The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by both Kingskerswell and Ipplepen Medical Practice to be Outstanding following our practice inspection in July 2016. Inspectors rated the care at The Kingskerswell and Ipplepen Medical Practice Outstanding in all areas. The CQC inspect safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led.
Both reports highlight a number of areas of outstanding practice, including:
- The practice treated patients and people within the wider community with compassion, care and respect. Staff volunteered at the local memory café, raised charitable funds for the local hospice, and worked with a homeless charity to give out food and toiletry parcels.
- The leadership recognised that the development of staff skills, knowledge, and roles were integral to delivering high-quality care.
- Staff were supported financially and given protected time to develop skills, or to access further education. This resulted in a happy, loyal and skilled workforce.
- The practice designed and implemented a creative range of patient-information leaflets, which were rolled out to 6 other local practices.
- Staff valued their relationships with patients, and worked effectively to build and maintain these relationships; patients of a new-born child were sent a letter of congratulations.
Full copies of the inspection reports can be found at:
Many thanks to all the patients who attended the Saturday flu clinics at Kingskerswell & Ipplepen.
If you are eligible for a flu vaccination and were unable to attend the Saturday clinics, we have now added more appointments. Please call the health centre on 01803 874455 to book your flu vaccination.
Child Flu
Boots Pharmacy have been given the contract to vaccinate children who are in school years 1, 2 & 3. Boots will be vaccinating all children at school. Unfortunately we are now not contractually allowed to vaccinate these children in year 1, 2 or 3 unlessthey have a chronic disease. If your child has missed the vaccination at school you will need to contact the Boots helpline on 07596591261. The health centres will vaccinate all healthy children born between 01.09.2011—31.08.2014 as well as anyone in an at risk group aged between 2– 18 years old.
Adult Flu
Adults eligible for the flu vaccination are over 65’s or with one or more of the following conditions, stroke, asthma, COPD, heart, liver and diabetes. Women patients who are currently pregnant are also eligible as well as carers.
Housebound Flu
Our Practice Nurse has now been out to all of our housebound patients and the residential/nursing homes to give the flu vaccination. If you were not at home and would like the flu jab, please contact the health centre and we will arrange for the Practice Nurse to come and visit.
A big thank you to all of the patients who bought cake, tea & coffee at the Saturday flu clinics at Kingskerswell & Ipplepen. £218.00 was raised which will go towards the health centres equipment fund which is used to help improve the patient experience and services.
Below are the ages for patients who are currently eligible for the shingles vaccination in the 2016/17 campaign.
70, 71, 72, 73, 78 & 79
So, if you were born on or between the dates below, you will be eligible for a free shingles vaccination under this year’s national programme
02/09/1942 and 01/09/1946
02/09/1936 and 01/09/1938
If you are eligible please call the health centres on 01803 874455 to book an appointment.
As you will see the diggers and workmen are still onsite and working as hard as ever. Unfortunately the project has taken a little longer than anticipated due to an archaeological dig which resulted in a re-design of the initial foundations.
We now hope the new extension (which is phase 1) will be completed by week ending Friday 21st October. The main entrance, reception desk and waiting area should be operational by Monday 24th October. From the 24th there will be significant work taking place on the re-design of the existing waiting room area which will be the new Dispensary. The entrance for collection of medication will remain unchanged. The anticipated completion date for the project is Friday 9th December.
The practice would like to say a huge thank you to all of our patients for being so tolerant of the limited parking, access issues and disruption to services.
If any patient has any information or communication needs for example you may need letters or forms in a larger print, communication in braille or a translator to help you understand any communication received, please let the health centre know and we will try and organise your request as soon as we can.
If you change your address, phone, mobile or email details, please can you make sure that you inform the health centre.
Forms are available on reception or if you have access to systmonline you can also change your details online.
On behalf of the Medical Practice Team MANY THANKS for reading our latest newsletter
Telephone number: 01803 874455Enquiries email:
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