ANZAED Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 23 September2015

  1. Present: Beth Shelton (chair)☒, Kim Hurst☒, GabbiHeruc☒, Sloane Madden ☐, Claire Diffey☒, Olivia Carter☒, Rachel Lawson☒, Randall Long☒,Sarah Mitchell ☒, Sonja Skocic ☒, Jeremy Freeman☒(minutes)
  1. Apologies: Susan Paxton☒, Jo Titterton☒,Julian Baudinet☒,
  1. Wednesday 22 July, 2015 meeting minutes

Minutes approved: Gabbi

seconded: Sarah

- Business arising

  1. Thursday 20 August, 2015 meeting minutes

Minutes approved: Claire

seconded: Gabbi

- Business arising

  1. Welcome to new members, President’s report (Beth)

Beth warmly welcomed new committee members Olivia, Sonja, Randall & Julian to the Executive Committee. She thanks Sloane for his contributions re his Presidency, noting Warren, Andrew & especially Anthea’s contributions. Also thanked Kim, Jeremy & committee for the excellent GC conference

Beth advised that she has spoken to most Executive committee members and the following chairs are confirmed:

-Carer-consumer task force: Claire

-Online PD: Sarah continue

-Local conference committees will continue as they are

-Autumn WS:Gabbi continue; flagged for transition

-PD, Advocacy & Partnership committee: Gabbi

-Meeting of PD chairs: Beth

-Finance & Sponsorship: Kim

-Policy & Procedures: Susan continue

-Membership: Susan, flagged for transition

-Social Media: Olivia

Olivia will also join the Membership committee (cross pollination with SM)

Sonja will join the Online PD & Membership committees

Jeremy had previously attended all committee meetings and looked after agendas and minutes, but now each committee will look after its own agendas & minutes. Jeremy happy to consult with these, particularly over the transition.

Jeremy to continue to manage the agenda and minutes of the Exec meeting and will attend the CCTF, Online, CCTF, AWS, PD, A&P, Finance & SM committees.

Terms of reference (circulated)

-Annual conference committees

-Autumn workshop series

-Online PD

-PD Advocacy & Partnership

It was decided to change the proposed of titleof the “PD Strategy and Partnerships committee” to includeadvocacy”. . The committee will involve response to policy initiatives and strategic planning as well as enhancing ANZAED’s partnerships with other organisations. The composition of the committee will be by invitation at this point with an open call for members at a later date. Exec members can email their interest in participating to Gabbi.

All TORs unanimously approved

Other Terms of Reference

-to be developed by chairs, consistent with the format of the PD committee TORs. Note in particular the need to finalise and forward the minutes to the Exec committee for approval within 3weeks (2 weeks for minutes and 5 days for committee members to make any changes before forwarding to Exec).

-Anything with major policy, finance, direction implications for ANZAED need to be advised to the Exec. Committee for approval. This can be communicated by email, written report or verbal report at Exec meeting

-Any urgent matters can be directed to the Office Bearers between Executive meetings

  1. 2015 Conference review (Kim)

-Conference guidelines

Kim has been reviewing the guidelines to insert standard letters and extend roles of conference committee members – to facilitate delegation of tasks. Kim to send out a draft revision for comments by end of next week.This can be emailed as a whole to the next conference chair


Happily advised that the profit was approx. $60,000 – second largest to Melbourne 2013


Thursday: 100

Friday: 270


Overall: 300

Olivia collated the feedback (thanks)

-Pre-conference workshops: most people rated them Very Satisfactory or Satisfactory.

-The research & self-help workshop were not well attended, possibly due to the high quality of other workshops and high number of choices.

-The symposium with carer and consumer were very highly rated

-Key Skills workshops very highly rated but perhaps felt to be short at 30mins

-Keynotes generally Satisfactory and Very Satisfactory

-Case discussion: mixed feedback: some wanted more questions,

-AGM – of 117 who responded to the survey: 70% did not attend: continues to be a challenge to make it more appealing. Would it help to have it over breakfast (as an incentive)?

-Posters - Not enough time to look at them, - wanted more time with researchers standing by. This year it was already improved – could look at away of further improving - ? a longer session or inserted in the program?

