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TIN No. 100-966-427-000

Telefax: (02) 961-0729; Mobile: 09183292032


Manila and Cebu City - August to December 2016



Name of Participant
Address of Institution
Email Address
Tel # (office) / Cellphone#:
  1. TRAINING MODULES. Please write the word YESon the training that you would like to attend.

Module / Date of Training / Venue / Would you attend?
  1. Statistical Data Analysis for Beginners with Software Applications
/ August 26-27, 2016
(Friday and Saturday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila / DONE
  1. Quantitative Research using Multivariate Statistical Models with Software Applications
/ Sept. 17-18, 2016
(Saturday and Sunday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila / DONE
  1. Statistical Data Analysis for Beginners with Software Applications -
/ October 29-30, 2016
(Saturday and Sunday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila / CLOSED
  1. Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS
    (This is in cooperation with UP-Asian Institute of Tourism. Venue: UP-AIT)
/ Nov. 4-5, 2016
(Friday and Saturday) / UP-AIT
Diliman, Quezon City
  1. Qualitative Research using NVIVO
/ November 12, 2016
  1. Quantitative Research using Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS
/ Nov. 18-19, 2016
(Friday and Saturday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila / CLOSED
  1. Statistical Data Analysis for Beginners with Software Applications
/ November 19-20, 2016
(Saturday and Sunday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila
  1. Impact Evaluation Methods with Software Applications
/ Nov. 25-26, 2016
(Friday and Saturday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila / CLOSED
  1. Quantitative Research using Multivariate Statistical Models with Software Applications
/ December 15-16, 2016
(Thursday and Friday) / Bayleaf Hotel, Manila
  1. Three-day Training on Research Paper Writing for International Journal Publication
/ December 19-21, 2016
(Monday to Wednesday) / Cebu Grand Hotel
Cebu City
  1. Three-day Training on ACTION RESEARCH and DATA ANALYSIS for TEACHERS
/ December 19-21, 2016
(Monday to Wednesday) / Cebu GrandHotel
Cebu City

Please email this form to: or

DETAILS about the seminars such as course outline, discount, payment options, among others are indicated in the invitation letter (separate sheets). Please visit our website or contact us for a copy of the invitation letter.

DISCOUNT for early bird participants. Please see invitation letter for more details.

COURSE FEEs are inclusive of meals, training hand-outs, training bag, cost of instruction, and certificate of participation/attendance.

PAYMENT should be made prior to the seminar. Invoice will be sent to your office upon receipt of your registration form. Please prepare check payable to Eins Review and Statistical Consultancy Center.

CANCELLATION: Cancellations should be made 5 days before the seminar. However, substitutes are welcome.

CHANGES OF DATES & VENUE: The organizer reserves the right to change seminar dates and venue.