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Mr Charlie Burton


Dear Mr Burton

Freedom of Information Act 2000 request

I am writing further to my letter of 2ndJune and with reference to your information request of 5th Marchabout the disclosure of information held by the Home Office. The length of time it has taken to conclude this case, has been necessary to collate the information and tofully consider the public interest in relation to qualified exemptions. We are now in a position to provide you with a reply to your request.

Your request was:

“I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I would be very grateful if you would provide me with a list of scientific advisory councils and committees, or ad hoc groups that you have convened or consulted for scientific advice since 1997.

For each of these could you please provide details of when they met, who was present, and the topic of discussion.”

I am pleased to be able to disclose most of the information that we collated in response to your request. Please find this information enclosedtogether with relevant explanatory context. The full list of information we are providing you is available at Annex A. However, some of the information we hold about two of the groups listed at Annex A is exempt from disclosure (the Chemical BiologicalRadiological Nuclear Resilience Advisory Group and the Scientific Panel for Emergency Response [SAPER]). The membership of these groups is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the FOI Act on the basis that disclosure would breach the Data Protection Act, and information about the topics covered by SAPER is exempt under section 31(1)(a) as disclosure would prejudice the prevention and detection of crime.

Furthermore, I neither confirm nor deny whether (under section 23(5)) any further information is held, which was either supplied by or relates to the security bodies listed in section 23(3) of the FOI Act, or which otherwise relates to national security. You should not take this statement to be an indication that such information either is or is not held by the department.

Further details about the application of exemptions can be found in Annex B; and should you be dissatisfied with this response, details of your rights of complaint can be found in Annex C.

I hope that you will find the information disclosed to you of interest, and I would like to reassure you that where used, the application of exemptions has been considered with great care in this case. The Home Office always seeks to provide as much information as it is able to.

Yours sincerely

Iain Williams

Head of the Science Secretariat


Annex A. Index of information provided (as of 5 March 2009)

Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committees / Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) and standing committee and working groups / Animal Procedures Committee (APC) and standing committees and working groups / Biometric Assurance Group (BAG)
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • ACMD was established in 1971 and is ongoing
• 2-3 meetings per annum of full council plus meetings of standing committee and working groups. Information on the working groups is available on the ACMD web site / • APC was formed in 1986 under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and is ongoing
• 4-5 meetings per annum plus standing committee and ad hoc working group meetings. Information on standing committees and working groups are published each year in the APC annual report and on the ‘Minutes of Meetings’ page on the APC web site / • BAG was formed in November 2005 and is ongoing
• 3-5 meetings per annum
Meeting dates / 2000:25 May; 16 Nov
2001:31 May; 7 Nov
2002:15 Jan; 30 May; 28 Nov
2003:1 April; 6 Nov
2004:1 April; 4 Nov
2005:19 May; 24 Nov
2006:25 May; 23 Nov
2007:24 May; 29 Nov
2008:19 May; 25 Nov / 1999:10 Feb; 7 April; 12 May; 30 June; 8 Sept; 13 Oct; 10 Nov; 8 Dec
2000:9 Feb; 12 April; 28 Jun; 13 Sept; 13 Dec
2001:14 Feb; 9 May; 12 Sep; 10 Oct; 12 Dec
2002:13 Feb; 10 April; 26 June; 9 Oct; 11 Dec
2003:12 Feb; 9 April; 25 June; 18 Dec
2004:14 April; 23 June; 13 Oct
2005:9 Feb; 13 April; 22 June; 12 Oct; 14 Dec
2006:8 Feb; 12 April; 21 June; 11 Oct; 13 Dec
2007:14 Feb; 12 April; 10 Oct; 12 Dec
2008:13 Feb; 18 June; 8 Oct; 10 Dec
2009:11 Feb / 2006: 25 Feb; 15 May; 26 Sep; 11 Dec;
2007:15 Mar; 12 June; 15 Sep;
2008: 15 Jan; 26 Mar, 9 June, 15 Sep, 8 Dec
Topics covered / • Detailed in the meetings minutes available on the ACMD web site
• Terms of reference can be found on the ACMD Terms of reference web page
• Annual reports dating back to 2001 available on the ACMD website
. / • Details of current topics are available in the current work programme page on the APC web site and in the annual APC reports dating back to 1987 which are available on the APC web site. Recent reports and publications are listed on the Home Page of the APC web site. / • Independent peer review of the approach to biometric testing
• Requirements and proposed solutions of programmes in UK government which use biometrics
Membership / • Published on the membership page on the ACMD website and listed in each annual report / • Published on the membership page on the APC web site and listed in the annual report / • Membership details of the Biometric Assurance Group are published in the annual report on the Identity and Passport Service website.
Web address / / /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committee / Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Resilience Advisory Group (CBRN) / Forensic Science Advisory Council
(FSC) / National DNA Database Ethics Group
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • CBRN was formed in 2004 and is ongoing
• Quarterly meetings per annum / •. Established in November 2007 and ongoing
•4-6 Meetings per year / • Established in September 2007
• Ongoing meetings held quarterly
Meeting dates / 2007: 3 Oct; 13 Dec
2008: 4 Mar; 18 June; 16 Sept; 10 Dec
2009: 8 Apr / 2007:19 Nov
2008:22 Jan; 18 Feb; 7 April; 23 June; 15 Sept; 1-2 Dec
2009: 2 Mar / 2007:3 Sept; 13 Dec
2008: 13 Mar; 5 June; 18 Sept; 18 Dec
2009: 4 Mar
Topics covered / • To provide scientific review of proposals and ongoing work within the Home Office CBRN Science & Technology Programme
• To provide scientific input and advice to technical working groups that directly or indirectly support provision of improved UK capability to deal with CBRN terrorism
• To provide scientific input and advice to policy documents where there is a major technical aspect
• To highlight technical developments that may benefit the development of improved UK ability to reduce the risk of CBRN terrorism / • Advise and support the Forensic Science Regulator across a wide range of issues relevant to quality standards in forensic science / • Advice on ethical issues around the operation and practice of the National DNA database
Membership / • Not available
Membership details withheld under section 40(2) of the FOI Act, see Annex B. / • Published on the Forensic Science advisory council web site / • Published on the Forensic Science Regulator NDAD Ethics Group web page on the Home Office web site and listed in the annual report
Web address / Not applicable / /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committees / DNA Analysis Specialist Group / Quality Standards Specialist Group / Digital Forensics Specialist Group
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • Established July 2008
• Ongoing meetings held quarterly / •. Established July 2008
•Ongoing meetings held quarterly / • Established July 2008
• Ongoing meetings held quarterly
Meeting dates / 2008:10 July, 19 Aug, 17 Dec / 2008:8 July, 19 Sept, 11 Dec
2009: 24 Feb / 2008: 8 July, 9 Oct
2009: 25 Feb
Topics covered / • Reviewing current DNA standards
in forensic DNA analysis / • Advice on the preparation implementation and monitoring of quality standards in forensic science / • Identifying requirements for new standards in the provision of digital forensic services to the Criminal Justice System
Membership / • Published on the Forensic Science Regulator specialist groups web page on the Home Office web site / • Published on the Forensic Science Regulator specialist groups web page on the Home Office web site / • Published on the Forensic Science Regulator specialist groups web page on the Home Office web site
Web address / / /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committees / Forensic Pathology Specialist Group / Practitioner Standards Specialist Group / End User Specialist Group
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • Established November 2008
• Ongoing meetings held quarterly / •. Established June 2008
• Ongoing / • Established July 2008
• Ongoing meetings held quarterly
Meeting dates / 2008:14 Nov
2009: 26 Feb / 2008:17 June; 5 Sept / 2008: 22 July; 25 Nov
Topics covered / • Forensic pathology quality standards and guidance / • Reviewed the accreditation of practitioners and advised on implementation and monitoring of practitioner standards / • End user requirement for forensic science services
Membership / • Membership listed below as not yet published on the web site / • Published on the Forensic Science Regulator specialist groups web page on the Home Office web site / • Published on the Forensic Science Regulator specialist groups web page on the Home Office web site
