Official Catalog of University Committees and

University Administrative Councils


Members are appointed by appropriate administrator or by position.

President's Cabinet

Purpose or Function: President’s Cabinet advises the President on matters pertaining to the overall operations of the University including strategic planning, policy development, budget actions, personnel, space allocations and other administrative actions.

Membership: The President, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Vice President for Student Engagement and Success, Associate Vice President for Planning and Inst. Effectiveness, and others appointed by the President.

Chair: President of the University

Responsible University Official: President

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Killebrew, Flavius Chair / President
Cifuentes, Luis / Vice President for Research, Commercialization and Outreach
Markwood, Chris / Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Funk-Baxter, Kathryn / Exec. VP for Finance and Administration
Hill, S. Trent / VP for Institutional Advancement
Albrecht, Don / Vice President for Student Engagement and Success
Sherwood, Mary / Chief of Staff

Assessment Council

Purpose or Function: The Assessment Council is a group charged by the President to oversee the university-wide assessment of student learning outcomes.

Membership: AVP for Academic Affairs, Associate and Assistant Deans, Dean of Graduate Studies, representatives from Student Engagement and Success, Institutional Research, Distance Education, Executive Director of Academic Advising, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Vice President for Student Engagement and Success.

Chair:Designated by the Provost

Responsible University Official: Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Shupala, Christine Chair / Associate VP for Academic Affairs
Myers, Elwin / Assistant Dean, Business
Lucido, Frank / Associate Dean, Education
Hartlaub, Mark / Associate Dean, Liberal Arts
Forgione, Bunny / Associate Dean, Undergraduate Nursing
Layman, Eve / Associate Dean, Graduate Nursing
Moury, David / Associate Dean, Science and Technology
Canales, JoAnn / Dean, Graduate Studies
Drum, Amanda / Student Engagement and Success
Student Engagement and Success
Student Engagement and Success
Institutional Research
Cifuentes, Lauren / Distance Education
Regalado, J.P. / Executive Director, Academic Advising
Markwood, Chris ex-officio / Provost and Vice President for academic Affairs
Albrecht, Don ex-officio / Vice President for Student Engagement and Success

College Deans’ Council

Purpose or Function: The College Deans’ Council, with guidance from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, initiates recommendations concerning academic programs at the University, advises on appropriate University issues, coordinates planning and implementation of college academic programs, provides administrative oversight for all issues involving graduate education at the University, and performs other functions as designated by the Provost.

Membership: The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the College Deans, and others who may be appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Chair: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Responsible University Official: Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Markwood, Chris Chair / Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Gamble, John / Dean, College of Bus
Hamilton, Mary Jane / Dean, College of N&HS
Hernandez, Arthur / Dean, College of Ed
Meyer, Paul / Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Pezold, Frank / Dean, College of S&E
Quintanilla, Kelly / Dean, College of LA

Strategic Planning and Continuous Improvement Council

Purpose or Function: The Strategic Planning Council is a group charged by the President to oversee the university strategic planning process, which delineates the progression of the university from 2005 to 2015.

Membership: President’s Cabinet members, Dean of Graduate Studies, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, College Deans’ Council, Speaker of the Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate, Staff Council President, student representative, regents professor, Student Engagement and Success representative, EO/ER Director, and SACS Liason.

Chair: Appointed by the President

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Markwood, Chris Co-chair
Sherwood, Mary Co-chair / Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chief of Staff
Gamble, John / College Deans’ Council
Regents Professor
Albrecht, Don / Vice President for Student Engagement and Success
Arevalo, Stephanie / Staff Council President
Canales, JoAnn / Dean of Graduate Studies
Cifuentes, Luis / Vice President for Research, Commercializationand Outreach
Dechant, Margaret / Associate VP for Enrollment Management
Funk-Baxter, Kathryn / Exec VP for Finance and Administration
Hamilton, Mary Jane / College Deans’ Council
Hill, S. Trent / Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Hernandez, Art / College Deans’ Council
Vacant / Student representative
Pezold, Frank / College Deans’ Council
Quintanilla, Kelly / College Deans’ Council
Ramirez, Samuel / EO/ER Director
Shupala, Christine / SACS Liason
Spencer, Marilyn / Speaker of the Faculty Senate*
Killebrew, Flavius / President, ex-officio

