Atamel Construction works with one of the biggest bank of Turkey – Fortis. Alanya’s department of Fortis is our partner.

About Fortis

In 1990, N.V. AMEV, a largeDutchinsurer, and VSB Group, part of a Dutch bank, joinedtheirforceswith AG Group - a largeBelgianinsurer - tocompletethefirstcross-borderfinancialmerger; andtoestablishthelargestfinancialservicesprovideracrossEurope.

AG Groupboosted a strongposition in theBelgianinsurance market at the time andwas market leader in a variety of sectors. N.V. AMEV wasabletocontribute a pretty strongposition in theDutchandtheinternationalinsurancemarkets. Meanwhile VSB was a successfulretail bank in theDutch market.

Fortis has grownsubstantially since itsinception, thankstobothorganicgrowthandacquisitions.

In 1993, Fortisacquired a majorityinterest in ASLK-CGER, a Belgian bank andinsurer, fromtheBelgiangovernment. In 1997, acquisition of a further 25% of theshares of ASLK-CGER, broughtFortis' stake in thiscompanytoapproximately 75%. Thesameyear, FortistookovertheDutchmerchant bank MeesPierson. ThesemovesgreatlybolsteredFortis' activitiesandexpertise in bankingandbancassuranceconsiderably, particularly in thefields of private, corporateandinvestmentbanking. Theyalsosubstantiallyincreasedthelevelandscope of thebank'sinvestmentactivities.

InJuly 1998, Fortiscompletedthemergerwith Generale Bank in Belgium. In a two-step takeover, Fortisacquired98.2% of Generale Bank, whichwasthenmergedwith ASLK-CGER in June 1999 to form Fortis Bank.

Theintegration of of ASLK-CGER, Generale Bank, VSB Bank andMeespierson (in exclusion of MeespiersonPrivateBanking) wascompleted in 2000. InMarchthesameyear, Fortisincreaseditsstake in BanqueGénéraleduLuxembourgfrom 53% to 97.73% of thebank'ssharecapital.

The AMEV ASR integration in 2001 madeFortisthebiggestinsurer in theEurozone. In 2002, Fortisacquired 100% of IntertrustGroup. Intertrust is active in trustandcompanymanagement.

Fortismade a strongentrancetotheTurkishfinance market in 2005, acquiringDışbank.

Thevolatilityexperienced in financialmarkets at a globalscale in September 2008, has increasedcapitalneeds of Fortis. On 28th Septemberand 10th October 2008 theBelgianStateacquiredfromFortisGroup 99,93 % of theshares of Fortis Bank Belgium, themajorshareholder (94.1 %) of FortisTurkey. At thesame time theBelgianStatealsoconcluded a Protocolwith BNP Paribasforthesale of 75 % of theshares of Fortis Bank Belgiumto BNP Paribas. The transfer bytheBelgianState of 75 % of theshares of Fortis Bank Belgium, themainshareholder of Fortis Bank Turkey, to BNP Paribas has beenapprovedbythe General Meetings of theFortis Holding Shareholders in Belgiumand in theNetherlands on 28th April and 29th April respectively. Thisshare transfer has beenclosed as of 13.05.2009 and BNP Paribasbecamethemainshareholder of Fortis Bank Belgium. Fortis Bank Belgium is themajorityshareholder of Fortis Bank Turkeyowning 94.11 % of itssharesandtheBelgianStatecontinuestohold 25 % shares of Fortis Bank Belgium.

FortisTurkeywith an evenstrongercapitalstructurecontinuesitsstronggrowthwithhighqualityservices, financialexpertise, innovativeandaffordableproducts. FortisTurkey is active in Retail, Corporateand Merchant BankingandAssetManagement.


With a mortgagefromFortis, speciallydesignedfor EU residents, buy thehouse of yourdreamswiththemostadvantageousconditions. Here, you can findeverythingyouneedto buy a homewith a Cross-BorderMortgagefromFortis.

  • First 5 years pay onlyinterest
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  • Specializedmortgageprofessionals
  • CompetitiveRates
  • LongTerms, upto 25 years
  • Allmajorcurrencies
  • Customizedpaymentplans, tosuityourpersonalsituation

RequiredDocument / Employed / Self-employed / Retired
Officialtaxstatement of themostrecentyear in thehomecountry / * / * / *
Copy of the Tapu of theobjectthatwill be bought (“Kat mulkiyet tapusu” or “Kat irtifak tapusu + yapikullanim izin belgesi”) / * / * / *
Copies of passportsmadeandsignedbythebranchornotary / * / * / *
Incomestatement of employerssignedbytheemployer / * / *
Officialdocument/declarationfrom a publicnotary/cadastrethatthepersonwhosignedtheincomestatement is allowedtosign / * / *
Bank statementsdeclaringtheincome (not olderthan 3 months) / * / *
Annualreport of the holding companyforthelasttwoyearstogetherwith a copyfromtheshareholderregister / *
Documentsprovingmonthlyfinancialobligations (rent, houseloaninstallments, alimentation) / * / * / *
Overview of privateassetsprovenbyofficialstatements / * / * / *
Overview of privatedebtsprovenbyofficialstatements / * / * / *
Signedapplication form / * / * / *