Suggested School/VR Agreement

OVRS Counselor/Counselor Assistant will:

  1. Be a member, and participate in, the IEP/Transition team at the high school;
  2. Outreach to educate students, teachers, other school staff and parents about the VR process and services (i.e. provide VR brochures and business cards to the school, have regularly scheduled school visits, participate in transition and job fairs at the school, attendschool IEP meetings when invited, Speak about VR services at school staff meetings, student/parent group meetings, or interagency meetings, etc.);
  3. Provide guidance about informed choice, disability issues, and employment;
  4. Participate in the screening and selection of students who will be served by VR;
  5. Process referrals and applications;
  6. Conduct preliminary assessment interviews;
  7. Securefrom school preliminary eligibility documentation/ student records;
  8. Evaluate and determine eligibility of clients for OVRS services;
  9. Maintain case note documentation;
  10. Attend Transition IEP meetings as the VR agency representative when invited by the school;
  11. Assist the Transition Specialist/Special Education Teacher and student to identify needed activities that will assist the student to make informed career choices and successfully achieve their IPE goals;
  12. Develop or accept a developed Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE);
  13. Take lead responsibility assisting the student to ensure that the activities of the IPE are carried out;
  14. Provide or arrange for funding of necessary vocational rehabilitation client services that are not the responsibility of school IEP/transition teams; and
  15. After student is no longer eligible for transition services under IDEA, continue IPE services as needed.

School Designees (Transition Specialist and Case Manager, Special Ed. Teacher, etc.)will:

  1. Identify and refer students to OVRS;
  2. Secure school documentation of disability and relevant anecdotal information to assist VR counselor in determining eligibility for OVRS services;
  3. Assist students in acquiring transportation to keep appointments;
  4. Coordinate with the OVRS counselor and student to develop any needed additional disability assessment or career exploration activities;
  5. Identify transition and career-skill readiness deficits that need to be in the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE);
  6. Coordinate IEP and IPE transition activities;
  7. In collaboration with the OVRS counselor, provide a variety of transition services, such as: development of work experiences, job shadows, and career exploration activities; provide job coaching; and develop paid employment consistent with the vocational goal of the student;
  8. Advocate for students to ensure that they have access to District training opportunities and resources (vocational classes, work experiences, etc.)that are needed in order for the student to achieve a successful school-to-career transition;
  9. Assist the student in the identification of vocational goals, potential work experiences, etc.;
  10. Meet with OVRS counselor on a pre-determined regular basis to provide updated information on student progress and status for completion of secondary school, employment, or post secondary education activities;
  11. Update OVRS counselor on any changes in status of student that impact successful completion of IEP or IPE.

School Administrator will:

  1. Provide opportunity for VR Counselor to meet with/present to a variety of staff (special education department staff, school counselors, etc.);
  2. Provide a semi-private space with telephone access for the VR Counselor to meet with students;
  3. Support school staff in obtaining documentation; and
  4. Support school staff in securing regular meeting time with VR counselor and/or project technical assistance staff.

OVRS Branch Manager/Administrator will:

  1. Ensure that relevant OVRS staff participate in training;
  2. Problem solve with VR staff around interpretation of VR policy;
  3. Support staff to work with younger students;
  4. Assist VR counselors in developing partnerships with new schools; and
  5. Support staff to maintain regularly scheduled school hours.
