Title I, Part DPlanning Worksheet
Instructions:Reflecting on State and national data for the indicators below,developtargets for your program for school year(SY) 2015–16 and actions needed to achieve your targets. Select from the list of possible indicators provided, adding additional indicators on page 2 if necessary. You can also fill in your State’s data for SY2013–14 whenthe data areavailable.
Indicators / Data / TargetsSY2015–16 / Actions for SY 2015–16 Targets
State / SY2012–13
National Average / SY2013–14
GPRAMA (Subpart 1) / Earned high school course credits
Earned a high school diploma or GED
Improved in reading on pretests and posttests
Improved in math on pretests and posttests
LEADING INDICATORS / Percentage of long-term students served (more than 90 calendar days) who have both pre- and posttest scores in reading, Subpart 1 (S1)
Percentage of long-term students served (more than 90 calendar days) who have both pre- and posttest scores in reading, Subpart 2 (S2)
Indicators / Data / Targets
SY 2015–16 / Actions for SY 2015–16 Targets
SY 2012–13
State / SY 2012–13
National Average / SY 2013–14
LEADING INDICATORS / Percentage of long-term students served (more than 90 calendar days) who have both pre- and posttest scores in mathematics, S1
Percentage of long-term students served (more than 90 calendar days) who have both pre- and posttest scores in mathematics, S2
Percentage of students who enrolled in a school after exit from a Part D program, S1
Percentage of students who enrolled in a school after exit from a Part D program, S2
Percentage of students served who earned high school course credits up to 90 days after exit, S1
Percentage of students served who earning high school course credits up to 90 days after exit, S2
Title I, Part D Planning Worksheet—1