Divide the 5 slides up between you and a partner. You will create a PowerPoint for 5 of the slides and then share that information with your partner.

Title Slide:
Start a new PowerPoint Slide
Create a Title Page
  • Title – The Outsiders
  • Your first & last name
  • Include an image on this slide.
/ Slide 6: Paul Newman
Use Google Search Engine to search for a picture of a 'young' Paul Newman.
  • Include the picture in your slideshow.
  • Write a brief (1-2 sentence) description of who he was and what he did.

Slide 1: Author -- S.E. Hinton
Use the website and and create a slide about author S.E. Hinton.
Include bullets on the slide with the following information:
  • Where was Hinton born?
  • What influenced her to writeThe Outsiders?
  • Why did the author use S.E. instead of her first name?
  • How old was Hinton when she began writing the story?
  • What year wasTheOutsiderspublished?
  • What is the title of her second novel?
/ Slide 7: Social Groups
There are two gangs inThe Outsiders: the Greasers and the Socs.
Use pictures and words to show each social group.

  • Why were they called ‘Greasers’?
  • What would their clothes look like?
The Socs:
  • Why were they called ‘Socs’?
  • What were they like?

Slide 2: Madras Print/Fashion
Use the following links to find pictures of a madras shirt and other fashion that was worn in the 1960s. Be sure to include it in your slideshow:
  • What was Madras print?
  • What were the fashion choices of teens in the 1960s.

/ Slide 8: Popular Culture
Use these websites to Identify what life was like in the 1960s.

Answer these questions:
  • What war was the United States involved?
  • What was the average cost of a house?
  • What was the cost of gas?
  • How much did a Mustang cost?
  • Identify 5 inventions that were created.

Slide 3: Hairstyles/Pompadour
Include 4 pictures of hairstyles popular during the 60’s for men and women. You must include the Pompadour for men.

/ Slide 9: Cars
Use the following links to find pictures of a 1960sCorvair, Corvette and Mustang. Include and label each picture in your slideshow:

Slides 4: Entertainment
Use the websites to find information on 1960s entertainment.
  • Beatles
  • Elvis
  • Name 5 popular TV shows
  • Name 3 popular kids toys

/ Slide 10: Setting
Use the websites to look up information about the setting of the story.
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma – include a map which shows where Tulsa is located.

  • Drive-in Theaters – When did the first drive-in open?
  • What years did drive-ins peak in popularity?
  • As of 2014, how many drive-ins are there?

Slide 5: Slang
Choose 5 1960sslang words and include the definition/picture.
/ Book Trailer:
Watch the book trailer.

When finished:

Save your PowerPoint using your names

Attach the PowerPoint to an email and send to