University of Kentucky Student Government Senate

Wednesday, January 19th 2015, 7:00 P.M.

William T. Young Library University of Kentucky Athletics Auditorium

I.  Allison Elliot-Shannon—Student Advisory Group for UK Libraries

II.  Call to Order

III.  Swearing in of Rowan Reid

IV.  Roll Call

V.  Approval of Minutes

VI.  Committee Reports

a.  Academic and Student Affairs – Chair Arayo Sokan

b.  Appropriations and Revenue –Chair Kathleen Smith

c.  Operations and Evaluations – Chair Dwight Haggard

VII.  Presidential Privilege

VIII.  Orders of the Day:

a.  S. 53-2014 2015 Spring Election Timeline Approval—Senator Arayo Sokan

b.  S. 54-2014 Supreme Court Nomination Approval (Taylor Clark) – Senator Dwight Haggard

c.  S. 55-2014 Federalist Society (SSP) – Senator Aubrey Vaughn

d.  S. 56-2014 Best Buddies (SSP) – Senator Austin Mullen

e.  S. 57-2014 American Marketing Association (SSP) – Senator Charlie McManus

IX.  Announcements and Senators Privilege

X.  Members Privilege

XI.  Roll Call

XII.  Adjournment

All meetings are open to the public.

For questions or concerns please contact

Austin Mullen

Senate President

(859) 257-3191

An Act Relating To: Supreme Court Nomination Approval / S. 53-2015
Sponsors: / Senator Arayo Sokan
Introduced: / 01/21/2015
Approve the 2015 Spring Election Timeline & Campaign Free Zones.
(See following page).

2015 Spring Election Timeline

Application pick-up starts on Wednesday, January 21st. All applications will be available on the SGA website ( in addition to hard copies in the office.

Application, Platform Statement & Signature Sheets Deadline – 2/4 by noon

-  No late submissions will be accepted. (Except that the Elections Board may, by majority vote, extend the deadline for those races in which no candidate has filed before the deadline – See UKSGA Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 3(A)(1)).

-  Application, $30 deposit & Signature Sheets to SGA office

-  Platform Statements to

Completed Applications may be turned in anytime from Jan. 21st until deadline.

Candidate Eligibility Determination – 2/4 (Election Board verifies good standing & signatures)

Unofficial Ballot & Platform Statement posting -2/6 on

Candidates Meeting – 2/9 at 8pm in the Center for Student Involvement (106 Student Center)

Mandatory attendance for a candidate – or his/her designee – to be added to the ballot

Official ballot will be posted within one (1) business day following this meeting

Poster & Banner Stamping – 2/13 from 2-4pm in the SGA office

-  Campaign materials may be placed once stamped by the Election Board

Elections – March 4-5, 2015

-  Starts at 9am on Wednesday; ends at 4pm on Thursday (online)

-  Polling Locations

o  Wednesday, March 4th

§  Classroom Building (9am-4pm)

§  Student Center (4-6pm)

§  WT Young Library (6-9pm)

o  Thursday, March 5th

§  Classroom Building (9am-4pm)

-  Uncertified results announced at 6pm (3/5) on the Student Center Patio

Expenditure Forms due

-  3/6 by 5:00pm

Failure to turn in a completed expenditure form shall result in the loss of the candidate’s deposit

Claim Submissions

-  3/6 by 5:00pm to

Election Review Hearing – 3/11

-  8pm, College of Law Courtroom

-  An email will be issued to any candidate named in a claim & to those who filed the claim

-  Supreme Court, Election Board & Election Investigator

2015 Campaign Free Zones

Campaign Free Zones

-  The Student Government Association Office, at any time.

-  Classrooms while class is in session.

-  Any polling location during polling hours on the election days.

-  Verbal campaigning nor campaign materials within twenty-five (25) feet of any on-campus poll at any time while the poll is open except for:

o  Casting his or her vote;

o  Incidental traffic flow through the hall in which the candidate lives, works or attends class.

o  Removing materials at the direction of the Elections Board.

-  University of Kentucky Libraries and University of Kentucky Student Computer Labs on election days.

-  Door-to-door in residence halls

-  The University of Kentucky student listserv.

An Act Relating To: Supreme Court Nomination Approval / S. 54-2015
Sponsors: / Senator Dwight Haggard
Introduced: / 01/21/2015
Approve the nomination of Taylor Clark to the UKSGA Supreme Court.
(See following page for Resume).

