University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
HR Direct
Exception Time Self-Reporter Guide
Public Safety Sergeants and Officers

June 18, 2010


I. Introduction

II. How to Login and Access Timesheet

III. Overview of Timesheet

IV. What Time Do You Need to Self-Report

V. What Time Do You NOT Self-Report

A. Regular Work Schedule (including Non-Responsible Days)

B. Holiday Paid Time Off

VI. How to Report Time

A. Overview

B. Example: 1 Vacation Day and 1 Personal Day

C. Example: 1 Full Day Split Between Regular and Sick Time

D. Example: Hours Worked on a Holiday and Roll Call

E. Example: Using Holiday Time in the Week in Which it was Earned

F. Other Types of Exception Time and the Comments Section

VII. When to Report Time

A.  Deadlines

B.  Entering exception time for future pay periods

VIII. How to Securely Log Off

APPENDIX - Time Reporting Codes

Exception Time Self-Reporter Guide
Public Safety Police Lieutenants, Sergeants and Officers

I. Introduction

HR Direct Self Service allows employees to self-report their time using an online timesheet. It also provides employees access to their current leave plan balances and a history of their reported time that has been approved, processed and paid for in prior pay periods.

There are different categories of self reporters. The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions for the UMD Public Safety lieutenants, sergeants and officers, who are “exception” time self-reporters, on how to use the online timesheet. The definition of an exception time reporter is one who only reports time that is an exception to their regular work schedule, such as overtime, compensatory time, vacation, sick and personal time.

II. How to Login and Access Timesheet

A. Go to www.umassd/edu/hrdirect and click on the Login button.

B. Enter your UMassD login User ID and Password, which are the same as your email login. Select “Dartmouth” as your campus.

C. Clicking will expand the menu to the left. Click on the Self-Service link.

D. Click on the Report Time link in the center of the page (or select Time Reporting on the left hand menu, followed by Report Time).

→ NOTE: Click on View Time to see a monthly view of time you have already entered.

E. Click on Timesheet.

F. Your timesheet will open. To collapse the menu on the left, click the (To expand the menu, click on which appears after you collapse the menu )

III. Overview of Timesheet

Your timesheet page displays your personal and current job information, a calendar grid for you to report your exception time for the current week, leave plan balances and compensatory time off plan balances.

The following color-coded arrows have been added to the printscreen of the timesheet as a guide to the sections and fields.

·  The Red Arrows indicate your name, title, employee ID, employee record number and department.

·  The Green Arrows indicate the date, which defaults to the first day of the current week, as well as hyperlinks to navigate to the previous and next week’s timesheets.

·  The Purple Arrow indicates the calendar grid where you will enter your exception time.

·  The Blue Arrow indicates the balances of your leave time accruals. You will also see compensatory time off links to view detail such as balances and expiration dates.

·  The Orange Arrow indicates hyperlinks to navigate to other pages within HR Direct.

Please Note: The calendar will default to the current week. However, there are other calendar view options available in the drop down list under “View By.” For example, you can change to the current biweekly pay period by selecting “Time Period”. For ease and accuracy in entering time, it is recommended to leave the default view of week.

IV. What Time Do You Need to Self-Report

Only report time that is an exception to your regular work schedule. When you enter your hours, you will select a Time Reporting Code (TRC) from a drop-down list to identify the type of exception time.

Exception time includes the following.

A. Time worked that deviated from your regular work schedule (ex. ALT, BEV)

B. Leave paid time off (ex. Vacation, Sick, Personal)

C. Other paid time off

Examples of exception time and TRC’s follow. An inclusive list is at the end of this document. Note that Regular time is included because there will be instances when you will have to enter time worked with a TRC of REG (see example in Section VI. C.).

Examples of Exception Time / Time Reporting Code
Allowed Time (work off campus) / ALT
Bereavement / BEV
Family Sick Time / FSK
Holiday Comp Time Straight / HCTES
Holiday Paid Straight / HPS
Personal Time / PER
Regular / REG
Roll Call / ROLC
Sick Time / SIC
Vacation Time / VAC

The following are Time Reporting Codes for which you may be paid, but will not enter yourselves. This time will be entered by the Accountant in the Department of Public Safety.

Examples of Exception Time / Time Reporting Code
Compensatory Time / CES
Overtime / OVS

V. What Time Do You NOT Self-Report

A. Regular Work Schedule and Non-Responsible Days

Do not report hours that you worked according to your regular schedule. For example, if you are a full-time employee and worked 40 hours as scheduled, with no exception time, you do not self-report hours for that week. Also, if you were scheduled to work 32 hours and take 1 day (8 hours) as a Non- Responsible Day, you do not self-report hours for that week.

HRDirect has your regular work schedule, shift information and Non-Responsible Days loaded and will automatically process these hours.You can see and verify your regular schedule on your online timesheet.

B. Holidays

If you are on a 5-2 schedule, do not report hours for holidays that you are entitled to and take off according to schedule. Please note that you will NOT see these hours included in your work schedule on your online timesheet because you are not scheduled to work on the holiday. HRDirect has a record of the holidays that you are entitled to be paid for and will automatically process these hours.

For example, if you work 4 out of 5 days of your regular schedule and the 5th day is a holiday, then there will be only 32 hours of Reported Time (40 hours, minus 8 hours of holiday time) displayed. See below that the Monday Holiday on 4/19 does not display on the Timesheet and is not entered as Reported Time.

