Kippax Parish Council

Meeting Minutes

20th October 2016

Cllrs Woolnough, Shaw, Laycock, McEwan, Montague, Bate, Eyre, Lonsdale, Purcell, Parker Spivey. / Absent.
Key Issues / Updates and Actions
1. To accept apologies / Cllr’s Gaitley, Morley, Kelly, Hardwick / Clerk
2. Declaration of interests / None. / All
3. Police and Crime Commission / Crime figures. See Police web-page for details. / Police
4. Public Forum. / Jon Crossley gave an update on the progress with the Skate park. Progress is being made with the drainage construction. Questions were raised regarding seating and litter bins. The Tesco Funding Application was sent in and accepted. There may be a decision in December. The Veolia Funding Application decision will be made in December. / Public
5. Minutes of Last Meeting / Approved. / All
6. Matters arising from previous minutes. Not on this agenda. / None / All
7. Finance and Corporate Governance Meeting. / FINANCE.
i) Accounts for payment.
Approved with the exception of payment for item 6. Portable Skate Park and Contribution for refitting the Angels Arm. Further discussion required with L.C.C when Cllr Morley returns from holiday.
ii) Funding Applications.
a)  The Friday Night Project has closed down. The temporary skate park has taken over. This is getting good attendance figures. There has not been a funding application for this.
b) Growing Zone.
This application was deferred pending further information being received from the YLCA.
Corporate Governance.
i)  i) Audit Group. The external Audit has been completed with no major issues being noted.
2) Information has been received from L.C.C advising that there may be a cost for the next election. This requires to be budgeted for in the Precept next year. / Clerk
Cllr Hardwick
8. Planning / A) Questions on published report.
The Chairman of the planning Committee gave a brief run down on the report.
Double garage in front garden. Refused.
House extension in Valley Ridge. Approved
Trimming of trees on Leeds Rd. Not approved. Waiting for report.
New restaurant is applying for retrospective planning to become a Take Away.
B) Items requiring decisions. None.
i)Neighbourhood Plan
An e mail was received confirming a further delay in the completing of the report.
i)  Site Allocation.
Nothing to report.
C) Items requiring Expenditure. None / Planning Committee
NHP Group.
Planning Committee.
9. Youth Group / A) Questions on published report.
B) items requiring decisions.
i) Multi Wheeled Games Facility. (Skate Park)
See above for detail.
C) Items requiring expenditure. None / Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
10. Communications / A) Questions on published report. We now have 6 outlets for the sale of the Calendars.
B) Items requiring decisions. None. Maps. Deferred until the November meeting.
C) Items requiring expenditure.
None / Communications Advisory Committee
11. Village Services / A) Questions on published report. Complaints have been received regarding fires on farm Land at the back of Apple Tree Close. This may have now stopped.
Dog waste bins have been noted to be overflowing.
Footpath from Lime Tree to Sandgate. The trees are littered with dog waste bags.
Offensive Graffiti has been noticed on East View.
Cllr Eyre as offered to re paint the war memorial Gates. K.P.C to supply the materials. The position of the new information board (lectern) must be agreed.
B) Items requiring decisions. None
C) Items requiring expenditure. None
i) Lengthsman. A working group required to identify what work the Lengthsman is to undertake.
ii) War Memorial.
The war memorial has been repaired.
iii) Scarecrow Competition. Nothing to report
iv) The Hermitage. Nothing to report. / Village Services Advisory Committee
Cllr Morley
Cllr Eyre
Cllr Woolnaugh
12. Projects. / 1. Update on meetings with L.C.C Ward Councillors. Nothing to report.
2. Update on current projects and projects under consideration.
I i)) KIB. Have won the category. Congratulations were expressed by all councillors.
ii) Kippax Meadows. Nothing to report. TO BE REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA.
iii). Mini projects. Suggestions for mini projects to be requested in the magazine. 10 maximum.
Lights Switch on. Help required on the night from as many councillors as possible. / Cllr Morley
Cllr Bate
Cllr Morley
11. CORRESPONDENCE / Various advertising mail shots have been received. / Clerk
12. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING / Funding for Chairs in the Community Centre to be produced before the next council meeting. Town and Parish Council Forum. / The Clerk
13. Date of next meeting. / 17th November 2016. / The Clerk

Chairman’s Signature & Date