Minutes of Meeting 27th July 2015

Chair Person: Martin Hime

Minutes: Julie Davidson


Julie Davidson (JD) Business Manager (Chair for today)

Peter Cole (PC), Wendy Maxey (WM), John Maxey (JM), Norman Fisher (NF),

Patricia Cowie (PC), Tim Sykes (TS), Mo Griffiths (MG), Jennie Briscoe (JB),

Margaret Blackmore (MB), James Millett (JM), Dennis Milsom (DM), Angela Walker (AW), Roy Davies (RD).

Apologies : Mandy Ball, Ursula Marks, Martin Hime, Alison Lee.

Minutes of Last Meeting on 27th April 2015

1 amendment was notified (Margaret Blackmore to be added to list of attendees), and the minutes were then approved.


Martin Hime failed to arrive for the meeting, so Julie Davidson stepped in as Chair Person and the agenda was discussed in a different order to that set.

1.  Practice Visit by members of the Group

Numerous members of the PPG joined Julie & Alison on the afternoon of June 30th for a tour of ‘behind the scenes’ at the medical centre.

Feedback this evening was as follows:-

MB - please give thanks to the staff for allowing the disruption to their working day.

TS – it was good to see the scale of the operations, and very informative.

JB - the information gleaned enabled her to understand the operations and scotch rumours in the local area that we may go backwards and undo the merger; also that it was nice to be brought up to date on how systems have been changed in recent years.

MB – it was helpful to be informed and shown the new building works being planned for the treatment room.

JM -was surprised at the manual systems in place; recognised the difficulties we are currently having with prescriptions and the proposed electronic system starting in the near future; it was a helpful event and should be repeated, but maybe in smaller groups to support PPG members in patient-facing work.

It was agreed to pick up on JM’s comments and provide more focussed information for PPG members as they need it for patient–facing work.

JD also suggested that a PPG update bulletin could be done in a few months’ time to help with communications.

2.  Carer’s Event

It was suggested at a previous meeting that the Carer’s event could be delivered over 2 afternoons and JD suggested that it could link this year to the Saturday flu clinic (10th October) as it was hoped that many carers and patients may attend on this day. AW raised concerns for how we would hope to engage with child carers. MB was aware of an improved network of community support for children, although we still need to do our best to engage with them. Carer’s week is on the national calendar for June 2016.

MB suggested we needed a Carer’s pack. JD advised that Carer’s health checks have been underway for a few weeks now in the practice and we have a Carer’s Champion through which all queries from Carers are directed.

Carer’s Champion is Miss Helen Everest.

It was agreed to set up a sub-committee to organise this event and MB would lead it, supported by JB and MG, and support from JD and Alison as required.

The Carer’s pack would also be developed by the sub-committee.

Action: MB to arrange a meeting

MB was keen that we bring the next meeting of the PPG forward to discuss the Carers event. This was agreed.

3.  Development of the Patient Participation Group and a Virtual Reference Group

Our Chair person, Martin Hime could not be with us this evening, and he particularly wanted to lead this topic of discussion. It was therefore agreed to

take on some actions now which would lead to proposals being developed by a sub-committee to be presented at one of our next meetings.

JM suggested that a Doctor Representative should attend each PPG meeting.

AW raised a point that other PPGs meet monthly. This would be considered by the group in the development discussions.

MB encouraged the group to produce Terms of Reference which were ‘light touch’.

Volunteers for the sub-committee were JM, DM, TS, and AW, supported by JD.

The meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 19th August at 4pm.

Actions agreed

1.  The sub-committee will review the group’s original Terms of Reference and will make a proposal for an update of the Terms of Reference.

2.  The sub-committee will consider how the group should be structured in terms of roles and will make a proposal.

3.  JB and MB agreed to review the Patient Information Leaflet.

DM requested a copy of the contact details for the group members.

Action: JD to obtain consent from group members to share their contact details.

MB suggested it would be helpful to have name plates at the meetings.

Action: JD to investigate

Any Other Business

JM discussed difficulties for patients obtaining prescriptions. JD outlined the recent difficulties with the pharmacies and technical problems at the medical centre. The service to patients has been challenging also as a consequence of patient’s demands for ‘urgent’ prescriptions which put pressure on the system, sometimes unnecessarily. However, we are committed to improving the system for both patients and clinicians.

Meeting Closed.

The next PPG meetings are scheduled for:

Monday 14th September 2015 Clevedon Medical Centre, 6-7pm

Monday 26th October, Clevedon Medical Centre, 6-7pm, (to be confirmed 14/09/15)



Agenda proposals for the next meeting

·  Carer’s event planning (15-30mins)

(Margaret Blackmore)

·  PPG’s view on recording consultations (15m)

(Tim Sykes/All)

·  Report on progress made on PPG terms of reference and committee structure (15mins) (sub-committee)

·  Future meeting dates to be agreed (5m)

·  AOB (All)