Web address / / /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committees / Home Office Science Advisory Committee (HOSAC)[1] / Surveys, Design and Statistics sub-committee (SDSSC) / Home Office Information, Systems and Technology advisory group (HO IST)
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • HOSAC was established in 2003
• 2- 3 meetings per annum / • SDSSC was established
in October 2007 as a
HOSAC sub-committee
• 3-4 meetings per annum / • HO IST was established
in November 2008 as a
HOSAC sub-committee.
• Ad-hoc
Meeting dates / 2003: 30 Oct
2004:3 Feb; 7 July
2005: 28 Feb;12 Oct
2006: 6 Apr;21 Nov
2007: 13 Jul;30 Nov
2008:22 Jan;15 May;14 Oct
2009: 28 Jan / 2007: 23 Oct; 17 Dec
2008: 15 Apr; 10 Jun; 23 Sep
2009: 20 Jan; / 2008:26 Nov
Topics covered / Topics include:
•Departmental Science Business
• Science and Innovation Strategy
• Government Office for Science
Review of the Home Office
• ID Cards / • British Crime Survey
• Migration Statistics
• Crime Statistics
• Drugs surveys
• Localisation of crime data
• Response to the UKStatistics Authority
•Consultation: ‘Official Statistics:
Serving the Public Good’. / • Systems and Technology Strategy •Development of Information Management (IM) Strategy
•Enterprise Architecture approach • IT and IM systems and processes •Next Generation Information Systems Technology Transformation programme.
Membership / • Published on the Committee’s web pages on the Home Office web site / • Published on the Committee’s web pages on the Home Office website / • Membership listattached below
Web address / / /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committees / Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) / Policy Advisory Board for Forensic Pathology / Policy Advisory Board for Forensic Pathology Scientific Standards Committee
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / •. MAC was formed in 2007 and is ongoing
• Usually once a month / • Created in 1991 following Wasserman Report.
• It met every 12 to 18 months / • Created in 1991
• It met at approximately 3-6 months intervals.
Meeting dates / 2007: 7 Dec
2008:11 meetings
2009: 6 Feb and 6 Mar / Disbanded in 2006 / Disbanded in 2006
Topics covered / • Reviewing the shortage occupation lists and defining skilled occupations • Worker registration schemes / • The Board oversaw the provision of forensic pathology services in England and Wales and considered all matters related to that subject. This included standards related to the performance of forensic pathology. / • The group advised on standards related to forensic pathology
Membership / • Published on the Committee’s web pages on the Home Office website / • Membership changed over period, 2005 membership attached / • Membership changed over period, 2006 membership attached
Web address /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committees / Police Science and Technology Strategy Group (PSTSG)[2] / Future Scanning Sub-Committee2 / Co-ordination Sub-committee2
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • Police Science and Technology Strategy Group was established in July 2002.
• approx quarterly meetings / • The Futures Scanning Sub-Committee of PSTSG was established as a sub-group of the Police and Technology Strategy Group in February 2003.
•Approx quarterly meetings / • The Co-ordination Sub-committee of PSTSG was established as a sub-committee of the Police Science and Technology Strategy Group in April 2003.
• Approx quarterly meetings
Meeting dates / 2002: 16 July; 16 Sept; 24 Oct
2003: 10 Feb; 7 April; 7 July; 13 Oct; 8 Dec
2004:15 Mar; 14 June; 4 Oct
2005: 4 Jan; 12 May / 2003: 25 Feb; 25 Mar; 8 May; 15 July; 29 Sept; 2 Dec
2004:9 Feb; 28 May; 9 Aug; 15 Nov
2005: 29 April; 25 July / 2003: 15 May; 30 June; 2 Oct
2004:26 Feb; 26 May; 9 Aug; 15 Nov
2005: 7 Feb; 29 Apr; 25 Jul; 10 Nov
Topics covered / •Providing advice to Home Secretary on the overall strategic management and funding of policing based policescience and technology, and advice on the use of powers of direction.
•Development and review of, Police Science and Technology Strategy.
•Monitoring and evaluation to provide strategic overview and advice on key policing science and technology projects. / • Identification and assessment of scientific and technological innovations that may have an impact on policing and/or crime.
•Commissioning further investigation to ensure sufficient detail is available for analysis and recommendations to be made.
•Advising Police Strategy Group on the threats and opportunities and relevant action to be taken.
•Maintain effective links with key internal and external stakeholders. / • Science and technology projects being conducted for/by the police. • Identification of appropriate criteria for setting national standards for the development of science and technology projects.
• Identification of key areas for increasing common implementation standards of the above criteria.
Membership / Membership published in Strategy Report published 16Jan 2003
Strategy Report published 26 May 2004 / Membership list attached / Membership listattached
Web address /
Name of Advisory Committee including standing sub-committee / Migration Impacts Forum (MIF) / Scientific Panel for Emergency Response (SAPER)
Duration of Existence/ Frequency of meetings / • Established in June 2007
• Aims to meet quarterly / •Established in 2002
• 1-3 times a year
Disbanded in 2008
Meeting dates / 2007:21 June; 17 Oct
2008:16 Jan; 21 May; 16 July; 15 Oct
2009:27 Jan / 2003: 22 April; 7 Oct
2004: 21 July; 23 Nov
2005: 21 July
2006: 16 Feb; 22 July; 19 Oct
2007: 1 Mar; 27 Oct
Topics covered / • Work by the Office of National Statistics to develop statistics, restrictions on migrant workers, Commission on integration and Cohesion report
• Migration and Housing, migration policy, Migration Advisory Committee work plan
• Managing the Impacts of Migration, Enforcement strategy, Crime and Policing
• Migration Advisory Committee shortage lists
• Workers registration scheme and Migration Excellence Programme
• Health and Social Care / Withheld under section 31(1)(a)
Membership / • Published on the Home Office and Communities and Local Government web site / • The Government's Chief Scientific Adviser chaired the committee and membership is drawn from Government, practitioners and academia. While the existence of the Science Working Group and SAPER are in the public domain their membership and activities are withheld under sections 40(2) and 31(1)(a) of the FOI Act respectively.
Web address /
/ NA


