Minutes of the Meeting held on the 15th March 2010

Public Forum: There were five members of the public and their names are recorded with these minutes. The Chairman asked whether the three representatives from SKDC and Miracle Design and Play Ltd would like to bring forward their presentation so as to enable a more open discussion in the public forum, which they agreed.

-  Mr D Kitchen, SKDC and Mr R Howard, Miracle Design and Play Ltd outlined the proposed scheme of providing play facilities for young persons aged between 8/13yrs olds located at the Recreation Ground, Ancaster at an estimated cost of £40,000 as a alternative to development at Charlestown.

-  This work would be done under a Sec106 Agreement and involve no

charges to either the Parish Council or Playing Field Committee.

-  It was proposed to locate the play equipment in the far left-hand corner of the Playing Fields with grassed mounds, wild flower planting and an exciting range of play equipment.

-  The Parish Council would be responsible for obtaining Planning

Permission and the costs of insurance/maintenance each year, estimated at


It was recommended that it would be better located down the right-hand side of the Playing Fields, which is away from development and also does not interfere with the cricket pitch and maybe it could accommodate a lower age range, assuming that the current play area is removed. The Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions and stated that the matter would be further considered by the Parish Council under item 10 (e) of the agenda and the results notified to both SKDC and the Supplier.


Councillors G Harley, D Jeffery, Mrs J Pearsey, Mrs B Campbell, R Dunk, Denise Gascoyne (RFO) and N Vernon (Clerk).

(1)Welcome by Chairman: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and hoped that it proved to be successful.

(2) Apologies for Absence: Apologies had been received from Councillors N Parker, J Monaghan, J Mival and D Davies with reasons which were accepted. Councillor R Wootten also gave his apologies.

(3) Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.

(4) Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th February 2010: The Minutes of the meeting held on the 8th February 2010 were agreed unanimously and the Chairman signed them as a true record.

(5) County Council, District Council and Police Matters: Councillor T Scott passed a copy of a document given to him by Councillor R Wootten to Councillor D


Jeffery concerning the question raised at the previous meeting in respect of Conservative Party policy on planning. In response to a question, Councillor T Scott agreed to check the latest situation in respect of planning permission for the Equestrian Centre, Fir Tree Lane, Sudbrook as there had been some recent activity on this land and the importing of soil.

(6) Finance:

(a) Issue of Cheques: The following cheques were unanimously agreed for

payment and signed by the Chairman and Councillor D Jeffery:-

C Bradford £265.20 J Harley £191.40 N Vernon £305.94 Cemetery Rates £77.42

N Vernon Expenses £66.32 D Gascoyne £110.00

R Tyler £91.00 C Bradford Expenses £14.38

Gard Fire Ltd £34.08 M H Blankley £180.82

Chandlers Oil £998.10 Selta £10.00

Bunzl Cleaning £85.93 R Webster £517.00

LALC £23.35

The RFO drew attention to two cheques which had been received without

going through the agreed process of prior approval for the work to be done by

the Finance Working Party. In one of these situations it was an emergency

plumbing job, but in the other case there was an opportunity for approval. It

was agreed that this particular invoice be returned and enquiries made as to the

content of the work completed. It was agreed to contact Chandlers and find out

if there are any benefits in having a “top up” system and also an electronic

gauge for measuring the level of oil. The RFO was asked to obtain a deposit

from the vicar in respect of his booking of the Village Hall.

(b) Financial Report: A copy of the financial report for the month of March

2010 prepared by the Responsible Financial Officer was circulated and agreed


(c) Report of Finance Working Party:- There was no report by the Finance

Working Party

(7) Planning Matters:

(a) Mr L Johnson, Single Storey Rear Extension, Wood Lodge, Ermine Street,

Ancaster, Householder Development. Notification of Parish Council


(b) Mr J Marsh, Erection of Single Storey Side & Rear Extensions including

Carport, 6 Ermine Close, Ancaster. Approved Conditionally 25th February


(c) Mr A Fovargue, First Floor Side Extension and Single Storey Rear

Extension, 17 St Martins Way, Ancaster. Notification of Parish Council


(8) Parish Hall Matters:

(a) Parish Hall Working Party: It was agreed unanimously that the Clerk contact the Architect who had given a report to the last meeting and enquire whether he would be willing to check a draft tender document before it was sent out for tender and clarify the some of the costings given in his report.


(b) Play Group Application Extended Hours: An application to extend the Play Group hours into an afternoon had been received and a Wednesday was recommended at a similar cost to that which presently is charged, which was noted.

(c) Accessibility Checks for Village Hall: The Community Council will be carrying out an accessibility check towards the end of this month, which was noted.

(d) Community Lincs, Village Hall, Affliliation Scheme: It was agreed to continue membership of the Village Hall Affiliation Scheme and a cheque to the value of £40.00 was issued.

(e) Lincolnshire Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund 2010: The Clerk gave details of the above fund and it was agreed unanimously to submit an application for the costs of drawing up Phase 3 of the Village Hall Improvement Scheme.

(f) Keys to Village Hall: Councillor D Jeffery asked that a set of keys be made available in the village for times of emergency when maybe both Caretakers are not available. It was agreed that instructions be given to the Caretaker to obtain a duplicate set of keys.

