Triennial Program Report

This page provides the structure of the triennial report. Enter your report in the online system at There you will find data reports and places to add comments or upload files.

Department or Program:

Majors Offered:

Faculty by Rank:

Report Prepared By:


State of the Department or Program

Provide a summary of the department or program at the present moment (up to 3 pages, single-spaced). Include the following:

·  The department/program's mission and how it fits into a Lawrence education.

·  The current state of the department/program: its personnel, curriculum, and connections to other programs. Include findings from assessment of student learning and, if applicable, surveys of recent graduates.

·  The strategic direction of the department/program: its goals, current and planned initiatives, upcoming changes in personnel or offerings, and advances toward greater diversity and inclusion.

·  A statement of needs, including resources or support the department/program is seeking from the university.


·  3-year budget & spending (have administrative assistant generate budget report)

·  2-year projected equipment needs (if applicable; link to form in system)

·  Library journal holdings, with any suggested changes (request report from Jill Thomas, Director of Technical Services in Mudd Library)


·  5-year majors, minors, and graduates, with demographics

·  5-year course enrollments

·  5-year enrollments in directed study, tutorials, independent study, internships

·  3-year list of Senior Experiences


·  Major learning outcomes & assessment (link to form in system)

·  Curriculum map linking major requirements to learning outcomes (optional: link to template in system)


·  List of department courses that serve general education requirements: distribution (no prerequisites), diversity (G, D), and competency (Q, S, W, FL)

·  Courses assessed for GER learning outcomes in the last 3 years, with a summary of findings and program changes

OTHER UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS (for reports from home department or program)

·  3-year list of faculty teaching in Freshman Studies, by year/term

·  3-year list of faculty course offerings in interdisciplinary programs, by year/term


·  Faculty list

o  Name

o  Rank & number of years at that rank

o  Current number of advisees (tenure-line faculty only)

o  CV (a button will be added to the Faculty Accomplishments page in Voyager so that faculty can upload a current CV)

Information for each faculty member:

·  3-year list of:

o  courses

o  directed studies, tutorials, independent studies, and academic internships

o  Senior Experiences advised (optional: honors projects advised)

·  3-year list of faculty accomplishments: awards or honors, major grants, publications or performances, etc., indicating those co-authored with students (individual faculty should enter faculty accomplishments in Voyager)

·  3-year list of university committee and faculty assignments, including service as a department or program chair (tenure-line faculty only)

Last revised: May 31, 2018