Please insert your
Club Logo here
Insert Race Name here
Once completed please send to
TI National Children’s Officer:
Niamh O’ Gorman, , 012741032.
Event Management and Safety Plan
This Event Management and Safety Plan has been prepared for the purpose of assisting you with the safe and efficient management of your event.
Competitors accept that risk is involved when taking part in Triathlons, Duathlons, and Aquathlons. As an event organiser you have to take steps to ensure the safety of competitors, volunteers and spectators.
Effective risk management applies a clear process to identify risks, sets an acceptable level for risks and takes steps to keep risks at that level. Successful organisers manage risk rather than avoid it.
The following document is a guide, you can add to or remove from this document as you see fit.
Please ensure you understand the relevant section (2:30) in TI’s Manual of Guidance and the policy documents relating to safeguarding and events. Please find these on the website under ‘ Resources’ and ‘Safeguarding’.
Contact Information
Organising Committee
Role / Key Contact -- Name / Phone NumberOrganising Club/Company
Race Director
Safety Officer
Chief Marshall
Designated Safeguard person (Completed Safeguard 1 and Vetted)
Head of Registration
Head of Swim
Head of Bike
Head of Run
Head of Transition
Head of Finish
Head of Timing
Timing Company
Race Partners
Organisation / Key Contact / Phone NumberGardaí / PSNI
Parade’s Commissioner
Local Council Authority
Property / Land Owners
Local Hospital
First Aid Providers
Water Safety (e.g. RNLI, Coast Guard, Rescue Centre etc)
Racking / barriers provider
I confirm that this race plan has been issued to the relevant public bodies and partners listed above
Information Relevant to This Event
Race Name
Race Date
Start time
End time
Numbers expected / Individual (under 18):
Is this a new event or existing?
Event Timetable / Date / Time / Venue/Location
Registration Opens
Registration Closes
Marshal/stewards etc briefing
Competitor race briefing
Event start
Event finish (Juniors must be corralled, see below)
Medical Cover
Please detail the medical cover that will be available during the event, (i.e number of vehicles, proposed location on the course, first aider, paramedic, doctor, equipment available, ambulance (compulsory), defibrillator etc.
Safeguarding Steps for Junior Event
Safeguarding Risk Assessment – For example: is there public access to the junior race?
Risk / Measure to be Taken to Minimise/Eliminate RiskWhat is your alternative plan if inclement weather prevents any section of the race?
Confirm your Designated Safeguarding Person at event has HI VIZ
Number of TI *qualified Junior Leaders or Coaches helping at event? (Do you have at least 1 qualified coaches/leaders per 8 juniors at event)
Help in transition is only necessary with very young juniors. Do you have *qualified junior leaders only for transition?
What System will be in place to corral juniors at the finish and hand them back to parents/guardians?
What procedure will be in place for missing juniors?
Will juniors be in sight of a steward at all times while on the swim, bike and run course?
Photography and Filming** :
TI Photographers are obliged to comply with TI safeguarding policy
How will you distribute photography guidelines to any non TI official photographers?
Will you have separate Junior toilets?
Do you have a covered area for juniors to change?
Code of Conduct poster to be displayed at volunteer registration?
Relevant medical documentation relating to participants to go to event with designated person?
Sign on Sheets?
How will you provide information to parents regarding the following prior to the event:
1. Appropriate gear and clothing for juniors (Juniors may not run or in swimwear)
2. Guidelines relating to photography
3. Information on handing juniors back after the event.
What reporting and recording procedures for Safeguarding issues will be in place?
*Qualified Coach/Leader: Undergone TI’s Safeguarding policy (Vetting& ID Proofing, Code of Conduct, Attend a Safeguard 1 course)
**Filming in the pool should be allowed by official photographers only and agreed in advance with the race organiser and reason given. Photographers must sign in producing ID. Parents/guardians must be notified in advance and photographer must adhere to safeguarding guidelines.
Operational Steps for a Childrens event
Will the swim take place in lake, pool, sea or other?What is the maximum water depth?
What is name of swim venue ie. name of lake etc
Will there be a wave start?
If so, please detail how many, times, and how each wave will be identified?
Please note that open water swim waves should be split by age group as per the TI MoG/ITU Rules. Maximum wave size is 150.
Will wave times be available for competitors on a notice board at registration, online or on website?
Will a warm-up or acclimatization opportunity be provided prior to the start?
Will the start be from a static position in the water or run in from the beach? -
Junior Water Safety
How many motored water crafts (boats) will you have?
How many kayaks will you have?
How will the swim course be marked?
Junior races should have ropes the length of the course with adults in the water at close intervals. If juniors are under 10 ratio should be 1:4
How will you communicate from the land to the boat crews and water personnel?
