Minutes, AFA Schriever Chapter 147 Board of Directors Meeting



•Ed Peuraopened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


•Ed introduced and welcomed Lt Col Ghia Simmons, the incoming USC Detachment 060 Commander, and Cadet/Capt Jenessa K. Nakagawa, AAS, Deputy Squadron Commander, Gen Ira C. Eaker Squadron, LMU.

•Tav and Ed presented three CAFA awards: Distinguished Service Medal to Don Tomajan, Sustained Outstanding Performance Award to Nancy FitzGerald, and Meritorious Service Award to Alison Schneider. Ed announced that Wayne Kauffman received the Chairman’s Citation at the National Convention. The Chapter Award for the National Medium Chapter of the Year 2014 was on display.

Secretary's Report

•TheAugust Board Meeting minutes were approved without changes.

Treasurer's Report

•Rick presented the treasurer’s report, which was approved. From now on Rick will show the “current budget” instead of the “original budget.” He will delete the AF Ball Table expense entry and absorb it in the Ball costs. He will present a pro forma budget for the October board meeting.

Topics for Discussion

•Board Nomination Committee: Steve Scott announced the nominees for the board. Steve S. will move to President, and Steve P. will move to Executive Vice President. Chris Beres, Bill Fraser, Mary Guyse, Bill Harding, Chris Harlambakis, Bill Maikisch, Dave Murphy, Jerry Saunders, and Don Tomajan have all agreed to continue. Pat Devine is giving up his seat; Marv Vander Weg already resigned his; and Steve P. will vacate his, leaving three open seats to be filled by Christina Diaz, Lee Rosen, and Mark Williams.


•Air Force Ball: Alison said Steve Staso has taken his first cut at the reservation website. Things will be finalized next week, and Marcia will send out the industry invitations. Prices will remain the same as last year: $3,100 per table, $310 per seat, $1550 per corporate benefactor. ATK is the Ball General Chair. Alison and her committee (Velvet and Elaine), plus Lani Smith, Linda Leib-Baker, and Marcia, have weekly planning telecons. Arnie will be added. Gen Hyten plans to attend the Executive Reception and the Ball.

•Executive Reception: The price for a sponsorship will remain $1,500, and the number of sponsors will be limited to 20. Alison wants to discuss a flyer with Steve Pluntze.

•WAG: Joe Boyle reported no problem with the Ball and only a couple of small issues with the Executive Reception. Joe plans to stop by and talk with Jon Bruinooge after the board meeting.

•Mitchell Institute: RAND will issue invitations to about 200 people: LA-area academics, civic and elected leaders, and non-DOD industry. Ed was instructed not to contact RAND but to submit a list of suggested inviteesfrom space-related industry to Doug Birkey. Ed will forward a list comprised of some names from the Executive Forum and names given to him by board members for their companies.


•Mary Guyse reported everything is on track for the 3 October Mixer. Dave Madden will attend. Chris H. suggested Mary contact Chief Angie Johnson to see if she would attend the mixer and possibly speak, thereby encouraging enlisted members to attend.

Public Affairs

•Steve announced he would hold the newsletter until after the mixer. Since he is moving up to VP, Steve said he would ask Brenda if she is willing to continue producing the newsletter. [Brenda later agreed to continue.] However, we need a volunteer to collect the articles to be published.

•Christina Diaz submitted a summary to Wingmanfor the Wall of Honor article. She is waiting to hear if it will be accepted.


•Arnie said the Salute awards will be moved to the base next Monday, with the help of Karen and Eric from the History Office. They were able to borrow a truck from the motor pool. The display case will be placed across from the Douglas Aircraft display near the Club entrance. [The Simon Ramo letter, which has been framed at the request of Gen Greaves, will be hung by the display case.]

•Don Tomajan has provided a schedule for 2015 Salute Honoree selection.

ROTC Relations

•Nancy F. said the contract with LMU has been finalized, and Rick sent the check.

•Lt Col Ghia Simmons thanked the board for the opportunity to attend the board meeting and said the Chapter’s funding for LMU really helps. Two-thirds of the cadets come from other schools.

•Cadet Janessa Nakagawa also thanked the Chapter for inviting her to the board meeting. Janessa was one of the two cadets who helped present the awards at the Salute Banquet in June.


•Chris Harlambakis registered the Chapter to sponsor 41 Classrooms for the 2014-15 Visions Program. Rick will send a check for $5,166. Chris will email to anyone a list of schools that are supported this year.

•Laura Pope discussed the TOY for 2015. She has updated information on schools contacted last year. Rick said charter schools around the base should be included and offered to send Laura their contact info. Laura and her committee will re-evaluate our TOY process and make recommendations to the board. We will definitely contact schools earlier than we did last year, when they had only two weeks to respond.

Base Scholarships

•The recent scholarship winners (3 officer, 3 enlisted, 2 civilian, $1000 each) will be invited to attend the mixer, where they will be introduced and offered a free one year Schriever Chapter AFA membership.

CyberPatriot/CAP– No report

Military Affairs– No report

Community Relations

•Jerry and Joe continue to work on renewals and soliciting new Community Partners. It appears that National is finally convinced to send the CP invoices to Jerry instead of Ed.

Constitution & Bylaws – No report

National AFA

•Wayne Kauffman said the National Convention (12-14 Sep) was very successful. There were 14 members representing California, including Wayne, Ed, and Marcia. The newly elected officers are Scott Van Cleef, Chairman of the Board;Dave Dietch, Vice Chairman Field Operations; Nora Reubrook, Treasurer; Marv Tooman, Secretary; Kevin Jackson, East Director; and Gary North and Kent Owsley, Directors at Large. Wayne, the current Far West President, will step aside to allow Lee Barnby to become the Far West President. Wayne will continue in his position on the HQ Audit Committee.


•Martin Ledwitzannounced that Juan Cruz (Vandenberg AFB, Goddard Chapter) has become the CAFA President. Martin is the CAFA Vice President and will again serve as Area 3 President, with Eric Vonder Heide replacing him next year. [Other CAFA officers are Secretary Rhoda Weiss, Treasurer Leigh Kelly, Area 1 President Dick Stultz, Area 2 President Jim Estep, CAFA EFA Treasurer Randy Kelly.]

•The normal CAFA meeting schedule for the Saturday after the AF Ball has been cancelled because Juan Cruz will be in Puerto Rico.

•Martin reminded the board the quarterly reports were due by 15 Oct.

Meeting was adjourned at 13:43; minutes submitted by Marcia Peura.

In Attendance: Joe Boyle, Capt Christina Diaz, Nancy FitzGerald, Bill Fraser, Mary Guyse, Chris Harlambakis, Velvet Hoover, Chris Kalivas, Wayne Kauffman, Elaine Knauf, Martin Ledwitz, Dave Murphy, C/Capt Jenessa Nakagawa, Alison Osterberg, Ed Peura, Marcia Peura, Steve Pluntze, Brian Polanco, Laura Pope, Steve Quilici, Rick Reaser, Jerry Saunders, Alison Schneider, Steve Scott, Lt Col Ghia Simmons, Arnie Streland, Tav Taverney, Don Tomajan, Bob Wickwire.

Next meeting 23 Oct2014