25 November 2008

JAMM Programme Graduation, Indaba Hotel Fourways

At our final JAMM session: the Simulation Module; Dr Marius Pretorius mentioned the creation of a ‘switch on’ in an individuals mind. That for me summed up the Middle Management Programme. It was a resounding ‘switch on’.

I am positive all Learners will agree with me when I say that the profiling module was great fun and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Not only did it help me understand those around me, it also changed how I react to my colleagues, family, staff as well as situations I face in my daily life.

For many years I have had a mental block towards all manner of calculations, financial statements & just plain mathematics. My Regional Manager, Mr. Herklas Visser will attest to that. The HBDI profile has enabled me to see that I do possess analytical & mathematical characteristics. This gave me the confidence to unlock my potential and create a paradigm shift on this under-utilised brain quadrant.

I must admit that the Financial Skills Module was by far the most challenging for me. Len Haasbroek was faced with the daunting task of training a group of learners who comprised of those with no financial accounting background to those who live and breath balance sheets, income statements & ratios on a daily basis. I can safely say that with Len’s guidance I am able to look at financial results and apply ratios as well as really understand what I am doing. Most of all, I really enjoy myself in the process.

The opportunity awarded to me by Bankseta and the Institute of Bankers has been one that has been inspirational and life altering. And for this I Thank both, the Bankseta and the Institute of Bankers.

Sarah Hubbard imparted a visualization exercise during the course of the People Development Module. This exercise was a key tool that has altered the course of my personal and professional life. I have a life Plan !

Phil Mnisi taught us a profound lesson back in June. The asset of any organisation is its People. People are a key resource in the War for Talent.

In order to be a key resource, we need to be aware of the constantly changing environment we were taken on such a journey over 4 days in August. At the time I did not see the full picture behind some of the technical aspects of the banking environment. However, when news of the Lehman Brothers collapse was announced I truly understood the bigger picture. A definite ‘switch on’.

Between Bankseta & IOB, the facilitators who are the best in their field were selected to train this group of Junior & Middle Managers. Much of the knowledge transfer was based on each facilitators experience in industry itself. This was insightful, realistic and often very entertaining.

I am proud to have part of a select group of individuals chosen to attend this JAMM Programme.

An integral part of the learning came from fellow Learners. The sharing of experiences, the ups and downs and the joys of working in the different organisations does create cohesion in a team. I believe that we as learners have recognized the diversity among ourselves yet have found common ground.

When we sat down to a breakfast of whiskey & oats in May of this year we may have been Ordinary Managers embarking on an Extraordinary programme.

Today we assemble here as – Extraordinary Managers who have successfully completed an Extraordinary Programme.

Ishara Satyaprakash