August 21st, 2007

8:00 a.m. @ Momma Jane’s


Mike Richardson The Dalles Irrigation District

Sherlene Bowen Chenowith Water PUD

Robert Awmiller Chenowith Water PUD

Bill Ketchum Crestline Construction

Marty Matherly Wasco County Public Works

Jim Bailey Wasco Electric Coop

Greg Jensen Crestline Construction

Mindi Thayer NW Natural Gas

John Walker NW Natural Gas

Brenda Huskey City of The Dalles Public Works

The meeting was called to order at 8:07 a.m.


Minutes of the July meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Marty reported our current balance to be $2,852.03 after $96.70 spent on pizza for last month’s luncheon.

Damage Report:

Arthur handed out the substructure damage summary. City of The Dalles was the only one reporting damage.

Old Business:

Let Bill Ketchum know if you want to go to the Oregon Underground Council meeting September 12th & 13th in Medford.

Last month’s luncheon at Wasco County Public Works went very well. Gary Hyatt, President of the Oregon Underground Council, gave a very informative presentation.

New Business:

It was decided our next luncheon would be on site in Murray’s Addition with Crestline Construction and Chenowith Water PUD on September 5th at noon. In October we will have the luncheon with NW Natural Gas and Mindi will check with Gary Hyatt to see if he can attend. Bill will get a head count to Arthur so he can order pizza.

Bill asked if we want to do a contractor’s night in the fall/winter months? Sherlene thought it would be a good idea since the construction season is pretty much over with and underground questions, thoughts and issues are still fresh in everyone’s mind. Thursday, October 18th at 4:30 p.m. at Spooky’s is the date set for our fall contractor’s night. Speakers will begin their presentations at 5 p.m. A flyer will be sent to the contractor mailing list, Mindi will do a PSA, we will put an article in The Chronicle in the ‘What’s Happening’ section and see if we can’t do some radio spots. Greg will see if he can arrange a speaker who will address confined spaces. Mindi will see if she can have someone do a public safety talk. Mike will see if the special district’s loss prevention department will give a presentation so everyone can hear a different perspective. Everyone start thinking about neat door prizes.


Round Table:

Sherlene Bowen – Chenowith Water PUD

v  13th Street & Chinook tie-in

v  Cascade Court mainline replacement off 8th Street between Hostetler and Chenowith Loop

v  Tank construction on Cherry Heights

v  Chenowith Road Project with Crestline

v  Service for Habitat for Humanity on Lockwood

v  Valve at the top of 16th by the Kingsley Reservoir

Mike Richardson – The Dalles Irrigation District

v  Normal operations

v  Tree trimming projects

Marty Matherly – Wasco County Public Works

v  Have completed the Muddy Road, Phase 2

v  Have completed paint striping

v  Working on chip sealing Wells Road, Carroll Road, Orchard Road, Rail Hollow, River Road and Bret Clodfelter

v  Correction pass with AC on Mill Creek Road from Orchard to the first bridge

v  Seven Mile Hill realignment

v  North Fork Mill Creek culvert replacement project

Bill Ketchum & Greg Jensen – Crestline Construction

v  Chenowith Intertie Project

v  Re-directing a flume in Parkdale

v  Finishing up subdivision in Stevenson

v  Subdivision across from Walmart in Hood River

v  Eastside Intertie Project by Les Schwab

v  Clearwell Project for the City

v  Going to bid on the E. Fremont Street Collector project

Jim Bailey – Wasco Electric Coop

v  Putting in underground on the lower end of the landfill on Steele Road

v  Short runs to individual residences

John Walker & Mindi Thayer – NW Natural

v  Main replacement at 14th & Washington in The Dalles

v  New line installation to Providence Hood River Hospital with abandonment of the old line

v  New services to the subdivision off May Street and Rocky Road & 30th in Hood River

v  Subdivision by Walmart

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:37 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Huskey, Secretary