Policy Advisory Board for Forensic Pathology

Disbanded in 2006, membership in 2005 was as follows

Mr T J Wilson

Dr A Anscombe

Dr C Bouch

Dr N R B Cary

Dr W Lawler

Dr S Leadbeatter

Prof C M Milroy

Dr R T Shepherd

Prof H L Whitwell

Prof J Crane

Mr B Gryzmek

Prof D Pounder

Dr H Millward-Sadler

Mr G Ryall

Ms M MacDaid

Mr G Pugh

Mr D Dovaston

Dr T J Rothwell

Dr Cooper

Dr Keeling

Mr Lake

Mr A Pugh

Dr A Scaplehorn

Policy Board for Forensic Pathology Scientific Standards Committee

Disbanded in 2006, membership in 2006 was as follows

Dr H Millward-Sadler

Dr C Bouch

Dr N Cary

Prof J Crane

Ms L Griffin

Dr W Lawler

Dr B Purdue

Mr N Rheinberg

Prof H Whitwell

Dr Anscombe

Dr White

Dr Rothwell

Home Office Information, Systems and Technology advisory group:

Membership as follows

Dr Mike Rodd (Computing) Institute of Electrical Engineers

Dr Daniel McCaughan (Engineering) Royal Academy of Engineering

Professor Sheila Bird (Statistics) Royal Statistical Society, University of Cambridge

Dr Elizabeth Sparrow (Computing) British Computer Society

Dr Jon Holt Institution of Engineering and Technology

Forensic Pathology Specialist Group

Membership as follows

Harry Sadler (University of Southampton)

Jeff Adams (Home Office)

Martin Bottomley(ACPO)

Caroline Browne(Human Tissue Authority)

Linda Cockburn(Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service)

Jack Crane(Northern Ireland Office

James Grieve(Scottish Executive)

Anne Harrison(NPIA)

Paul Johnson(RoyalCollege of Pathologists)

Nigel Meadows(Coroners Society)

Basil Purdue(British Association in Forensic Medicine)

Trevor Rothwell(Consultant)

Charlie Wilson(British Association in Forensic Medicine)

Police Science and Technology Strategy Future Scanning Group

Membership as follows (as of 2006):

Alan PrattPSDB (Police Science Development Branch)

Paul GarvinACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers

Daniel McCaughanRAE (Royal Academy of Engineering)

Karl CunionOST (Office of Science and Technology)

Paul EkblomHome Office RDS (Research Development and Statistics)

Michael HornerHome Office SPU (Science Policy Unit)

Jeff AdamsHome Office SPU (Science Policy Unit)

Trevor HowittFSS (Forensic Science Service)

Stephen ThurlowPITO (Police Information and Technology Organisation)

Kevin RobsonPolice Superintendents Association

David MoorePolice Federation

Jon AsheUnison

Police Science and Technology Strategy Co-ordination Group

Membership as follows (as of 2006):

Alan Pratt (chair) PSDB (Police Science Development Branch)

Sheila Hardwick PSDB (Police Science Development Branch)

Michael Horner Home Office SPU (Science Policy Unit)

Reg PengellyHMIC (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary)

Bob GreenHome Office Police Standards Unit

Phillip Jacobs PITO (Police Information and Technology Organisation)

Paul Garvin ACPO

Kerry Curtis APA (Association of Police Authorities)

Stephen Webb Home Office (Policing Organised Crime Unit)

Cecilia Buffery FSS (Forensic Science Service)

Dave BarclayCentrex

Andy Feist Home Office Research Development and Statistics


ANNEX B – Application of Exemptions

Section 40(2)

The membership of any of these groups constitutes the personal data of those people. Therefore that information can only be disclosed where release would not breach the Data Protection Act (DPA). In the case of these two groups alone, disclosure would constitute a breach of the DPA given the more sensitive nature of the issues that they cover. The members of these groups have no expectation that their identities will be revealed, and given this and the nature of their work, it would not be “fair” to release them. to do so would breach the requirement contained within the first data protection principle (DPA Schedule 1, Part I, Paragraph 1) that the processing of personal data must be “fair and lawful”.