JUNE 12, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Norman Teed Supervisor
Dennis King Councilman
Kent Ridley Councilman
Ronald Allen Councilman
Linda Nieskes Town Clerk
Terry Featherly Highway Superintendent
ABSENT: Carl Beechler Councilman
PUBLIC ATTENDANCE: See listing in minutes book.
CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Teed called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
ALLEGIANCE: Councilman Allen led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING-LOCAL Supervisor Teed called the Public Hearing to order at 7:03 PM. He asked Town
LAW #2, 2017 PRIOR Clerk Nieskes to read the Public Notice that appeared in the Finger Lakes Times,
NOTICE: the Town’s official newspaper. He asked if anyone wished to address the Board
either in favor or against this Local Law. Superintendent Featherly said he just
had some questions. Supervisor Teed asked twice more if anyone from the public
wished to address the Board regarding this Local Law. There were no
comments from the public. Supervisor Teed asked Superintendent Featherly what
his question was. Superintendent Featherly said he would like to have some kind
of a receipt for letters received at the Town Hall or the Highway Garage. Super-
visor Teed said we will make up some receipts for that. Town Clerk Nieskes
said she would make up a receipt to have at the Town Hall and for Superintendent
Featherly to have at the Highway Garage. Supervisor Teed said you should put the name, address and phone number of the person submitting the complaint and then the time and date that you receive it at the Town Hall or the Highway Garage.
Supervisor Teed closed the Public Hearing at 7:09 PM.
APPROVAL OF THE Councilman Allen offered the following Resolution. RESOLVED that, the
MAY 8, 2017 REGULAR minutes for the May 8, 2017 Regular Town Board Meeting be approved as
TOWN BOARD MEETING written. The Resolution was seconded by Councilman King, who moved its
MINUTES: adoption. 4 AYES. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION: Resolution to Approve Water Superintendent’s Attendance at the AWWA Conference in Philadelphia, PA (see attached).
RESOLUTION: Resolution for Consolidated Funding Application, Engineering and Planning
Grant (see attached).
RESOLUTION: Resolution to Approve Local Law #2, 2017 – Prior Notice (see attached).
RESOLUTION: Resolution to Approve County Mowing Contract with Ontario County (Resolution defeated - see attached).
RESOLUTION: Resolution for the WIIA Grant for Drinking Water-NYS Rt. 14Water District (Supportive Resolution) (see attached).
RESOLUTION: Resolution for the IMG Grant for Drinking Water-NYS Rt. 14Water District (Supportive Resolution) (see attached).
Councilman King said he was extremely happy about the bid openings for the
Rt. 14 Water District. He said for all 3 Towns, they came very good. He said they came in under what they anticipated, which is good news. He said we are
the biggest section of this water district.
HIGHWAY: Superintendent Featherly gave his monthly report for May 2017.
Superintendent Featherly said the Village wants to get rid of their sewer machine.
He said we have been using that right along and they want $1,000 for it. He said
he thought it would be a good investment. He said the Village bought a new one.
Supervisor Teed asked how much a new one costs. Councilman Ridley said they
go for around $100,000. Superintendent Featherly said he thought it would be a good investment. Councilman Ridley said it they took it to auction, they could probably get between $6,000 and $10,000.
Councilman Ridley offered the following Resolution. RESOLVED
that, the Town Board gives Superintendent Featherly permission to
buy the Sewer Machine from the Village of Phelps for an amount
not to exceed $1,000. The Resolution was seconded by Councilman
King, who moved its adoption. 4 AYES. Carried.
Superintendent Featherly said he had just found out about Bridge NY. He said it
is a reimbursement program. He said they had already done the first round of
reimbursement; but there is another round coming out. He said the Box Culvert he wants to do would be covered under that. He said we would have to have an
Engineer come in and draw up a design and get us going in the right direction. He
said we would most likely have to purchase some easements because he wants to get started on that. He said by the time you build that road up 8 feet you are going to have a terrible drop-off; so we would need those easements to slope the banks back. Superintendent Featherly said if we were going to go with MRB, we would have to have them look at it and start the drawings and tell us how much of an easement we are going to need. He said the property owners are going to want to
know how much we are going to need and what is a fair price for the easement. He said once you get to the point of doing blue prints up; that is what you want to submit for this grant. Supervisor Teed asked Superintendent Featherly if they
would just take a pipe. He said he did not think so. Councilman Ridley said you
won’t get one until next year. He said that is what Geneva is going through on Turk Rd. They are booking for the box culverts into the next year, so they are going with pipe. Councilman King said he did not understand why pipe would not work. Councilman Ridley said if you use the box culvert, you don’t have to
go as high. Superintendent Featherly said he has had some discussion with
Mr. Westfall because he wants to know exactly what he is doing and how far
in on the right-of-way he is coming. He said with the grant we have to have all of these things in order. He believes it has to be submitted by September. Councilman King asked when exactly this has to be submitted. Superintendent Featherly said he believes September; but he can call Bill Wright at the County and get a firm date. Councilman King said the reason he is asking is because we have been considered going out for bids on engineering projects vs. just picking
one. Councilman Allen said he likes that idea. Councilman Ridley said he thinks
that should be done also.