Cameron Taylor Clark

3538 Creekwood, Apt. 18 ● Lexington, KY 40502 ● ● 606.226.0957



University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, KY

J.D. expected May 2015

GPA: 3.314 Class Rank: 42/129

·  Trial Advocacy Board – Second Place in Intrastate Trial Competition

·  President of Appalachian Law Caucus

·  Competition Chair for Trial Advocacy Board

·  Ashland Scholarship Recipient

·  Elections Investigator for University of Kentucky Student Government

·  Perspectives Selected Writer

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

B.B.A., Business Management, summa cum laude, May 2012

·  Minor in Economics

·  Departmental Honors

·  Kappa Alpha Order Rush Chair & Scholarship Chair

·  Presidential/Governor’s Scholars Scholarship Recipient

·  Robert C. Byrd Scholarship Recipient


Offutt Nord Burchett, PLLC, Huntington, WV

Summer Associate

Boyd Law Office, Lexington, KY

Law Clerk, 2013

Department of Public Advocacy, Richmond, KY

Intern, 2013

Smith Law Office, Prestonsburg, KY

Law Clerk, 2011

Alzheimer’s Association, Lexington, KY

Volunteer, 2009


·  Golf

·  Travel, Hiking, and all Outdoor Recreation

·  Fitness and Sports

An Act Relating To: Federalist Society (SSP) / S. 55-2015
Sponsors: / Senator Vaughn
Introduced: / 01/21/2015
Provide funds for a Senate Special Project to assist the Federalist Society at the total of $2,500.
(See below for more details)

Name of Org: Federalist Society

Members in Org: 63 dues paying, 150 regular attendees of events

Contact: Jono Nunley (Aubrey Vaughan is the Sponsoring Senator)

Email: ()

Phone: (270) 302-4284 ((859) 539-7117)

Purpose of Org: The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities. This entails reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law. It also requires restoring the recognition of the importance of these norms among lawyers, judges, law students and professors. In working to achieve these goals, the Society has created a conservative and libertarian intellectual network that extends to all levels of the legal community.

Type of Grant: Senate Special Project ($2,500)--Must Have a Sponsoring Senator

Event/Project: Federalist Society National Student Symposium

Location: Chicago, IL

Date: Friday, February 20th through Sunday, February 22nd

Time: N/A

Purpose of Event/Project: The University of Chicago Law School's Federalist Society Student Chapter is hosting the 34th National Federalist Society Student Symposium on February 20-21, 2015. The theme for the Symposium is "Law and Innovation." The symposium begins at 3:00 PM on Friday with a discussion on Innovation and the Administrative State. It continues through Saturday with panels on Innovation and Health Law, Innovation and Inequality, Patent Law and Innovation, Privacy and Consumer Protection, and concludes late that evening with a banquet and keynote speaker. Confirmed speakers include Prof. William Baude (University of Chicago Law School), Mr. Jon Dudas (Former Director, United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)), Hon. Frank Easterbrook (U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit), Prof. Richard Epstein (New York University School of Law), Mr. Peter Huber (Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute), Prof. Anup Malani (University of Chicago Law School), Mr. Jerry Masoudi (Partner, Covington & Burling LLP; Former Chief Counsel, Food and Drug Administration), Prof. John McGinnis (Northwestern University School of Law), Prof. Doug Melamed (Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Intel; Stanford Law School), Prof. Michael Meurer (Boston University School of Law), Prof. Lior Strahilevitz (University of Chicago Law School), Ms. Phyllis Turner-Brim (Chief IP Counsel, Intellectual Ventures). The University of Kentucky chapter is likely going to be a nominee for one of the national awards, and many of our students have confirmed their interest in attending.

