Membership Meeting – May 8, 2017

IN ATTENDANCE: Executive Board Members: Susan Rietano Davey, Susie Downey, Jennifer Gorack, Jim Stapleton, Janet Stokesbury. Athletic Director: Tim Filon General Membership: Susan Arciero, Mary Michele Neagle, KC O’Brien, Robin Saxe, Val DiBella

The meeting was called to order by S. Rietano Davey at 7:35 p.m.

MINUTES. The minutes from the meeting of April 17, 2017 were approved. Motion by S. Downey and second by M.M. Neagle.

TREASURER’S REPORT. J.Stapleton presented the Treasurer’s Report. The bank account balance is currently higher due to activity from the Migli Golf Tournament. There was also an anonymous donation in the amount of $1,000. There was no other activity.

NEWS. J. Stokesbury reminded members to vote on Wednesday, May 10, in the Town Budget Referendum. A new principal was hired for Avon High School and he will start on July 1. If you are on Facebook, please like Collinsville Press and Avon Patch as they both give AHS sports results. The CIAC Scholar Athletes for this year are Austin Chen and Christine Oberhausen.

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S REPORT. T. Filon and team reps reported on Spring sports results. Boy’s tennis is 7-1. Baseball has make the playoffs and played a game at the new Dunkin Donuts Park in Hartford. Carly Carpino has set a new school record in the 100M hurdles in girl’s track and field. The crew regatta was moved from Saturday to today. T. Filon listed Spring Week games (unfortunately Spring Spirit week was held during AP exams). No night games were available. There were mixed student reviews of the pep rally.

SPRING SENIOR DAYS: S. Downey reported on the dates for some teams. She also went through the list of current team reps and commented on those leaving and whether or not a replacement for next year was still needed.

SENIOR RECOGNITION EVENT: J. Gorack reported on the event scheduled for Wednesday, May 24, at 6:00 pm. She has a list of students going on to play varsity sports in college and they will be invited to the event, together with their coaches and family.

MIGLI GOLF TOURNAMENT: S. Downey and J. Gorack reported on the team baskets for the auction. The baskets seem to be a great success as many of them are very generous. KC O’Brien suggested a 9 hole option in the AM for next year.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: S. Rietano Davey reported that she is working on the record boards and making great progress. The hope is that next year we can update all the team pictures on the walls of the school. She has measured it out and there appears to be enough room to make the pictures current. She also spoke about a succession plan for the Booster Club Executive Board as many will be leaving (graduating) the Board after next year. She will send the last Booster Bulletin to the 8th grade class.

The meeting was adjoured at 8:17 by Motion made by R. Saxe and seconded by S. Downey.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Stokesbury

Acting Secretary