WSA Parent Leadership Institute
March 21st and 22nd
Rainbow Lodge in North Bend
Monday March 21st
9am to 10amIntroductions and Warm Up Exercise
10am to 11amMeet Super Mom Advocates (No Capes Required)
Casey Osbourne Hinman from Save the Children and Lauren Hipp from Momsrising will talk about their work advocating for children and families and their personal experiences as Mom Advocates
11am to 12noonRunning a Super Awesome Policy Council
Lori Pittman from Puget Sound ESD will provide tips on how to make the most out of your policy council experience and what strategies you can use to ensure a well-run policy council
12noon to 1pmLunch
1pm to 2pmEarly Learning Policy Updates and Conversation
Joel will give parents and staff an update on federal and state early learning policy issues
2pm to 2:30pmTelling Your Story
Katy will work with parents on how to advocate for young children and families by powerfully telling their stories
2:30pm to 2:45pm Break
2:45pm to 3:45pmChoice Sessions
#1 Presentation Skills Workshop
In this session we will learn how to give an effective presentation and practice with some fun exercises.
#2 Strategies to Ensure Your Child Succeeds In School
Jennifer Moore from College Access Now will be talking about how you can help your child succeed in elementary school and beyond.
3:45pm to 4pmBreak
4pm to 5:30pmEngaging Dads at Your Local Program
Drayton Jackson from Kitsap Community Resources Head Start will be conducting an exciting and motivating workshop on ways to engage dads within Head Start and ECEAP. Drayton is the student body president at Olympic College, served as a Parent Ambassador, and is currently on the board for our association.
Tuesday March 22nd
9am to 10amAdvocating for Children with Special Needs
Vicky McKinney from PAVE will join us to discuss ways you can advocate for children with special needs within K-12. She is back by popular demand!
10am to 10:30amBreak and Check Out
10:30am to 12noonUsing Data to Change the World (Part 1)
Katy and Joel will take parents on a walk-through on the state of Head Start and ECEAP today by reviewing 5 to 7 data points. We will then discuss where there may be opportunities and challenging that we can address.
12noon to 1pmLunch
1pm to 1:30pmUsing Data to Change the World (Part 2)
In the second half of this workshop we will start analyzing the data in more depth and ask ourselves what does it mean and how can we use this data to plan and make positive changes at your local programs and collectively.
1:30pm to 2:30pm Gretchen StahrBreunig, Early Learning Assessment Program Manager will share about the three components of WaKIDS, family connection with kindergarten teacher, and family engagement throughout student's cradle to career education.
2:30pm to 3pmReflections and Close