Prototype ReportVersion 2.1
Prototype Report
Pediatric Trauma Society Research Investigator Databank (PTS-RID)
Kenda Albertson: IIV&V, Shaper
Sepideh Azarnoosh: Prototyper, System Architect
Georges Hatem: Project Manager, Lifecycle Planner
Mehrdad Mahdavi: Project Manager, Feasibility Engineer
Nicholas McCall: Operational Concept Engineer, Requirement Engineer
Junjian Wang: System Architect, Prototyper
Version History
Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale10/15/12 / SA, JW / 1.0 /
- Early Model of the system
- Provide a few aspects of the final system
10/22/12 / SA / 1.1 /
- Prototypes of important features of the system
- Provide some more aspects of the final system
10/24/12 / SA / 1.2 /
- Errors in Prototypes corrected
- Features corrected according to the clients need.
10/31/12 / SA / 1.3 /
- Discussion Board COTS are considered
- Corrected Navigation Flow
- Search Module is corrected
- These COTS are a few selection of the existing COTS
11/26/12 / SA / 2.0 /
- Final Discussion Board COTS is selected
- Search Module is Prototyped
- A Comparison Table with weights is used for selecting the final discussion board COTS
12/01/12 / SA / 2.1 /
- Navigation Flow Updated
- Search Prototype Updated
- Some Pages were missing in the Navigation Flow Diagram
Table of Contents
Prototype Report......
Version History......
Table of Contents......
Table of Tables......
Table of Figures......
1.1Purpose of the prototype report......
1.2Status of the prototype......
2.Navigation Flow......
3.1Search Module......
3.2Discussion Board Module......
3.3Private Messaging Module......
3.4Discussion Board COTS......
PRO_DCP_F12a_T01_V2.1.docVersion Date: 12/01/12
Prototype ReportVersion no 2.1
Table of Tables
Table 1: Search Module
Table 2: Discussion Board Module
Table 3: Private Messaging Module
Table 4: COTS Comparison Table
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Navigation Flow of PTS-RID System
Figure 2: Search Module
Figure 3: Pulling Information from PubMed Program
Figure 4: Pulling Information UI
Figure 5: Rearch Result
Figure 6: Example XML File
Figure 7: Database Connection Prototype
Figure 8: Database Insertion
Figure 9: Discussion Board Module
Figure 10: Private Messaging Module
Figure 11: PhpBB Overview
PRO_DCP_F12a_T01_V2.1.docVersion Date: 12/01/12
Prototype ReportVersion 2.1
1.1Purpose of the prototype report
Prototype report helps the software engineering team to get feedbacks from the clients early in the project progress. The customer can figure out if the software is faithful to the software specification, requirements and features. It also gives the software engineer some insight into the accuracy of initial project estimates and whether the deadlines can be successfully met.
1.2Status of the prototype
This prototype shows key features of the system visually so that we can get a feedback from the clients and end user of the required system.
This prototype version has more modules than the previous version.
In this Version we considered the final discussion board COTS that we are going to use and we select it through a weighted comparison process. In this version the search module prototype is included.
2.Navigation Flow
Figure 1: Navigation Flow of PTS-RID System
3.1Search Module
Table 1: Search Module
Description / This screen shot shows the search page. The user can search for other researchers and investigators using their names, keywords, MESH words and their location to find researchers with similar or near research areas.Related Capability / WC_1493/ List of researchers according to the keyword entered.
WC_1492/ List of researchers according to their names entered.
WC_1491/ List of researchers according to the MESH word entered.
Pre-condition / User Profile Homepage.
Post condition / List of all corresponding researchers and investigators according to the words searched.
Figure 2: Search Module
3.1.1Pulling Information from PubMed
Figure 3: Pulling Information from PubMed Program
Figure 4: Pulling Information UI
Figure 5: Rearch Result
3.1.2Inserting Information to Local Database
Figure 6: Example XML File
Figure 7: Database Connection Prototype
Figure 8: Database Insertion
3.2Discussion Board Module
Table 2: Discussion Board Module
Description / The Discussion Board helps the researchers and investigators to start some topics to discuss about in public or in limited groups, let the person who creates a topic, control who can attend the topic or even delete the topic. It also provide private messaging system for the users.Related Capability / WC_1497/ keep received messages in history
WC_1496/ send and receive messages
WC_1495/ collaborate with others in desired topics
WC_1494/ collaborate with others in desired topics
Pre-condition / User Profile Homepage.
Post condition / After creating new topics or responding to a topic, the system stores all this data for future use and collaborations.
Figure 9: Discussion Board Module
3.3Private Messaging Module
Table 3: Private Messaging Module
Description / The Private Message helps the researchers and investigators to start sending messages to other researchers and collaborate with them for further investigations and researches.Related Capability / WC_1497/ Message History
WC_1496/ Collaboration through messaging
Pre-condition / User Profile Homepage.
Post condition / After sending and receiving messages, the system stores all this data for future use and collaborations.
Figure 10: Private Messaging Module
3.4Discussion Board COTS
Table 4: COTS Comparison Table
Criteria / Weight / MyBB / phpBB / NotesDocumentation / O / + / Outdated, many dead links. Simply poor.
Modding process / + / O / “without editing a single file.” Built for modding.
Additional features / + / O / Minor. Ex: Inline moderation
Security history / O / + / 151 vs. 6 since 2003
Admin UI simplicity / + / O / ex: drag-and-drop vs. dropdown menus
Comprehensive settings / O / + / advanced settings more easily accessible
Adding Styles/Themes / + / O / built-in vs. real-time preview website
The final COTS we are going to use is PhpBB.
Figure 11: PhpBB Overview
PRO_DCP_F12a_T01_V2.1.docVersion Date: 12/01/12