Smart Thinking Toolkit – February 2005

OXO Thinking

Smart Thinking Tool: / OXO Thinking
Thinking Skills: / Identifying relationships

What is it?

OXO refers to the noughts and crosses in the well-known game (also called tic-tac-toe). In OXO thinking, two players take turns to put subject-linked ideas onto a noughts and crosses game board. As each idea is placed, a relationship/link to all the adjacent (vertically/horizontally/diagonally) ideas must be thought up.

How does it work? Example

Define your learning objective

e.g. to know that a complete circuit is needed for electricity to flow

Establish game rules

All ideas must be linked to the learning objective

The final board must include a key word – in this example: ‘circuit’

In turn, players find relationships between the idea they place and any ideas adjacent to it

Players score 1 point for every idea and 1 point for every relationship

Teacher’s word is final in any disputes

Sample moves

bulb / bulb
bulb / energy / bulb / energy
battery / battery

Possible Uses

ICT / Different pieces of software/hardware; uses for ICT – at home/school/business; ICT problems
Literacy / Categories of spelling word – high frequency/’ight’/CVC; genres of fiction; features of non-fict.
DT / Possible customers; products made of plastic/wood/metal; tools; features of a design req.
Music / Types of music; composers; instruments; ways to perform; concert venues; notation
P.E. / Sports; sportspeople; positions in a team; features of a tactic/strategy; world record holders
Humanities / Places; key dates; historical figures; features of a locality; features of a landscape
Arts / Artists; well-known works of art; media; colours; materials with which to make art
PSE / Emotions; laws; features of friendship/health; qualities of a good citizen
Use to explore ideas in a creative way: Curriculum subjects (may discover new cross-curricular links); staff roles (may discover innovative workforce remodelling options); Features of effective leadership (re-examine leadership roles)
Aspects of a satisfying job/relationship/career/family; different types of alcohol; different ways to have fun; different ways to spend £25
Parents/Homework Support
Spelling words; Numbers; Key aspects of homework; Things seen through the car window; Stuff that needs tidying in a bedroom


Player 1: Player 2:

1 point for each word; 1 point for each link

We are learning about:

Player 1 – Words and Links / Player 2 – Words and Links

©2005 Mike Fleetham. Permission granted to photocopy. Please acknowledge source, thanks.