Committee on Committees

Purpose or Function: Review the committees and councils on a rotating three-year cycle to ensure that they are fulfilling their function and to make recommendations to the President’s Cabinet on whether each should continue. If continuation is recommended, suggestions for changes in membership, structure or charge may also be made. The Responsible University Officer (RUO) for a committee or council may ask for an out-of-sequence review. Each RUO should provide meeting minutes of the committee or council being reviewed and may also provide comments about the work of the committee for consideration during the review.

Membership: Appointments are for one year, but may be renewed without a term limit, and include representation from the following groups with selection as indicated. The chair is selected by the president from the members.


Responsible University Official: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Chair, Paul Meyer / Academic Affairs
Tejeda-Delgado, Carmen / Faculty Senate
Arevalo, Stephanie / Staff Council
Wade, Reginald / Finance and Administration
Smart, Cely / Academic Affairs
Baber, Jessica / Institutional Advancement
Drum, Amanda / Student Engagement and Success


Academic Advising Council

Purpose or Function: The Academic Advising Council will clarify the role of academic advising in the A&M-CC educational environment. The council will also explore issues, strategies, and resources related to the evaluation and improvement of academic advising at the University.

Membership: Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Associate Dean (or designees) for each college, senior professional advisor for each college, Director of CASA, Director of Advising, and advisors from the Center for Athletic Academic Services, the Office of International Education, and the BAS Program.

Chair: Faculty member appointed by the Provost

Responsible University Official: Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Regalado, J.P. Chair / Executive Director, Academic Advising
Baker, Jennifer / Director, Center for Athletic Academic Services
Myers, Elwin / Associate Dean, College of Bus
Billeaux, Ana / Director, Office of International Education
Cox, Rachel / Director, Disability Services
Crawford, Natasha / Advisor, BAS Program
Emanuel, Ronnie / Academic Advisor, College of S&E
Forgione, Bunny / Associate Dean, College of N&HS
Hill, Patricia / Director, Islander Transition Center
Hartlaub, Mark / Associate Dean, College of LA
Moreno, Gerry / CASA
Moury, David / Associate Dean, College of S&E
Coronado, Rene / Coordinator of Veterans Affairs
Royo, Albert / Academic Advisor, College of Bus
Santillan, Angelica / Academic Advisor, College of N&HS
Strand, Alphee / Academic Advisor, College of Ed
Stanley, Rachelle / Academic Advisor, College of LA
Career Services
Billeaux, David ex-officio / Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Council of Principal Investigators

Purpose or Function:

Membership: Who are the PIs for this Council?

Chair: Vice President for Commercialization, Researchand Outreach

Responsible University Official:Vice President for Research, Commercialization and Outreach

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Cifuentes, Luis Chair / Vice President for Commercialization, Researchand Outreach

Development Council

Purpose or Function: Coordinates donor development functions, sets criteria of naming opportunities, and is responsible for the reporting of external grants and gifts.

Membership: Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs, Assistant Vice President for Development, Director of Development, Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations, Director of Advancement Services, Dean of Graduate Studies,Vice President for Commercialization, Researchand Outreach, Dean of Community Outreach, all College Deans, and a representative of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Chair: Vice President for Institutional Advancement or designee

Responsible University Official: Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Vacant Chair / Assistant VP for Development
Gamble, John / Dean, College of Bus
Canales, JoAnn / Dean of Graduate Studies s
Markwood, Chris / Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Quintanilla, Kelly / Dean, College of LA
Guerrero, Heather / Director of Foundation & Corporate Relations
Hernandez, Arthur / Dean, College of Ed
Hamilton, Mary Jane / Dean, College of N&HS
Hernandez, Sonia / Director of Advancement Services
Hill, Trent / VP for Institutional Advancement
Cifuentes, Luis / Vice President for Commercialization, Researchand Outreach
Needham, Jim / Dean, Community Outreach
Pezold, Frank / Dean, College of S&E
Lazenby, Scott / Athletics Director
McNierney, Kimberly / Director of Development

