Call for Participation inbound FRIENZ Study Group Tour on Resilient Cities

The FRIENZ study group tour is part of the European Commission/New Zealand FRIENZ (Facilitating Research and Innovation cooperation between Europe and New Zealand) project. This is a three year European Commission FP7 project initiative in partnership with the New Zealand Government. The project partners include The Royal Society of New Zealand, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Euro Research Support Limited, The French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), The German International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, The Finish VTT Innovation and knowledge economy.

The FRIENZ project seeks to:

·  Create new and deeper strategic science and innovation partnerships

·  Develop a greater understanding of the conditions needed to stimulate the engagement of private sector and commercial enterprises in NZ and EU schemes

·  Create closer institutional (research organisation/funder) bilateral collaboration

·  Develop greater awareness among NZ and EU science and innovation communities of opportunities of mutually beneficial research related activities

The FRIENZ project will provide funding to assist selected European delegates to participate in a Study Group tour through New Zealand for 5 days from 7 - 11 September 2015. The task of the delegation is to promote opportunities for collaboration in research and innovation with New Zealand; strengthen existing relationships; and stimulate new collaboration with New Zealand research organisations and innovation partners.

Resilient Cities is a priority for collaboration under the EU-NZ Science and Technology Cooperation Roadmap 2014-2016. The focus of this Resilient Cities tour is “Resilient City Infrastructure”. It will specifically focus on innovation in design and new solutions to meet changing needs, to manage hazards and to create a sustainable built environment. Topics covered by the tour can include services such as transport, energy supply, water supply, storm water, waste disposal and management and telecommunications.

Participants are expected to strengthen on-going relationships and collaboration with their New Zealand counterparts in the theme area.

Potential tour destinations:

It is expected that successful participants will travel to New Zealand and visit Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. The exact dates for hosts availability and venues in each city are yet to be finalised.

The tour visit to Auckland will centre on the University of Auckland; while the University of Canterbury is expected to host the tour in Christchurch. Both these engagements will promote greater awareness among New Zealand and European Union science and innovation communities of mutually beneficial research opportunities. In Wellington, it is anticipated that the study tour participants will meet with the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, other funding investment agencies, along with a selection of policy agencies involved with Resilient City infrastructure and the Building Research Association of New Zealand.

Representatives from the European Union research, university and innovation sectors can apply for travel and accommodation support up to the value of EUR4200 to participate in this FRIENZ study group tour. The travel policy, in line with European Commission, requires the prudent use of public funds. This precludes premium economy or business class travel. Where travellers would like to book (or upgrade) their tickets, the FREINZ project may reimburse the traveller to the value of an economy airfare. The FRIENZ Project Officer, Michelle Wickens will assist with booking your travel arrangements.

Eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria for applicants are that they are either:

·  Considered to be European researchers/managers, in a position to develop new proposals to formalise knowledge sharing between Europe and New Zealand (New Zealand, Horizon 2020 and Member State funding programmes); or

·  Have an established relationship with a New Zealand Science Leader at a leading New Zealand research organisation or company in the theme of Resilient City Infrastructure with whom they intend to build collaborative relationships through the proposed study group tour; or

·  A European Science Leader or Industry Leader who could benefit from linkages to potential commercialisation partners in Europe and New Zealand.


The applicant must be working in an area(s) relevant to Resilient Cities.

Assessing Applications to select Participants

·  Applications will be considered by a Selection Panel in order to ensure a representative mix.

·  Preference will be given to key actors of research or industry who demonstrate strong relevant interests and potential benefit to both Europe and New Zealand. In particular:

o  Opportunity for research collaboration

o  Alignment of interests to the Resilient Cities theme

o  Levels of relevant expertise

·  The FRIENZ Sectoral Contact Point (SCP) and FRIENZ Consortium partners reserve the right to nominate European science leaders to be considered for this call.

Please fill out the application form and email to Michelle Wickens (), Project Officer FRIENZ before 09:00 Monday 27th July 2015 (New Zealand Time). Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 3rd August 2015.

Application Form
FRIENZ Study Group Tour to New Zealand - Resilient Cities
7 - 11th September 2015

Dear Applicant,

Please fill out this form and return it as soon as possible or before 09:00 Monday 27th July 2015 (NZ Time) to Michelle Wickens, Project Officer (FRIENZ) (). Please note our email server cannot receive emails over 6MB in size.

1.  Personal Information

First name / Surname
Fields of Specialisation
City/Post Code / Country

Research Background

2.  Short description of your motivation for attending; include your experience in Resilient City Infrastructure related research and innovation and current interest in research direction, max 200 words.

3.  Short description of your interest in Resilient City Infrastructure development in New Zealand, max 100 words.

4.  Short description of your experience in forming national and international collaborations with researchers and companies, include how you might progress any relationships established through the tour, max 200 words.

5.  Potential contacts for the targeted organisations in New Zealand (if any)

Organisation / Contact Name / Tel / email / Your relationship

6.  Curriculum vitae information

Please complete the following:

Academic qualifications

Delete and start typing here. List in reverse date order. Start each qualification on a new line as per the example:

E.g. Year conferred, qualification, discipline, university /institute.

Professional positions held

Delete and start typing here. List in reverse date order. Start each position on a new line as per the example:

E.g. Year to year, job title, organisation.

Total years research experience / years
Top 3 Resilient Cities related publications and/or patents / Journal articles / Books, book chapters, books edited / Conference proceedings / Patents
Current and previous research work (maximum 3 contracts)

Repeat and expand box below as necessary.

Research title:
Principal outcome:
Funding organisation and value:
Please provide 3 examples of the commercial, social or environmental impact of your previous research work

Please delete and begin typing here. Provide no more than five examples relevant to your application.