclaim to develop a community garden. Five community groups, The Mercy Family Centre, School Street Family Resource Centre,SolasAfter Schools Programme,Community Addiction Project and South Inner City Community Development Association applied for and were allocated a plot. The remaining 27 plots were allocated by a lottery draw. The annual charge per plot is €150, with €82 being charged to all participants from now to the end of 2011.
  1. A specialist contractor has been appointed to spray weeds on footpaths and roads throughout the city. Spraying in the South Central Area commenced on May 17th and is expected to finish on May 27th.

346.Housing and Residential Services.

(i) Progress Report on Social and Affordable Housing in the South

Central Area.

Order: (i) Noted.

347. Cultural Recreation & Amenities Matters.

(i) Public Library Events for May 2011 – South Central


Order: (i) Noted.

348.Planning and Economic Development Matters

(i) Deletion from the Record of Protected Structures of 24 Merchant’s

Quay (with the exception of the façade facing onto Merchant’s

Quay),Dublin 8 in accordance with Section 54 and 55 of the

Planning andDevelopment Act, 2000.

(ii) Addition to the Record of Protected Structuresof Mount Jerome

House, the Mortuary Chapel, the Gate Lodge and its gates, piers

and original railings, all at Mount Jerome Cemetery, Harold’s Cross,

Dublin 6w in accordance with Section 54 and 55 of the Planning and

Development Act, 2000.

Order:(i) Noted.

(ii) Noted.



18th MAY 2011


349.Councillor Pat Dunne

The following motion was agreed by this Area Committee almost one year ago.

"With regard to Dolphin House, this Area Committee agrees that following the

findings of the Rialto Action Group in conjunction with Dr. Maurice Manning,

President of the Irish Human Rights Commission, that the conditions residents are

living in are completely unacceptable, pose a health hazard to our residents and

directly contravene the rights of citizens under the United Nations Convention on

Economic, Social and Cultural rights, to which the Irish state is a signatory. The

Committee urges the Area Manager to do all in her power to fast-track the much

needed regeneration of the complex, but, given that this process could be at least

two years away from starting, that interim improvement work be carried our to the

affected flats to ensure they meet housing standard of a safe and sufficient quality

for residents to live in. This Area committee agrees to invite residents in to address

our July Area Committee.”

Following the Primetime Investigates broadcast on the conditions in Dolphin House,

it is impossible for anyone to argue that Dublin City Council has provided even limited basic human rights to the residents living in these most appalling conditions.

Therefore in an effort to achieve some progress and change in a positive direction

for Dolphin House residents, this Area Committee re-asserts the intent in the Motion

passed last year, calls on management to carry out the necessary work to meet

decent health and safety standards for residents and we also invite the Dolphin

Regeneration Group to make a presentation to the June monthly full Council


Order: It was agreed that an amendment would be made to the Motion

deleting“we also invite Dolphin Regeneration Group to make a

presentation to the June monthly full Council Meeting” and

substituting“we call for a meeting withDeputy Phil Hogan, Minister for

Environment,Community and Local Government and Deputy Willie

Penrose, Ministerof State at the Department of Environment,

Community and LocalGovernment (with special responsibility for

Housing and Planning), to discuss Dolphin House.”

Report to all Councillors.

Councillor Clare Byrne


26th May 2011.



Councillor Brid Smith.


Councillor Clare Byrne, Councillor Pat Dunne, Councillor John Gallagher, Councillor Sheila Howes, Councillor Vincent Jackson, Councillor Ruairi McGinley, Councillor Rebecca Moynihan, Councillor Criona Ni Dhalaigh, Councillor Michael O’Sullivan, Councillor Henry Upton.


Máire Twomey, Area Manager, South Central Area;

Sean Moloney Assistant Area Manager, Ballyfermot Area Office,

Bruce Phillips, Assistant Area Manager, Kilmainham & South Inner City Area Office;

Mary McGuane, Assistant Area Manager, Crumlin Area Office

Kay Noonan Cork, Area Housing Manager, South Inner Area Office;

John Behan, Area Housing Manager, Ballyfermot Area Office;

Eugene O’Callaghan, Acting Senior Executive Planner, Planning Department;

John O’Hara, Deputy Planning Officer, Planning Department;

Deirdre Scully, Senior Planner, Planning Department;

Vivienne Byrne, Senior Executive Planner, Planning Department;

Marcello Bertuccelli, Executive Planner, Planning Department;

Rosemary Gibbons, Senior Executive Planner, Planning Department;

Sally Reddington, Senior Executive Engineer, Traffic Department;

Gerry Bowe, Senior Architect, South Central Area;

Brian Lyons, Senior Staff Officer, Crumlin Area Office;

Dominic Hession, Acting Assistant Staff Officer, South Central Area;

Rita Bourke, Staff Officer, South Central Area.