Mechanicsburg Little League Association MinutesSeptember 2012

  1. Call to Order: 8:03pm
  1. Roll Call

Jeff Shatzer, PresidentBill Thomas, Instructional

Pam Wasson, All StarsDreon Olivetti, T-ball

Erik Reisser, TreasurerJennifer Robinson, Safety Officer

Meredith Thomas, SecretaryCindy Schmidt, Community Liaison


Bryan Hellam, Fall Ball

Adam Jonas, Majors

Alex Manning, Minors

Steve Laudenslager, Vice President

  1. Association Member Comments or Communications

No association members in attendance.

  1. Approval of July Meeting Minutes – requested revisions are being made.
  1. Treasurer’s Report & 2012 Budget – Erik Reisser reported that MLLA is operating with a profit for the year the thanks in part to the 8 year-old District Tournament income. We had a loss for the month of August due to the fact that no money is currently coming in.

a) Joint Concession Stand Status –We have received donations/pledges of approximately $36,000. Brian Jamiolkowski is working with the architect to develop a plan that would be more cost effective and is looking to work on permits. Meredith Thomas reminded all board members that board support is essential to the project no matter how small the donation.

b) Batting Cages –Jeff Shatzer has secured Chris Sellers to complete the batting cage. He will likely begin in 2 weeks.

c) Tractor Storage at Koser –Jeff has the tractor storage key, but has not locked it due to St. Joe’s football needing to access it. The green MDT mower will be stored at Koser & the John Deere returned to York Street.

d)PRIDE Game – Erik is working with Camp Hill to coordinate.

e) Teener League – Jeff and Steve spoke spoken with Upper Allen about the potential for a Mechanicsburg Little League 50/70 Teener program; Currently the local Teener program is run by individuals from Upper Allen, but is a “Mechanicsburg” team in name.

10.New Business

a) Community Liaison Communication – Cindy Schmidt shared a communication the wrote to the board and stressed that the board needed to work together for the common goal – which is making our league the best as it can be

b) Chris Heisey Fundraiser – Meredith has been working with Andy & Krista Dollman (MLLA coach/parents) to coordinate a Fundraiser with Cincinnati Red Chris Heisey. It will take place on November 17th and will include a clinic and autograph session. When details are finalized a flyer will be sent to all MLLA families. Assistance with the event will be needed. Chris is donating his time and all proceeds will directly benefit MLLA.

c) Halloween Parade – Steve is working with the Rotary Club to coordinate. The Rotary players from 2012 are invited to ride on their float. All MLLA players/coaches/parents are invited to walk with the float. The parade is 10/9.

d) Fall Clean-Up Date – Scheduled for Saturday, November 10th from 10-12. Clean-up help will be solicited. The majority of the work will be at York Street and Finkenbinder fields.

e)2013 On-line Registration – Meredith thinks that encouraging on-line registration is the best way to get people to register early/on-time for the spring season. Meredith has researched and spoke extensively with on-line registration companies. She is in the process of selecting the most user friendly and reasonably priced provider. Meredith requested the authority to set up a merchant account with paypal. A motion was made by Cindy Schmidt and Seconded by Dreon Olivetti to set-up the merchant account. She also requested that we raise the registration fee to cover the cost of on-line registration, but offer a discount of that amount for early registration (before 1/15). On-line registration is expected to start December 1st.

f)2013 Spring Season & Dates:

Registration – online December 1-January 31. In person January 16 & 19.

No majors/minors after that date without board approval and only in the event that there is room. Instructional & t-ball have a $25 late fee. T-Ball Commissioner indicated she will not take t-ball registrations after March 1st as it is disruptive to the program.

Evaluations – Sunday, February 3rd & 10th

Spring Clean-Up – Saturday March 2nd beginning at 10am; Rain Date 3/9

Practice Begins – Saturday March 16th (can be earlier in that week if field maintenance is completed)

Opening Day – April 13th

g) Levels of play and evaluation process – we need to have a plan in place as a league going into evaluations so the evaluation process and team draft/division can operate smoothly. Meredith asked that the board members consider their thoughts on the matter so the evaluation process can be discussed at the next meeting. Based ONLY on the 2012 “guestimated” numbers for 2013 are below:

12s – 22; 11s – 9; 10s – 29; 9s – 36; 8s – 29; 7s – 25; 6s – 32; 5s – 32
h) Building – Our pest inspection suggested that we have our building treated as it had been 10 years since a full treatment was done. There is also mold in the building due to excessive moisture in the crawlspace. The downspouts on the north side of the building need to be extended away from the building and a dehumidifier is needed for the building. Meredith agreed to purchase both items.

The roof on the equipment sheds needs to be replaced and there is a bulb out in one of the light fixtures in the rear of the building. The hot water heater is broken and will be replaced by Mark Fake.

Sharing for the Good of the Order


11.The meeting was adjourned at 9:20pm.