Superintendent Featherly said he had County Soil and Water in to look at the situation on the dead end of Mill Rd. in Orleans. He said we should probably have the Town Attorney involved in this. He said there is a man down there that built a garage years ago. He said he filled in the ditch that used to come down off the hill and went into the pipe under the road. He said he filled that all in and put a small pipe in there. He stated that several times when we get the heavy rains it causes a problem. He said once it blew the pipe right out of the ground. He passed pictures around for the Board to view. He said the water goes all the way down to Bowman’s house and right into his basement. He said there are several people involved in this; there is Bowman’s, Savages and Crosby’s. He said it should be a 24 or 36 inch pipe. He said before the ditch was filled in, there was
never a flooding issue. Councilman Allen said he is surprised the DEC isn’t involved in this. Supervisor Teed said he told Superintendent Featherly the same thing. He said County Soil and Water came and looked at it to see what they thought. Supervisor Teed said he has diverted the natural flow of water and you cannot do that. Councilman King wondered if he had a permit to build this barn.
Supervisor Teed said he did have a permit. Supervisor Teed said he would call DEC in the morning.
Councilman King said he talked to the painting contractor and he expects to be down there this week and power wash the building. He said the painter showed him a sample of Sherwin Williams paint on a piece of the Highway Garage siding and it matches up really close. He said since they are not connected, he feels it should be fine. He said he does not yet know when he is going to paint.
Mr. Donald Pierce, 1660 Rockefeller Rd., Phelps said he is here because of a flooding issue. He said he brought pictures with him. He said there is one from either 2003 or 2005 when we got flooded and the rest are from 2017. He said the pictures show the runoff from the field behind him. He said there is a picture in there that shows the tile that is supposed to handle the water that comes across there. He said the tile is not big enough to handle that water. Superintendent Featherly said the only time you see that happen is when you get a quick 2 inches of rain in an hour. Mr. Pierce said the only request he
had was to dig that culvert out of there. He said it is an 18-20 inch culvert that is feeding that across the road. He said he would like to see a larger culvert put in to help prevent this. He stated he is still going to get water across his property and I can deal with that; but it is not going to backup into the house. Councilman Allen asked is all the corn debris plugged the pipe because he could see it on the yard.
Superintendent Featherly said the corn debris was floating on top of the water.
Supervisor Teed said he did not believe we need a Board Resolution to replace
the culvert. Superintendent Featherly said he had talked to people and to Councilman Ridley about it and he thought directional drilling under the road might be an option. Councilman Ridley said that is what he would do, directional bore alongside the one that is there, a 30” one right beside it. Mr. Pierce thought just a larger pipe above the one that is there would work. Councilman Ridley said no, you need to have the 2 pipes side by side. He said a pipe will only take so much water and then it will air lock. He said if you leave the pipe that is in there and put a bigger one (30”) one alongside of it at the same depth it will work better. He said he would look at it tomorrow. Superintendent Featherly said there is no swale around his property, it is flat; it has to come up to your house. Mr. Pierce said it really doesn’t. He said it goes to the back side of the barn and catches the fence line between me and Shute’s. He said it then follows his land down and that does not bother him. He said it’s when the water backs up and goes into his house that there is a problem. Superintendent Featherly asked is this was in the hands of the Town Attorney. Supervisor Teed said it shouldn’t be if you put the pipe in. Mr. Pierce asked about the insurance company. Supervisor Teed said the insurance company said they could not cover it. He asked Mr. Pierce if he would accept a larger pipe at grade level where the small one is now. Councilman Ridley said he would bring Dave down to look at punching it under the road. He said they will put it together and pull it through. Mr. Pierce said it would be fine, and if we needed to come onto his land to do this work it is ok. Superintendent Featherly said if this does not work, he will dig it.
MONTHLY REPORTS: The Town Clerk’s, Assessor’s, Water Superintendent’s and Zoning Officer’s reports for the month of May 2017 were available for the Board’s Review.
DISCUSSION WITH A) Supervisor Teed said we had received a letter from NYMIR Insurance stating that 3 Highway Employees, Mike Vienna, Andrew Campbell and Phillip Frere had completed the NYMIR Backhoe Loader Training Seminar. He said that was good.
B) Supervisor Teed said the Sauerkraut Festival Parade will be Saturday,
August 5th. Town Clerk Nieskes said the line-up for the parade will be at
3:30 PM and the parade will start at 4:00 PM. We will be notified of our place for line-up and I will let everyone know when I hear from the Parade Chairman. She said we will have a float this year and she hoped that everyone will be able to ride together. Those participating in this year’s parade will be Supervisor Teed, Councilman King, Councilman Allen, Highway Superintendent Featherly and Town Clerk Nieskes. Linda will check with Councilman Beechler, as he was not at the meeting. Councilman Allen said he will be driving his own car and
Highway Superintendent Featherly said he will be driving his vehicle. Mike Vienna has offered to drive us again and use his trailer. We cannot throw candy out of the cars or the trailer, so Mike’s daughter will be walking with a friend to distribute the it to the children.
C) Supervisor Teed said we have received a letter from Canada regarding the Canadian Time Capsule. They want us to send something to them to put in the
Time Capsule. It will be opened in 3017. Clerk Nieskes said she will send a
letter listing all of the Board Members.
D) Supervisor Teed said the Phelps Library has received a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Innovation Award. He said they had a very
nice article in the paper and we will post it for the public to see. He said Leah Hamilton is the Director and she does a fantastic job. He said he wanted to share that with you and the Board.
E) Supervisor Teed said the NYS Department of Health will be doing their periodic inspection of the Town of Phelps Public Water on June 21, 2017 at
9:00 AM.
F) Supervisor Teed said he wanted to thank Dan Bremer for the coffee and donuts that he delivered to the Town Hall.
NEXT TOWN BOARD The next Town Board Meeting will be Monday, July 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Phelps Town Court/Meeting Room, 1331 Rt. 88, Phelps.