Environmental Advisory Council

Purpose or Function: The Environmental Advisory Council is a standing committee that reports to the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and is responsible for coordinating institutional stewardship of the environment through developing environmental policy and overseeing the implementation and effectiveness of the university’s environmental management system (EMS). The Council serves as a campus-wide planning and advisory forum to identify, assess, and rank environmental concerns, coordinated institutional responses to these priority concerns, assess the effectiveness of actions and programs designed to resolve or manage these issues, and communicate performance to the CEO and to the campus community.

Membership: The Council shall be made up of three faculty and two staff member, in addition to the Director, Facilities Services, the Director, Environmental, Health and Safety and two students. Appointed faculty/staff members shall be prepared to serve a two year term. Student members may be re-appointed for a second year after serving an initial one year term.A vacancy exists when any representative of the Council resigns his or her position on the Council or when a faculty or staff representative terminates employment with the university. A student must maintain full time student status to remain on the Council.

Chair: Appointed by Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Responsible University Official: Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Coons, Roy Chair / Director, Environmental Health & Safety
Cardenas, Diana / Faculty, College of Liberal Arts / Term ends 8/13
Casey, John / Director, Facilities Services
Cornachione, Michael / Facilities Contractor Representative
Elzweig, Brian / College of Business
Harral, Judy, ex-officio / Executive Director, Administrative Services
Hibbs, Kaitlin / Student Representative
McNamarra, Mark / Core Curriculum Program
Paret, Evan / Student Representative
Wood, Tony / Director, National Spill Control School / Term ends 8/12

Honors Council

Purpose or Function: The Honors Council provides guidance and approval in matters of policy, planning, admissions, student support, and recruitment. Standing subcommittees of the Council are: admissions, scholarships, curriculum, and assessment.

Membership: Members are appointed by the associate vice president for academic affairs in consultation with the honors directors. Membership is composed of five faculty representatives (one from each college who preferably teach in the program) two student representatives, a representative from Bell Library, Student Engagement and Success, Community Outreach, the Core Curriculum, and Institutional Advancement. All members are appointed to two-year renewable terms. The student representatives are nominated by election of the honors student association and are appointed to a renewable one-year term.

Chair: AcademicDirector of the Honors Program

Responsible University Official:Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Berkich, Don Chair / Academic Director
Box, Stephanie Ex-Officio / Administrative Director, Honors Program
Anderson, Jennifer / Bell Library / Term ends 5/2015
Theodossiou, Alexandra / Faculty – College of Bus / Term ends 8/2015
Albrecht, Don / Student Engagement and Success representative / Term ends 5/2015
McCollough, Cherie / Faculty – College of S&E / Term ends 8/2014
Dechant, Margaret / Enrollment Management / Term ends 5/2014
Cano, Patricia / Office of Development / Term ends 5/2014
Sperry, Rita / Core Curriculum Program / Term ends 5/2014
Needham, Jim / Community Outreach / Term ends 8/2015
Zunker, Norma / Faculty – College of Ed / Term ends 5/2015
Shaver, Leigh / Faculty – College of N&HS / Term ends 5/2015
Hoelscher, Tiffanie / Honors student representative / Term ends 5/2014
Wallace, Bethany / Honors student representative / Term ends 5/2014

HUB Advisory Council

Purpose or Function: Assists the University in developing and implementing the HUB Performance Improvement Plan. The Council assists the HUB coordinators with input, ideas, communication, and implementation of HUB programs

Membership: A representative from each vice president’s area, a faculty member, a staff member, representatives from Facilities Services, federal programs, and the purchasing department.