However, after your Reported Time has been approved by your supervisor and the batch process called Time Administration has run, your hours convert from “Reported” to “Payable” time. Payable Time is what you will be paid and will include holiday time. You will see it on the Payable Time Detail page.

VI. How to Report Time

A. Overview

You only need to report time that is an exception to your regular work schedule. Examples include: hours that you worked on holidays, hours that you took as leave paid time off (Vacation, Sick and Personal time), Roll Call, Jury Duty and Bereavement.

Public safety personnel who have not been pre-approved for holiday time off, must enter HCTES for Holiday Comp Time OR HPS for Holiday Paid Straight, for hours worked .

Examples of exception time which will continue to be entered centrally by the Accountant in the Department of Public Safety are Overtime, Shift Differentials and Meal Money.

Here are some examples to demonstrate how to enter exception time. They are based on a full-time employee scheduled to work 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week.

B. Example: 1 Vacation Day and 1 Personal Day

In this example, one Vacation day and one Personal day were taken. You must report these hours as exception time, as follows.

1. Entering your time.

·  Delete the REG hours for the days on which exception time will be recorded.

·  Add a row by clicking on the at the end of the time reporting row.

·  Enter 8 hours for your Vacation Day. Click on the arrow next to the Time Reporting Code field and select the appropriate code from the drop-down menu to identify the type of time. In this case, select

VAC –Vacation Time.

·  Add another row and enter 8 hours for your Personal Day and select the TRC of PER – Personal Time.

·  Only one TRC may be selected for each row. If more than one day during the week is taken for the same TRC, it may be entered on the same row. One code per row.

·  You may add as many rows as necessary in order to report time accurately.

2. After you have completed entering your exception time for that week, click thebutton.

3. Next, Click the button.

4. The timesheet displays that you reported 16 hours as an exception to your total of 40 scheduled hours and 24 hours of REG time. Your Vacation and Personal time balances have decreased by the number of hours you entered.

5. Time Reporting is complete.

After your Reported Time has been approved by your supervisor and Time Administration has been run, the system will prepare compensation equivalent to your Payable Time to be paid to you.

C. Example: 1 Full Day (8 hours) split between Regular and Sick Time

In this example, on a day that 8 hours were scheduled, 4 hours were worked and the remaining 4 hours are reported as Sick Time. All of these hours must be reported as exception time because a full day, in accordance with the schedule, was not worked.

1. Entering your time.

·  Change 8 hours of REG time to 4.0 hours.

·  Add a row and on the same date, enter 4 hours worked and select the TRC of SIC – Sick Time.

·  The total for the day must equal 8 hours. Only one TRC may be selected for each row.

2. After you have completed entering your exception time for that week, click thebutton.

3. Next, click the button.

4. The timesheet displays that you reported 4 hours as an exception to your total of 40 scheduled hours. You will also have 36 hours of REG time. Your sick time balance has decreased by 4 hours.

5. Time Reporting is complete.

After your Reported Time has been approved by your supervisor and Time Administration has been run, the system will prepare compensation equivalent to your Payable Time to be paid to you.

D. Example: Hours Worked on a Holiday and Roll Call

In this example, 8 hours on a scheduled holiday have been worked and 1 comp day off with pay will be earned. In addition, roll call was attended.

·  Add a row and enter 8 hours on the day the holiday occurred and select the TRC of HCTES (Holiday Comp Time Earned Straight).

·  Enter .25 hours on the same day, different row, and select the TRC of ROLC. If a ROLC row already exists, enter .25 hours on the day the holiday occurs.

NOTE: If you wish to receive pay instead of time for your holiday time worked, select HPS as your Time Reporting Code.

To complete time reporting, follow B and C, Steps 2 – 5.

E. Example: Using Holiday Time in the Week in Which it was Earned

If hours earned on a holiday are to be used during the same week, it is necessary to do the

following to “trick” the system into accepting the Time Reporting Codes:

·  Enter the HCTES code and the hours worked on the day of the holiday (do not wait until

Friday of that week).

·  Allow Time and Labor Administration to run that night.

·  When the Timesheet is accessed to report HCTU, change the start date of the week to the day

AFTER the holiday occurred. The system will then “register” the Time Reporting Code of

HCTES, thereby allowing HCTU to be entered.

NOTE: If HCTES time is taken after the week in which it was earned, no other steps need to be

taken to record the time as HCTU. The system will recognize the Time Reporting Code


F. Other Types of Exception Time and the Comments Section

Other common types of exception time that you need to report include Jury Duty, Allowed Time for off-campus work and Bereavement Leave. An inclusive list is at the end of this job aid.

The steps for self-reporting this time are the same as in Examples B – D. However, for Allowed Time (ALT) and Bereavement Leave (BEV), additional information must be entered in a section called “Comments” to explain where and/or why the time was worked or taken. Examples follow.

1. Allowed Time Worked at Non-UMD Off-Campus Location

·  Report hours worked at non-UMD off-campus locations, such as conferences or training.

·  Select the TRC of ALT (Allowed Time).

·  To complete time reporting, follow B and C steps 2 – 5.

→ NOTE: Hours worked at UMass Dartmouth locations such as ATMC or SMAST are NOT considered off-campus and should not be reported as ALT, if in accordance with your regular work schedule.

After the time has been entered and submitted, the Timesheet page will display. Click on the link. Then click on the appropriate day’s Comments bubble and enter where/why you worked off-campus.