Appendix One
/ מדינת ישראלמשרד החינוך
המינהל למדע וטכנולוגיה
הפיקוח על הוראת האנגלית
Name of Activity: The Farm Mouse and The Town Mouse
Course book: Freddy`s World Plus
Topic / The Farm Mouse and The Town Mouse-a story
Developed by
/ Amir phachima
Date / 1/2/2012
Grade / 4th
Suggested Time / 2 lessons
21st Century Skills / ICT Skills:
- Internet You TubeThe country Mouse and The city mouse
- Internet Literacy-practice
- Media Literacy
Comparing and contrasting
Making personal connections
Domains /
- The domain for appreciation of literature and culture.
- Access to information from spoken and written texts.
- Presentation
Purpose of Activity /
- Students will be able to give their opinion about a movie using the Present Simple-`has` and `is`
- Students will be able to compare and contrast life on the farm and in the town.
- Students will be able to describe the main characters.
- Students will be able to understand the general meaning and main ideas.
- Students will be able to identify explicit opinions and feelings.
- Students will be able to present their opinions and choices, supported by visual aids.
Description of Activity
- Introduction-
Ask the pupils what do they see? What are the differences between the town and the farm?- using the patterns:
"The farm mouse has/ is…", "The town mouse has/is…"-write it on the board.
- Lesson Body-
What are their names? What where do they live? What do they have in the country and what do they have in city?
Pre-reading activity:
Find the names of the mice and their living place.
Answer orally.
Read the story in pairs.
Post-reading activity:
Compare and contrast the story and the YouTube
Individual class work-workbook p.75-77
- Summing Up
Students' Outcomes / Students will have the ability to choose where they would like to live.The students would present their choice on a Word document using patterns such as, "I like the ______because ______", etc.
The students must also add a suitable picture.
Homework / Workbook p.75-77
(the link will be on the school`s site)
Follow-Up / The second part of the story starting out with their presentation of their choice.
Listen and follow the second part of the story.
Teacher's Reflection /
- I used a YouTube movie because it is a good way to motivate students in the topic and invites them to enjoy and for the weaker students to understand. caters
- I used pictures because it's a simple way to introduce a subject, predict, or support ideas.