GC Curriculum Committee Meeting

Friday, December 5, 2008; 9:00 – 11:00am

Graduate Student Centre Boardroom

Present:Joyce Tom, Lindsey Lipovsky, Bill McKee (Chair), Bill Ramey, Susie Stephenson, Philip Loewen, Norman Wong, Ella Ho (minutes), Gary Schajer, Ginette Vallee, Jon Preston

Regrets: Stelvio Bandiera, Jenny Phelps, Cindy Prescott, Ed Putnins, Ian Townsend-Gault, Sandra Chamberlain

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Minutes of November 21, 2008 meeting

- Bill Ramey made a comment regarding the November 14th, 2008 meeting minutes. Notes under the Forestry M.Sc. Program Requirements proposal should show that the proponent needs to indicate that the reason why the course is being removed is because it is no longer required.

  1. Business arising

-we need to check back with Tamara Myers to get confirmation of when HIST proposals got approval from Faculty

  1. Re-submitted Proposals

Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Tamara Myers
HIST 535 (3) - withdrawn
HIST 599 (3)
HIST 699 (3)
HIST 594
- Confirm Faculty of Arts approval and date
- We need budget and library consultations
Action: Approved pending Faculty approval as well as budget and library consults.
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Paule McNicoll
SOWK 503
Action: Approved.
  1. Senate Curriculum Sub-Committee Business

Faculty of Applied Science
Submitted by Deb Feduik
Clinical Engineering degree name change
Action: Approved.
  1. New Proposals

Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Lisa Allen
CRWR 505 (3/6)
-Change title in both columns to “Advanced Forms and Techniques of Creative Non-Fiction”
CRWR 506 (3/6)
- reconsider title
- represent title correctly
- need consult from FIPR group
- how is this course different from the six-credit version
CRWR 516 (3/6)
- why is this new title more appropriate than the old one?
- We need Faculty approval dates
Action on all three proposals: Approved pending clarification, edits, and Faculty approval dates.
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Lisa Henault
MPT Program Requirements
- edits made (see proposal)
Action: Approved pending changes.
RSPT 514
-In Type of Action, remove change in course description and change in course content
-Edits made (see proposal)
Action: Approved pending edits.
RSPT 516
-We’ll consider this a supporting document, and it doesn’t need to go anywhere
RSPT 544
-this should be a Category 2 change (correction made by Committee secretary)
Action: Approved.
RSPT 546
-this should be a Category 2 change (correction made by Committee secretary)
Action: Approved.
RSPT 564
-title “VI-a”
-Type of Action should include “Modify title”
Action: Approved pending minor edits.
RSPT 565
Action: Approved.
RSPT 566
Action: Approved.
  1. Adjournment of Meeting
  1. Next meeting – Friday, January 9, 2009, Graduate Student Centre, Room 200