FAO: Margaret Alexander

Date: / 04 March 2011
Ourref: / RFI - 110178
Your ref:
Dear Margaret
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Your Request for Information concerningRoker Regeneration

I refer to youremailreceived on the 31st January 2011 requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000relating to Roker Regeneration.

Please see response below you were seeking to the following questions;


How much are the consultants involved in the Roker Regeneration Scheme being paid? Who are they, what is their individual brief, and how much is each being paid?


Two consultants have been used to deliver the project, where the expertise and capacity does not exist in-house.

Grit & Pearl have been appointed to Project Manage the art's elements of the project included within the sea change bid at a cost of £45,000.

Jo Scott Consulting have been appointed to take forward the interpretation proposals in the Marine Walk Masterplan and to produce a strategy for interpretation and an action plan for implemetation, at a cost of £4,040.

Further details about the Roker Seafront regeneration are available on the Council’s website, please click on the link below.

I hope this is satisfactory. If, however, you remain dissatisfied with our response to your request for information, you may request a further review. This will be removed from the Directorate and coordinated by the Council’s Information Manager. A request for further review should be addressed to the Information Manager, PO Box 100, Civic Centre, Sunderland, SR2 7DN.

If this fails to resolve your concerns then you have the right to apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision.

I attach a flowchart setting out the review procedure for your information and also enclose a copy of the Council’s conditions of re-use of information supplied.

Yours sincerely

Malcolm Page

Director of Commercial & Corporate Services