A message from your principal. . . .

I hope the season brings much joy and happiness

for you and your family!

Happy Holidays!

Dr. Sandra Kuzniewski


Turn reading into something special. Take your kids to the library, help them get their own library card, read with them, and buy them books as gifts.

Have a favorite place for books in your home or,

even better, put books everywhere!


Put a homework organization plan in place. Have a homework folder for assignments. Try setting

up a designated homework desk or spot in the house so your child can

keep all homework related items in one location.

SPECIAL ACTIVITY Bloom School is planning a special activity just before dismissal on Friday, December 6th to honor Mrs. Rydberg. Students will prepare for dismissal a little early, and wait in their rooms for an announcement to be read. The announcement will describe a balloon release activity in honor of Mrs. Rydberg. After the announcement, students will be escorted outside to the front lawn area near the flag pole/marquee (near the corner of Brendenwood and Westchester). On a signal, teachers will release balloons to symbolize how we will let our sad feelings go and hold on to the happy memories such as the wonderful art lessons we shared with a great teacher. Students will then be escorted to buses and/or their typical door for dismissal. Parents/guardians may view the balloon release from the sidewalk areas, but we ask everyone to allow staff to complete the activity before attempting to pick up their child. While we hope the weather cooperates, if for some reason the weather is too inclement, we will move the activity to the gym. We appreciate your cooperation.

HOLIDAY PROGRAM- The program will be on Thursday, December 19th. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will last approximately 40 minutes. All students will be seated in the gym and visitors will be seated or may stand around the perimeter. Visitors should enter through doors “I” or “A” and will be allowed access to the gym only.

HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES – Please remember every school day in our calendar is important, so we will make a concerted effort to use all of the days leading up to winter holidays for valuable educational activities. With that said, we recognize that having unique activities is also an important aspect of school. Please refer to class bulletins and/or newsletters, or ask your child’s teacher for specific details regarding any class celebrations, gift exchanging, etc. We appreciate your support with this. Pre-registered class volunteers will check-in in the office and will be given visitor badges for access to the classrooms.

WINTER BREAK - There will be no school from Monday, December 23rd through Friday, January 3rd. Students should return to school on Monday, January 6th, 2014.

PROPER WINTER ATTIRE – As the weather continues to get colder, it is essential our children are dressed properly. We do have outdoor recess all winter except for the days when the temperature (including wind chill) drops below zero. The following guidelines may assist in your child’s school attire:

Students should wear loose fitting, lightweight, warm clothing in several layers

(the trapped air between the layers insulates). Layers can be removed to avoid

perspiration and subsequent chill. Outer garments should be tightly woven,

water repellent, and hooded. Wear a hat (half of body heat is lost through

the top of the head). Cover the mouth with scarves to protect lungs

from cold air. Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves.

Gloves allow the fingers to cool much faster than mittens do.

Try to stay dry.

“IN FOR RECESS” – If a student must stay in at recess (injury, illness, etc.) a parent note will be accepted for one day. A request for two or more days will require a doctor’s note. The doctor may fax the note to the office at 815/229-2457.

BOOK FAIR/READING FESTIVAL - Our Book Fair and Reading Festival held in November, were a huge success! Many books were purchased and given away all week at the Book Fair. Over 150 people were at the Reading Festival event. That evening, books were read, crafts were made, and everyone enjoyed our storyteller! Special thanks to our PTO and staff members who volunteered so much time to make these events possible.

HAND WASHING – “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!” It is an old adage, but one worth remembering. This is the season when germs for colds, flu, and various other infections are abounding in our environment. Simple hand washing is the single most important but often ignored prevention strategy in remaining healthy. Please encourage everyone in your family to wash their hands frequently – especially before eating, after being outside, and after using the bathroom. Just a few moments with warm soapy water will work wonders in keeping everyone happy and healthy this holiday season and throughout the year!

EMERGENCY CONTACTS – There have been several occasions when the office has been unable to locate parents or emergency contacts. Please be sure to continuously update changes in phone numbers with the office. We appreciate your help with this very serious matter.

SIX HOUR READING PROGRAMS– The Magic Water reading program continues this year with an opportunity for students to earn a free ticket to Magic Waters. Be sure to encourage your child to read and record the hours on the documents that were sent home. The Magic Water forms are due on January 22nd. For those students participating in the Six Flags Reading program, those forms are due on February 19th.

NOTE FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE – Please do not send medication to school for children in baggies, etc. The district has a medication policy that states no medication is given without signed consent from both the doctor and the parent on the District Authorization for Administration of Medication at School form. Medication also needs to be sent in original box or bottle with the student name on it. This policy applies to all over the counter medications as well as prescriptions. If your child needs to have medication at school, please notify the school nurse one day in advance so that arrangements can be made for the proper forms to be completed. Most medications for colds and coughs can be given at home before and after school. If you have any further questions, please contact the school nurse, Marie Zamis, at 229-2170. Thank-you for your cooperation in this matter.