Upgrading from 7.1 to RH 2.1 AS running Oracle 9i RAC v9.0.1.3.

Note: The instructions here are for one node in the cluster. These steps have to be repeated across all nodes in the cluster.

Pre-Upgrade steps:

1.  Install ‘saferawdevices’ rpm

2.  Create /etc/sysconfig/saferawdevices file according to customers rc.local or /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file whichever one is being used to bind raw devices.

3.  Using saferawdevices service, tag id’s to the devices listed in /etc/sysconfig/saferawdevices.

Note: It is very important to do step 1 to 3 before upgrading to 2.1 AS as the new OS and Qlogic driver might see device id’s differently.

4.  Save the contents of /home/oracle under /opt

Cd /opt

Mkdir saved_conf

Cd saved_conf

Cp /home/oracle/* .

Cp /home/oracle/.bash_profile .bash_profile_oracle

Cp /home/oracle/.profile .profile_oracle

Cp /root/.bash_profile .bash_profile_root

Cp /root/.profile .profile_root

5.  Save the contents of /var/opt/oracle under /opt

Cp /var/opt/oracle/* .

6.  Save /etc/modules.conf under /opt

Cp /etc/modules.conf .

7.  Save /etc/hosts under /opt

Cp /etc/hosts .

8.  Save /etc/hosts.equiv under /opt

Cp /etc/hosts.equiv .

9.  Save /etc/oratab under /opt

Cp /etc/oratab .

10.  Save /etc/oraInst.loc under /opt

Cp /etc/oraInst.loc .

11.  Save /etc/sysconfig/network under /opt

Cp /etc/sysconfig/network .

12.  Save /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 under /opt

Cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 .

13.  Save /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 under /opt

Cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 .

14.  Save /etc/sysconfig/saferawdevices under /opt

Cp /etc/sysconfig/saferawdevices .

Upgrade Steps:

1.  Disconnect FC4700 fibre cables from the qlogic HBA on the node.

2.  Insert RH 2.1 AS cd1 and start installation

3.  During partition creation steps, the installer will show the following old partitions:

/dev/sda14 /

/sda5 /arc00

/sda6 /arc01

/sda3 /boot

/sda13 /home

/sda8 /opt DO NOT FORMAT!!!!!!

/sda11 /tmp

/sda7 /usr

/sda12 /var

Provide mount points to these preexisting partitions as described above and format all EXCEPT /opt where Oracle binaries are located. Preserve the IP addresses for both eth0 and eth1 and configure them as before. Make sure both eth0 and eth1 are enabled on boot.

4.  Go through the motions of RH install and choose to install required packages under CUSTOM install option.

5.  Once the installation is done reboot. Do not connect the FC4700 cables yet otherwise you will get kernel panic as the /etc/modules.conf file might not list the qlogic and megaraid drivers in a proper order.

Post upgrade Steps:

1.  Reboot the machine and login as root.

2.  Install the latest qlogic driver version 4.47-x

Mount /mnt/floppy (The floppy containing the latest Qlogic driver)

Cp /mnt/floppy/* .

Rpm –ivh qla2x00-clariion-v4.47.15.i386.rpm --force

3.  shutdown the machine and attach the FC4700 cables and reboot and login as root.

4.  Verify that the machine can see the external storage

Cat /proc/partitions

The above command should show all the luns existing in the FC4700

5.  Configure kernel parameters:

Put the following entries into /etc/sysctl.conf file

Vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Edit the file and put the following entries at the end of the file.


kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128


save the file

run the following commands as root for the kernel parameters take effect immediately.

i.  sysctl –w fs.file-max=409200

ii.  sysctl –w kernel.sem=”250 32000 100 128”

iii.  sysctl –w kernel.shmmax=2147483648

The new kernel parameters will take effect which are required by Oracle

6.  Create Oracle user and groups:

As root, run the following commands:

i.  groupadd oracle_dba

ii.  groupadd oracle_oinstall

iii.  useradd –g oracle_dba –G oracle_dba, oracle_oinstall oracle

passwd oracle

provide the new password for user oracle

7.  Copy back the contents of /home/oracle to /home/oracle which were saved in /opt in step 4.

Cp /opt/saved_conf/.bash_profile_oracle /home/oracle/.bash_profile

Overwrite the file if prompted

Cp /opt/saved_conf/.profile_oracle /home/oracle/.profile

Overwrite the file if prompted

Chown –R oracle:oracle_dba /home/oracle/*

8.  compare the old modules.conf file that was saved under /opt to the new one and at the end of the file add the missing softdog module related entries.

Vi /etc/modules.conf

Vi /opt/saved_conf/modules.conf

Cut and paste the softdog related entries from /opt/saved_conf/modules.conf to /etc/modules.conf

9.  Move the saved hosts file under /opt to /etc/hosts

Cp /opt/saved_conf/hosts /etc/hosts

10.  Move the saved hosts.equiv file under /opt to /etc/hosts.equiv

Cp /opt/saved_conf/hosts.equiv /etc/hosts.equiv

11.  This step is only required if you did not set up the hostname and eth0 and eth1 addresses during installation. If you have already done that, skip this step.

Configure the public and private network and the hostname as before by copying back the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 and /etc/sysconfig/network from /opt.

12.  mkdir /var/opt/oracle

13.  copy back the /var/opt/oracle contents saved under /opt to this new location. The file name is srvconfig_loc.

Cp /opt/saved_conf/srvconfig.loc /var/opt/oracle

14.  chown –R oracle:oracle_dba /var/opt/oracle

Create additional raw devices under /dev/raw using the script provided previously.

15.  chown oracle:oracle_dba /dev/raw/raw*

16.  mknod /dev/watchdog c 10 130

17.  restore /etc/oratab from /opt

cp /opt/saved_conf/oratab /etc/oratab

chown oracle:oracle_dba /etc/oratab

18.  restore /etc/oraInst.loc from /opt

cp /opt/saved_conf/oraInst.loc /etc/oraInst.loc

chown oracle:oracle_dba /etc/oraInst.loc

19.  install saferawdevices rpm

cd /root

rpm –ivh saferawdevices …..

20.  restore /etc/sysconfig/saferawdevices from /opt

cp /opt/saved_conf/saferawdevices /etc/sysconfig/saferawdevices

overwrite the existing file if prompted.

21.  ‘service saferawdevices check’ to check consistency. If it fails, remap and start the service.

Service saferawdevices check. If this comes back with failure:

Service saferawdevices remap

Service saferawdevices start

22.  chkconfig –level 345 rsh on

23.  chkconfig –level 345 rlogin on

24.  service xinetd restart

25.  cp /opt/saved_conf/.bash_profile_root /root/.bash_profile

26.  cp /opt/saved_conf/.profile_root /root/.profile

Note: Perform these steps on all nodes in the cluster