Sports Funding statement 2016-2017
At Ravenshead C of E webelieve that physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes physical growth and development. Therefore, we aim to provide positive experiences in order to encourage our children to gain a lifelong interest in physical activity. We provide a broad and balanced programme of Physical Education which we believe every child deserves. It is intended to be enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular. Our wide range of activities include athletics, gymnastics, dance, games, swimming and outdoor education. High quality PE provision in our school is designed to satisfy the needs, abilities and interests of all individual children.
At RCEP, all our children receive their entitlement to 2 hours of physical activity per week. Each class has a designated PE slot where the playground/field/ hall is to be available for use by that class for the purpose of physical education. All our Year 6 children benefit from high quality PE provision provided by Joseph Whitaker Sports College as part of their transition to secondary school. Furthermore, we offer a range of sporting clubs to all our children both before and after school to encourage an enjoyment of, and participation in regular physical activity.
Objectives of spending
- To continue and extend high quality sporting provision
- Broaden the opportunities and experiences available to all pupils, regardless of ability
- Provide professional development opportunities for staff
- To promote and encourage a life-long love and enjoyment of sport within our pupils
- Maintain strong link with Joseph Whitaker Sport College
- Provide opportunities for children to take part in competitive sport
A review of the previous academic year
Last year we managed to provide high quality sporting provision to all Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children in a variety of sports. This was achieved through employing professionals to deliver curriculum time coaching in each year group from Foundation Stage to Year 6. We believe that many of these opportunities promoted and encouraged a love and enjoyment of sport in many of our pupils. We always intend our class teachers to observe and work with the external providers to maximise the potential for high quality CPD to up-skill our team.
We promoted physical growth and development in Key Stage One through employing a professional gymnastics coach to deliver high quality provision to all children in Years One and Two. Children of all abilities enjoyed this experience and were enthusiastic about their coaching. Key Stage One staff reported an increase in their own confidence in teaching gymnastics after working alongside the coach, claiming the expert coach had used equipment and techniques they had not had the confidence in using previously. All Year One children also benefitted from professional Handball coaching; a vigorous and enjoyable experience which children themselves reported to have increased their love of sport. We also offered an after school club to these children in the hope of progressing their skills and continuing their enjoyment. This opportunity will be continued in the current academic year due to its previous success.
Vigorous and purposeful physical activity was developed in Key Stage Two through focussing on the development of skills in a specific sport; Year Three and Four: cricket and tennis; and Year 5: tennis and basketball; Year 6: basketball and rugby.
All Key Stage Two children were offered a place at our Archery after school club. The purpose of this was to offer an opportunity for children to broaden their sporting experiences. This club was extremely popular with boys and girls, and noticeably with children who would not usually take up sporting opportunities. We feel this was a huge success and inspired many of our children to enjoy a love of sport for the first time.
All children also took part in Athletics coaching, delivered by a professional coach. All teachers were able to observe and work alongside the coach in each of the sessions, allowing them to gain quality, front line professional development. Therefore, this opportunity was incredibly important for both our pupils and our teaching staff. We hope that as our staff gain more experience of working alongside professional coaches they will be better equipped to teach effective PE sessions in the future.
The data below aims to show the impact of the Sport funding on our children’s participation in high quality sporting activity.
- Number of children receiving professional coaching during curriculum time
Stage / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Total
Academic year 2014-2015 / 0 / 60
Handball / 57
Gymnastics / 56
Cricket / 48
Archery / 49
Archery / 58
All PE provided by JW sports college / 328
Academic year 2015-2016 / 58
Rugby / 54
Tennis / 57
Tennis / 56
Tennis / 51
Tennis / 57
Basketball / 57
(and PE lesson at JW) / 390
- Number of children receiving professional coaching through attending before/after school clubs.
Academic year 2014-2015 / Tennis / Football / Netball / Hockey / Archery / Basketball / Total
20 / 50 / 20 / 20 / 30 / 15 / 155
Academic year 2015-2016 / Handball / Dance / Athletics / Hockey / Archery / Cricket / Netball / Tennis / Football / Basketball / Total
30 / 72 / 15 / 30 / 31 / 50 / 40 / 20 / 15 / 15 / 318
Our aims for the current academic year
In the academic year 2016-2017we are using the PE and Sport Funding to fund the swimming lessons enjoyed by Years 3 and 4. With the remaining budget, we aim to continue to increase participation in enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular physical activity both during and around the school day. Having evaluated provision provided last year we aim to continue good practice where we see a positive impact whilst improving or adding to it, where possible. We will aim to prioritise these opportunities to children who may not otherwise have such sporting opportunities with the aim of inspiring as many of our children as possible to lead active and healthy lifestyles. We also aim to evaluate the specific impact of each of our after school clubs to better understand their impact and value for money. Please see below a breakdown of the spending for the current academic year.
Ravenshead C of E allocation 2016/2017 - £9730
Amount / Spent on / Impact on pupil’s participation / How do we make this sustainable?£2,500 / Joseph Whitaker Sports package / Professional coach to run athletics training in curriculum time to all KS1 children.
Professional coach to run athletics afterschool club, open to KS1 children.
Professional coach to run handball training in curriculum time to all KS1 children.
Professional coach to run Handball afterschool club, open to KS1 children.
Professional coaches to run Hockey after school club, open to Year 5/6 children.
Professional coach to run Pop Lacrosse training in curriculum time to all Year 3,4 and 5 children.
Professional coach to run Golf training in curriculum time to all Year 4 and 5 children.
Professional coach to run Golf after school club open to Year 5 and 6 children.
Competitions/festivals attended by children in all year groups.
Transport provided for all competitions/festivals attended.
CPD opportunities for staff.
Regular meetings with PE co-ordinator and others in family of schools (arranging events/sharing good practice/support with curriculum).
Support in gaining School Games Kitemark.
Play leader training for Year 6 children.
Support for Change4Life club. / These opportunities promote and encourage a love and enjoyment of sport in our pupils. Pupils gain quality first hand coaching and enjoy participation in competitive and non-competitive sports. We always intend our class teachers to observe and work with the external providers to maximise the potential for high quality CPD to up-skill our team.
£3614 / School swimming / This is a National Curriculum requirement:
‘All schools must provide swimming instruction either in Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2. In particular, pupils should be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively such as front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations’.
£728 / Tennis / Mr McBride delivered curriculum tennis to KS2 children / Through continued use of Sport funding or attendance at paid after school clubs run by Mr McBride. Teachers have observed these sessions and developed their own skills
£500 / Football coach / Mr Dawes to coach year 6 football and attend matches after school / This will continue to be paid for from future sport funding or school budget
£712 / Basketball / Jimmy Jumpshot to coach year 5/6 basketball in curriculum time / Teachers have observed these sessions and can therefore plan for future sessions to have a greater impact on the children in developing their skills
£726 / Sport equipment / Ensuring that the school has sufficient high quality equipment to support quality delivery / From school budget when necessary
£500 / Sportsafe / To ensure that all sport equipment such as climbing frames are safe / From school budget when necessary
£450 / Cricket / A coach came to deliver after school sessions / Paid by parents for future clubs