(9) Highway Matters:

(a) Site Visit Area Highways Manager: The site visit with the Area Highways Manager had taken place and both Councillor D Jeffery and the Clerk attended. The Clerk gave details of the specific areas inspected and the actions to be taken will be included on the next agenda, which was noted.

(b) Refuse Vehicles Sudbrook: There had still not been a reply to the letter sent and the Clerk was asked to chase up a response.

(c) Grit Bins: The Clerk read out a reply from the Highways Department which indicated that they were having a review of the winter maintenance programme and any amendments would not be introduced until October 2010. No more grit bins will be approved for the remainder of the current winter season.

(d) Rights of Way, Parish Paths: The RFO confirmed that accounts had been submitted to the Highways Department for payment of both last years work and the current year.

(10) Outdoor Amenities:

(a) BT Kiosk, Sudbrook: This matter was still outstanding pending the return of Councillor D Davies and it was agreed to bring it to the next meeting.

(b) Public Liability Sudbrook Village Hall: Councillor Mrs J Pearsey had checked the deeds and the land was vested in the Trustees of the Sudbrook and West Willoughby Village Hall Committee and it was agreed for the Clerk to contact the Parish Council’s Insurance Company to cover public liability of the grassed area.

(c) Site Visit, Ancaster Cemetery: Natural England had visited the cemetery with Councillor D Jeffery and the Clerk and they agreed to draw up a new maintenance agreement, but in the meantime continue with the existing cutting regime ( i.e., NE part for 2010) pending the issue of a new document. They also agreed to allow the strimming of grasses at a height of 30mm rather than wait for it to grow longer on the part which is set aside. They also asked that the Parish Council submit a formal request for the transfer of land recently purchased by the Wildlife Trust as this land would need to have an archaeological survey carried out before any planning consent was given and this would be payable by the Parish Council, which was noted.

(d) Playing Field Registration of Deeds: The Clerk confirmed that the deeds for the Playing Fields had been sent to the Land Registry for registration purposes and should


be returned shortly.

(e) Presentation by Dale Kitchen, Playing Fields Ancaster: The presentation had been brought forward into the public forum part of the meeting and it was now up to the Parish Council to decide on the action to be taken. It was agreed unanimously to support the proposals put forward in principle and for the Clerk to write to the Playing

Field Committee so as to obtain their views. In the meantime to also enquire from SKDC how they propose to re-locate the play equipment in the new position and extend its use to a younger age group. A further report will be given to the next meeting on the outcome.

(f) Complaint Mr R Collins, Cemetery: The Chairman went through the individual complaints made by Mr R Collins and the following action was unanimously agreed:-

- a 2” concrete edging can be placed around both graves provided that these

are level with the surrounding ground at all times, so as to not interfere with

grass cutting.

- details of the policy for burials is placed on the Parish Councils website and

also at the entrance to the Cemetery for the information of residents.

- a letter is sent by the Chairman expressing the Parish Council’s regret that he

experienced a problem and hoped that the measures being taken will resolve

these issues

(g) Station Adoption Scheme: Following the advertisement in the Parish Newsletter two people have expressed an interest in joining the Station Adoption Scheme and the Clerk was instructed to contact them with a view to an application form being submitted.

(11) Correspondence: The correspondence listed under (a –d was given to Members for them to circulate between themselves.

(12) Clerk’s Report:

(a) Basic Computer/Internet Training, Parish Hall, For the Over 60’s: The training sessions are continuing and it was agreed that a charge of £1.00 per hour be made for anyone wishing to use either laptop separately in the Village Hall and 10p charge for printing paper per sheet.

(b) Co-option of Councillor: There is still a vacancy for a Councillor and Members were asked to try and recruit another Councillor to the Parish Council so as to complete the full complement.

(c) Contract Caretaker/Booking Clerk: The Chairman signed the Contract of Employment for the Caretaker/Booking Clerk.

(d) New Standing Orders: The Clerk gave details of a new set of Standing Orders recently issued by NALC and it was agreed that he go through them and give a report to the next meeting on any changes.

(e) CiLCA, Section 7 Power of Well-being: The Clerk advised that he had been successful in passing Section 7 of the Certificate in Local Council Administration, Power of Well-being.

(f) New Website: Details of the new website were given to Members and these can be obtained from, which was noted

(g) Best Kept Villages: It was agreed that no action be taken


(13) Training:

(a) Power of Well-being Course: The Clerk reminded everyone that they had been booked on this course on the 16th June 2010 at Washingborough and Councillor R Lovett will be providing the transport, which commences at 7.00pm.

(b) Dealing with Finances: It was agreed that the RFO attend this course to be held at Osbournby Village Hall on the 31st March 2010 at 7.00pm

(c) Audit Training: It was agreed that the RFO attend this course to be held at

Cranwell Village Hall on the 11th May 2010 at 7.00pm

(14) Items from the Public Forum not Requiring a Resolution: There were no items from the public forum requiring a resolution

(15) Urgent Matters for Attention: The Chairman asked that the light in the smaller car park adjacent to the Social Club be reported as it is not working.

(16) Date of Next Meeting: The date of the next meeting is 12th April 2010 and it was recommended that Councillor N Parker give a brief report on progress with the Emergency Planning Report. Also updates on Phase 3 Village Hall, Playing Field Scheme, and Station Adoption Scheme.

The meeting closed at 9 30pm




It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become the decisions of the Parish Council until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.