2017 Horses In Action Program

Entries Close at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, 30th August 2017

Late entries will be accepted, but will incur a $5.00 late entry fee

Stewards: Michelle Nicholls and Steve Nicholls

Gail Sharman Hacking (commencing at 9:00 am)

Ribbons to 4th Place

1.Leading Rein - Best Presented Combination

2.Leading Rein Rider

3.Leading Rein Pony/Horse

4.Leading Rein - Handler

5.8 and Under - Best Presented

6.8 and Under - Rider

7.8 and Under - Pony/Horse

8.8 and Under - Handler

9.Fancy Dress - Open to all to be held a the end of the hacking program

(depending on numbers)

10.Best presented Pony 14 or under

11.Best presented Hack over 14 hands

12.Rider 9 - 12 Years

13.Rider 13 - 16 Years

14.Rider 17 Years and over

15.Handler - Rider 9 - 12 Years

16.Handler - Rider 13 - 16 Years

17.Handler - Rider 17 Years and over

18.Pony Hack under 14hh

19.Hack over 14hh

Neville Westlund Show Jumping (commencing at approximately 1:00 pm)

Ribbons to 4th Place

20.Equitation for lead line and 1st ridden (games to follow) Sponsored by WFI

21.Horse & Pony 30cm (AM7) Sponsored by WFI

1st place $15.00 2nd place $10.00 3rd place $5.00

22.Horse & Pony 45cm (AM7) Sponsored by GL & CF Yewers

1st place $25.002nd place $15.003rd place $10.00

23.Horse & Pony 60cm (AM7) Sponsored by GL & CF Yewers

1st place $25.002nd place $15.003rd place $10.00

24.Horse & Pony 70/80cm (AM7) Sponsored by WFI

1st place $25.002nd place $15.003rd place $10.00

2017 Horses In Action Program

Stewards: Michelle Nicholls and Steve Nicholls

Games (commencing at 11:00 am)

Ribbons to 4th Place

25.Leading Rein

a.Bending Race

b.Sock Race

c.Lollypop Race

d.Walk Trot Run

26.Bending Race

a.8 & Under

b.9 to 12 years

c.13 to 16 years

d.17 years and over

27.Sock Race

a.8 & Under

b.9 to 12 years

c.13 to 16 years

d.17 years and over

28.Lollypop Race

a.8 & Under

b.9 to 12 years

c.13 to 16 years

d.17 years and over

29.Walk Trot Run

a.8 & Under

b.9 to 12 years

c.13 to 16 years

d.17 years and over


AM7: In this competition a competitor with a clear round rides the jump
off course before leaving the arena. The rider has 45 seconds to go through the starting flags after the judge sounds the bell for the jump off. The AM7 may include two (2) new obstacles in the course.

Booralaming Pony Club was founded 40 years ago and although the club is no longer running it is fitting to celebrate its inception in keeping with Koorda’s 100 years celebrations. Mrs Lesley McNee has kindly donated the Booralaming Pony Club Memorial Trophy which will be awarded to the rider gaining Overall High Points

Conditions of Entry

1.The organisers/committee of the Koorda Agricultural Show reserve the right to cancel, alter or combine any event/s they may deem necessary on the day.

2.All persons on horseback are required to wear a recognised STANDARD APPROVED helmet and boots, as a condition of entry.

3.Rider’s age will be as at the day of the event.

4.Stallions are not permitted.

5.The judge’s decision is final. Under no circumstances is approaching the judge or officials who are judging or coaching from the side or the arena/ring permitted. Failure to abide by this rule will lead to disqualification of riders associated with the interference and forfeit of entry fees and removal from the grounds may result.

6.Dogs are not permitted

7.The Koorda Agricultural Society and its committee, judges or officials, DO NOT accept any liability for any accident, loss, damage, illness or injury to horses, owners, riders, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever. Entry into the grounds is at your own risk and the Waiver of Liability Form must be completed and signed by all entrants prior to participation in the equestrian events.

8.Cruelty or abuse to horses will absolutely NOT be tolerated.

9.Lead line, if numbers permit will be split into walk only and walk trot ages 3 to 8 years.

10.1st ridden parents must remain close to ring for assistance


Plaiting and Jackets are optional, however, AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS approved
safety helmets and boots are compulsory. Tack must be clean and safe. RANDOM CHECKS WILL TAKE PLACE.

Entry Fee - $20.00 for the day, plus $10.00 helpers fee.

The helpers fee will be redeemable on completion of duty.

Entry into the grounds is $15.00 per adult.

Children under 16 free.


For all enquiries please contact Michelle Nicholls on 9684 1307

or email .

Entries can be posted to: Michelle Nicholls - Koorda Equestrian Entries

PO Box 145, Koorda WA 6475

Faxed to:9684 1288


Payments can be made via electronic funds transfer to:

Koorda Agricultural Society

BSB: 633 000

Account No:146895701

Please place your initials and surname for our reference.