What is the swim cut off time?
What is the anticipated water temperature?
What mechanism is in place for ensuring all competitors have safely left the water?
Have you submitted your water quality results to Triathlon Ireland?
Swim Safety Assessment
Risk / Measure to be Taken to Minimise/Eliminate RiskPlease insert a Water Safety plan of the swim course here.
Please insert a detailed map of the swim course below, paying particular attention to the entry and exit points and marker points. You should also outline where safety boats/kayaks will be positioned.
No hand drawings please.
How many transition areas will there be?
Note: It is usually better to allocate spaces in transition in order of age groups, with the youngest age group closest to the swim entrance. If the transition area is not next to the swim exit you may need to allow the athletes to lay out their trainers by the swim exit. If there is no space, you must ensure that the run to the transition can be completed in bare feet. Non-slip matting could be laid for the athletes to run on.
To assist the competitors, and keep the transition area tidy and free from parents, a minimum of two marshals is suggested. The transition area should be closed off with barriers to ensure that it is secure, and that only competitors are in the transition whilst the race is in progress.
Transition Safety Assessment
Risk / Measure to be Taken to Minimise/Eliminate RiskPlease insert a detailed map of the transition area below, paying particular attention to the flow of athletes through the area.
No hand drawings please.
What type of terrain is the course on?
How will you contact Marshals/Gardaí/PSNI/Ambulance etc on the route?
What signage will be used on the course?
Please insert a detailed description of the bike course below
KM / Road/Route No. / Description / Marshals Required / Gardaí/PSNIRequired
Please insert a detailed map of the bike course below, paying particular attention marshal/Gardaí/PSNI locations, route and identifying any dangerous sections.
No hand drawings please.
Bike Section Safety Assessment
Risk / Measure to be Taken to Minimise/Eliminate Risk
What signage will be used on the course?
How will you contact Marshals/Gardaí/PSNI/Ambulance etc on the route?
How will you know when the last competitor is off the course?
Please insert a detailed description of the run course below
KM / Road/Route No. / Description / Marshals Required / Gardaí/PSNIRequired
Please insert a detailed map of the run course below, paying particular attention marshal/Gardaí/PSNI locations, route and identifying any dangerous sections.
No hand drawings please.
Run Section Safety Assessment
Risk / Measure to be Taken to Minimise/Eliminate Risk
How many competitors would be able to cross the finish line together safely?
How many marshals will be at the finish line?
Are there barriers to keep spectators away from the finish line?
Is there a recovery area for athletes away from the finish line?
Finish Line and Chute Safety Assessment
Risk / Measure to be Taken to Minimise/Eliminate RiskPlease insert a detailed map of the finish area below.
No hand drawings please.
Recommended Distances
3 Years & Under / No / No / No / No
4 - 5 Years / No / 200m / 400m / 100m
6 - 7 Years / No / 1km * / 2km / 400m
8 – 9 Years / 100m / 1.5km * / 2.5km / 800m
10 – 11 Years / 200m / 4km* / 6km / 1.8km
12 – 13 Years / 300m / 6km * / 8km / 2.4km
14 - 15 Years / 400m / 7km * / 10km / 3km
Age / Swim / Run3 Years & Under / No / No
4 - 5 Years / No / 100m
6 - 7 Years / No / 400m
8 – 9 Years / 150m / 900m
10 – 11 Years / 250m / 2.5km
12 – 13 Years / 350m / 3km
14 - 15 Years / 450m / 3.5km
Age / Run / Cycle (Grass)* / Cycle (Tarmac) / Run3 Years & Under / No / No / No / No
4 - 5 Years / 50m / 200m / 400m / 50m
6 - 7 Years / 250m / 1km * / 2km / 250m
8 – 9 Years / 400m / 1.5km * / 2.5km / 400m
10 – 11 Years / 1km / 4km* / 6km / 800m
12 – 13 Years / 1.5km / 6km * / 8km / 1km
14 - 15 Years / 2km / 7km * / 10km / 1.5km
Shorter distances are acceptable.
*Cycling on grass is more difficult and more physically demanding than tarmac so distances must be reduced accordingly.
Although the table above relate to races, children will no doubt partake in other training activities which may be longer than the individual distances shown. As a single sport session, this is permissible but should always be focused on the needs of the child rather than coach or parent. At all times, the child’s welfare should be paramount and consideration given to general safeguarding practices.
Please insert prizes details for your event
Age Group / Male 1st / Female 1st / Male 2nd / Female 2nd / Male 3rd / Female 3rdOverall winner
Please insert details of additional prizes where provided: