Friday, September 11, 2015
Mesa County Workforce Center
Business Center Room C
September Workforce Development Board Meeting7:30 am Community Services BuildingAugust Advisory Committee Meeting5:00 p.m.
- Call to Order
- Tim Fry, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.
- Attendance taken on roll sheet. Introductions from guests Angie Oswalt, Larry Lemmons and Robert Hanni. Attendance satisfies quorum.
- Approve August Minutes
- Will Hays moved to approve the August minutes. William Byers seconded. None opposed; motion carries to approve.
- Review Financial Information and Workload Indicators
- 7/1/14 through 6/30/15 fiscal year financials reviewed by Tracey Garchar.
- We receive funding every two years. We have been and are fiscally responsible; we break even and hit our outcomes. Projections show we will come in right at budget allocation.
- The funds and positions we have at the WFC are in place to serve the difficult to serve populations which is why we look at DHS workload indicators because that is the vast majority of people who come in for services.
- When you see a rise in food assistance applications that indicates there is something economically going on in the community.
- TANF eligibility requires very low income, minimal assets and there have to be children in the home.
- 2008 we had 19,442 people qualify for public assistance programs and in 2015 we now have 36,977. Part of the big increase does have to do with the Affordable Care Act. 57% of these 36,977 people are employed.
- Some members are interested to know how many of the 36,977 are Medicaid only.
- Unemployment trend is for unemployment to go up at the first part of the calendar year and go down towards latter half of the year. This is mainly because of seasonal hiring.
- Some members would like to know if the data shown can be broken down by industry.
- We have seen a lot of skilled workers leave the area as oil field related jobs have moved out of the area. Our labor force continues to shrink.
- Review New Board Nominations
a)Tracey Garchar – Gov, MCDHS
b)Jeff Warner – Workforce, Apprenticeship Director, IBEW
c)William Dowling – Gov, CDLE Representative
- Jeanne Adkins; she would take Brigitte’s spot. The Western Colorado Community College Director/Acting Director will be appointed to represent on this board.
- Bill Byers moved, Will Hays seconded.
- Diane asks if we have to approve the WCCC appointed person each time the specific person changes or if we can just hold the spot for whomever WCCC decides to put in the spot. Tracey responded that the rules are so unclear that we are erring on the side of caution to ensure we don’t run into future problems. Diane would like to make sure this is clarified in the future through bylaws.
- Jeff Warner nominated by James Milligan. IBEW says Jeff meets the criteria due to the internship director responsibilities he holds.
- William Byers seconded. All in favor, none opposed.
- Tracey Garchar in less than a month will no longer be the WFC Acting Director and going forward would represent DHS on this board.
- Karen Madsen moved, Rose seconded. All in favor, none opposed.
- William Dowling (on the phone) will be the State representative on the board.
- Jon moved and Diane seconded. All in favor, none opposed.
- Review and Approve for BoCC Appointment the WIOA Compliant LWDB
- Tracey, WFC staff and the executive committee reviewed our list, contacted people to clarify things and make sure each member meets the slot requirements.
- We are required to have at least 1 representative for economic development and we have three so some have been moved to business representatives instead, which works because they are not governmental.
- Relationship between certified board and local area designation section describes that the state can reassign everyone on our local board if they feel it is needed, but it will not take away our local designation.
- The board consists of 56% business, 20% labor, 24% government representatives.
- This will be taken to public hearing on 9/21 for commissioners’ approval.
- We have 2 vacancies: Chris Reddin and Cindy Farnsworth. Board members request getting their resignations in writing/email. Members also request resignation from Brigitte Sunderman.
- Brigitte was also on the Executive Committee so Jeanne would be replacing that spot. We have to wait for the chair to appoint Jeanne and then have the board ratify that appointment. Tim will follow up with Buzz.
- William Byers motioned to approve this as amended. Jon Maraschinseconded. None opposed.
- Update on 9/17/15 State Plan Meeting
- 12:00-1:30 at the WFC with lunch provided. Lee Wheeler is bringing consultants here to start discussing the plan. Any board member who is interested in attending is welcome. They want to get a feel for what the different regions focuses will be to help them create the state plan so that everything will align.
- The state plan has to be in place by July 1, 2016.
- Adjourn
- Tim Fry, ViceChair, called the meeting to close and adjourned at 8:37 a.m.
- Next Board Meeting December 11th 7:30-9:00
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September 11, 2015