Chair: The chair is appointed by the Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration

Responsible University Official: Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Torres, Becky Chair / Finance & Administration representative
Blades, Lori / Federal Grants representative
Bratton, Johanna / Student Engagement and Success representative
Brooks, MaryAnn / Facilities Services representative
Byus, Kent / Faculty member
Davila, David / Procurement & Disbursements
Franks, Van / Facilities Contractor representative
Frazier, Ryan / HUB Coordinator
Hilliard, Sheri / Facilities Contractor representative
Hubenak, Deanne / Academic Affairs representative
Payne, Bruce / Contracts & Property
Ramirez, Sam / Finance & Administration

Intercollegiate Athletics Council

Purpose or Function: The Intercollegiate Athletic Council will oversee the intercollegiate athletics issues and serve as the liaison group between intercollegiate athletics and the academic leadership of the institution (i.e., Provost’s Leadership Team and Faculty Senate). As a sub-committee, the Student-Athlete Health and Wellness sub-committee shall serve in an advisory role to the Intercollegiate Athletics Council. The committee will advise and initiate recommendations to increase preventative, educational, research and collaborative efforts on campus to improve the overall physical and behavioral health of the student-athlete.

Membership: The President selects members. All appointments to the council shall be for a term of three years, with the exception of the student member whose term will be for one year. The voting membership consists of the following: eight faculty members; two student members; three ex-officio (voting) members (theProvost, the Vice President for Student Engagement and Success or designee and the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration or designee), and an alumni representative. Non-voting membership includes the following: the Director of Recreational Sports, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, the Associate VP for Enrollment Management, and a member-at-large. The number of non-voting representatives may be increased. The Student Athlete Health and Wellness sub-committee will include one TAMU-CC Team Physicians (ex-officio), the Associate Dean of Students (or designee), the Director of Athletic Training Education, the Head Athletic Trainer (ex-officio) an additional representative of the Athletic Training staff, Athletic Department Administration, Athletic Academic Services, a Student-Athlete representative from the Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) (ex-officio), and a representative from each of the following areas: the University Health Center, the University Counseling Center, the Disability Services Office, and the TAMU-CC faculty. When the faculty member’s term ends or the seat is otherwise vacated, a new faculty member will be recommended by the Faculty Senate in conjunction with the Head Athletic Trainer Each member will serve a two-year term. Terms can be extended based on a majority vote of the committee.

Chair: Appointed by the President.

Responsible University Official: Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Name / Reason for Membership / Term, if applicable
Voting Members
Albrecht, Don / VP for Student Engagement and Success
Benibo, Bilaye / Faculty / Term ends 5/14
Boutte, Jasmine / Student / Term ends 5/14
Byus, Kent / Faculty – COB / Term ends 5/16
Cifuentes, Luis / VP for Research, Commercialization & Outreach / Term ends 5/15
Dewbre, Jerry / Community/ Donor / Term ends 5/16
Deis, Don / Faculty Athletic Rep / Term ends 5/14
Forgione, Bunny / Faculty / Term ends 5/16
Funk-Baxter, Kathryn / Executive VP-Finance & Administration
Kesterson, Misty / Faculty - COE / Term ends 5/16
Layman, Eve / Faculty / Term ends 5/14
Maresh, Michelle / Faculty – CLA / Term ends 6/16
Markwood, Chris / Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Reed, Anita / Faculty - COB / Term ends 5/14
Rendon, Michael / Athletics Certification
Sadovski, Alex / Faculty / Term ends 5/14
Ward, Marty / Faculty / Term ends 5/14
Westmoreland, Matt / Student / Term ends 5/14
Non-voting Members
Allen, Megan / Senior Women’s Administration
Ayala, Claudia / University Counseling Center
Baker, Jennifer / Director, Athletic Academic Services
Blackmar, Carol / Athletic Senior Women Administrator
Cox, Rachel / Director, Disability Services
Dechant, Margaret / Associate VP for Enrollment Management
Hall, Jason / Assistant Athletic Director of Compliance
Hamilton, Jacqueline / Director of Recreational Sports
Hill, S. Trent / VP for Institutional Advancement
Karthauser, Chad / Assistant Athletic Director
Susser, Jerry / Member-at-Large
Walker, Angela / Associate Dean of Students

Student Success and Retention Council