-Venue, food, positive, cocktail party – unfortunately inside. Mixed feedback re band (some liked, some didn’t)

-Twitter: most people did not use this or on twitter – may need to review this / inform people more beforehand?

-Rachel has seen the full evaluation

-Jeremy to send full feedback to Sydney conference convenors

Beth thanked Kim – great success of the conference itself and the profit.


Jeremy is supporting an ongoing relationship with Wesley & others are being pursued

  1. 2016 Conference (Rachel)

-An update was circulated – supported

-Roger Mulder gave feedback via Jenny Jordan

-He said he did not feel able to speak too much on EDs. Focus more on updating PDs& temperament. Could though liaise with Jenny Jordan to identify relevant links. This was supported by committee

  1. 2017 Conference (Jeremy)

-A 2 hour harbour cruisefor the cocktail party is being considered. This was supported, but with a suggestion of a backup for weather.

-The suggestion to invite Christine Morgan, Butterfly head, onto the organising committee was supported

-A possible workshop suitable for carers on Saturday is being considered – discussion carried over

  1. 2018 Conference


Carried over

  1. Autumn workshop series (Gabbi)

-A local workshop by Beth, Kim & Gabbihas been added – see website:

  1. Inpatient position statement (Sloane)

-Review of process, outcome & feedback (attached)

-Request to review outpatient position statement

Carried over

  1. Canberra Exec meeting

-Thursday 10 March (approx. 930am – 5pm; plus dinner) arrangements., bookings

-ANZAED will supply return airfare & Thursday night accommodation.

Action: Please advise Gabbi if you are able to attend.

  1. Tax (Jeremy)

-Proposal to appoint Jeremy Freeman as “Public Officer” with the tax department (replacing Paul Foulkes) to enable online submission of quarterly Business Activity Statements and other correspondence with the ATO

-Proposal that Kim Hurst (Treasurer) be identified as an “authorised contact”

  • Beth proposed
  • Gabbi seconded

Unanimously approved

  1. Establishment of a new $10,000 Term Deposit to act as security for the ANZAED Visa card (Jeremy)

Proposal: that the Secretary, Susan Paxton and President, Beth Shelton are authorised to and here by consent to establishing a new term Deposit for $10,000 to act as security for the ANZAED Visa card account: 4336-8799-1031-4974

Kim proposed

Rachel seconded

Approved unanimously

  1. 2015 “At Home with Eating Disorders II” conference (Claire)

& ANZAED/CEED Breakfast meeting (Claire)

-Discussion held over

  1. Correspondence from Advocacy and Communications Committee (ACC) of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) (Jeremy)



-Discussion held over and letter given to the PD Advocacy and Partnerships Committee for their attention

  1. DD report (Jeremy)

-Noted and content and readability valued

  1. Carer & Consumer Task Force (Claire)

-First meeting next week

  1. Treasurer/Finance/Sponsorship (Kim)

-We require a 2015 auditor’s review – being arranged

  1. Secretary, Membership, SIGs, Policies & Procedures (Susan)

Held over

  1. PD Chairs (Beth)

Noted above

  1. PD, Strategy, Advocacy, & Partnerships Strategies (Gabbi)

-TOR attached

Noted above

-Webinars (Rachel)

No new comments

  1. Online PD (Sarah)

A Binge Eating Disorders online resource package proposed and approved

  1. Social Media (Olivia)

-Project Officer 6 month contract extension was approved – till end April, to include NEDC e-network

-For discussion then at March planning day meeting - Olivia to plan format of this review

-Scott’s revised contract to be circulated

-TOR being developed

  1. Advocacy

-Recent federal response (Gabbi)

The federal Primary Health Carer advisory group required urgent feedback by early September - which the Office Bearers quickly processed

  1. Other Business / business without notice

-Claire thanked Beth for a stirling job as chair for her first meeting

  1. Upcoming meetings

-28 October, 25 November
3 pm NZ; 1pm Sydney, Melbourne; 12.30 pm Adelaide; 12pmQld; 10 am Perth