Total Cost: $4,360 (as of January 11th, eight UK students have confirmed their attendance)

Org funds used: • Federalist Society funds will cover 50% of the ticket price ($150 of $300 as of January 11th)

• Federalist Society funds will cover 50% of the conference price ($10 of $20)

• Federalist Society funds will cover nearly 50% of the conference banquet price ($35 of $75)

• We will also be funding remaining difference of $300 through t-shirt sales from last semester and potentially other events this semester

• Total Org Funds Used: $1,860

Detailed Description of Request: • Per person fees:

o ~$300 plane ticket (as of January 11th)

o ~$150 in hotel costs (as of January 11th)

o $20 fee to attend the conference for student members

o $75 fee to attend the conference banquet for student members

• Total per person: $545

• Federalist Society will fund $232.50 per person

• Requesting SGA to fund $312.50 per person

• Total requested: $2,500

Received funding this year: No

Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes

Open to all students: Yes

Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes

An Act Relating To: Best Buddies (SSP) / S. 56-2015
Sponsors: / Senator Mullen
Introduced: / 01/21/2015
Provide funds for a Senate Special Project to assist Best Buddies at the total of $2,010.
(See below for more details)

Name of Org: Best Buddies

Members in Org: 70

Contact: Erica Shipley


Phone: 703-477-3112

Purpose of Org: Best Buddies is an international organization that works to create friendships and leadership opportunities for adults in the community with intellectual disabilities. We pair a UK student with an adult in the community and they are required to spend time with their buddy at least once a month, and contact them at least once a week. We also offer an associate member option, where students can simply join Best Buddies without having a buddy. We have about 20 buddy pairs, and 50-60 associate members that are officially registered with us. We also have off-campus meetings at places like Boyd Orchard and Southland Bowling Lanes.

Type of Grant: Senate Special Project ($2,500)—Austin Mullen

Event/Project: Best Buddies End-Of-Year Talent Show

Location: Singletary Center, if possible.


Time: 6-9 p.m.

Purpose of Event/Project: We would like to expand our organization much larger than it is currently. Potentially teaming up with Special Olympics in Fayette County, we would like to have a Best Buddies Talent Show at the end of the spring semester. The tickets and sponsorships from this event would directly benefit Best Buddies.

Total Cost: $1,500-$2,500.

Org funds used: We have minimal funds, and we achieve these through donations from parents, as well as a few fundraisers we have had through tshirt sales and restaurant nights. We pay a chapter dues to the state of Kentucky, and we also send up to 2 students to the Best Buddies International Leadership Conference every summer. This is not possible without the funds that we raise.

Detailed Description of Request: We are asking that student government assist us in funding the event, including the Singletary Center, prizes for our winners, potential speakers, etc.

Received funding this year: No

Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes

Open to all students: Yes

Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes

An Act Relating To: American Marketing Association (SSP) / S. 57-2015
Sponsors: / Senator McManus
Introduced: / 01/21/2015
Provide funds for a Senate Special Project to assist the American Marketing Association at the total of $1,250.
(See below for more details)

Name of Org: American Marketing Association

Members in Org: 44

Contact: Blair Kuethe


Phone: 813-263-4038

Purpose of Org: Our mission is to allow marketing students to gain a deeper understanding of the industry by applying their classroom knowledge to practical case studies and network with local and national professionals.

Type of Grant: Senate Special Project ($2,500)—Charlie McManus

Event/Project: AMA International Collegiate Conference

Location: New Orleans, LA

Date: March 19-21

Time: March 19 8:00am-March 21 5:00pm

Purpose of Event/Project: Our goal is to have a strong presence at the International conference in spring of 2015. This is our second year on campus and we have not had the funding to send students to this valuable networking and learning experience. At conference, there are guest speakers, representatives from international Fortune 500 companies such as Coca Cola, and several competitions. Our goal is to have UK AMA members participate in the case study, sales, and t-shirt competitions. Several internships and scholarships are also awarded at the event.

Total Cost: $6,752 for 5 students

Org funds used: Our AMA chapter hopes to pay for the registration fee for our members attending conference. This is $200 per student for early bird registration. We hope to meet this need by fundraising, membership fees, and corporate sponsorships.

Detailed Description of Request: We request student government pay for our airfare, hotel, and transportation so every member has an equal opportunity for attending the event. Our goal is to have 5 students attend the conference.

Below is the estimated costs for 5 students:

Conference registration fee- $1,000

* Hotel- Sheraton New Orleans- AMA Special Group Rates- 1 double room ($229/night) + 1 triple room ($239) for 4 nights - $1,872

* Airline- Lexington to New Orleans ($638 roundtrip per student)- $3,190

* Transportation from airport to hotel- (shuttle $38/person roundtrip)- $190

Food- $500

Total- $6,752

*We request that Student Government Special Project could go toward the hotel and travel expenses.

Received funding this year: No

Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes

Open to all students: No

Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes