Appendix One

/ מדינת ישראל
משרד החינוך
המינהל למדע וטכנולוגיה
הפיקוח על הוראת האנגלית
Name of Activity: The Farm Mouse and The Town Mouse
Course book: Freddy`s World Plus
Topic / The Farm Mouse and The Town Mouse-a story
Developed by
/ Amir phachima
Date / 1/2/2012
Grade / 4th
Suggested Time / 2 lessons
21st Century Skills / ICT Skills:
  • Internet You TubeThe country Mouse and The city mouse
  • Internet Literacy-practice
  • Media Literacy
Comparing and contrasting
Making personal connections
Domains /
  • The domain for appreciation of literature and culture.
  • Access to information from spoken and written texts.
  • Presentation

Purpose of Activity /
  • Students will be able to give their opinion about a movie using the Present Simple-`has` and `is`
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast life on the farm and in the town.
  • Students will be able to describe the main characters.
  • Students will be able to understand the general meaning and main ideas.
  • Students will be able to identify explicit opinions and feelings.
  • Students will be able to present their opinions and choices, supported by visual aids.

Description of Activity
  1. Introduction-
Present 2 pictures-one of a mouse in the town & one of a mouse in the town.

Ask the pupils what do they see? What are the differences between the town and the farm?- using the patterns:
"The farm mouse has/ is…", "The town mouse has/is…"-write it on the board.
  1. Lesson Body-
Show the YouTube movie The country Mouse and The city mouse
What are their names? What where do they live? What do they have in the country and what do they have in city?
Pre-reading activity:
Find the names of the mice and their living place.
Answer orally.
Read the story in pairs.
Post-reading activity:
Compare and contrast the story and the YouTube
Individual class work-workbook p.75-77
  1. Summing Up
Ask the pupils for new information/ words/patterns that they`ve learned from the lesson.
Students' Outcomes / Students will have the ability to choose where they would like to live.The students would present their choice on a Word document using patterns such as, "I like the ______because ______", etc.
The students must also add a suitable picture.
Homework / Workbook p.75-77
(the link will be on the school`s site)
Follow-Up / The second part of the story starting out with their presentation of their choice.
Listen and follow the second part of the story.
Teacher's Reflection /
  1. I used a YouTube movie because it is a good way to motivate students in the topic and invites them to enjoy and for the weaker students to understand. caters
  2. I used pictures because it's a simple way to introduce a subject, predict, or support ideas.