Asbury United Methodist Church
220 W. Horatio Avenue, Maitland
Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris
Associate Pastor, Rev. Daniel Ivey
Retired Clergy, Dr. Barbara Riddle
Next Generation Pastor, Keith Tusing
Worship Pastor, Tom Pieper
April 26, 2015
8:15 and 11:00am
Greeting and Announcements Dr. V. Scott Harris
*Passing the Peace
Please take a moment to greet the people around you with a smile and a warm handshake
Prelude “For the Beauty of the Earth” Arr: Winkler
Tom Pieper
*Hymn #163 “Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know” vs. 1-4 8:15
*“Today Is the Day” Medley 11:00
“Today Is the Day”
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow”
Presentation by UCF Wesley Foundation
Special Music “And Can It Be?” Arr: Ingram
Joyful Ringers
Morning Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
*Hymn #536 “Precious Name” vs. 1, 2, 4
Worship with Tithes and Offerings
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Anthem
“Jesus, Take All of Me” Arr: Sorenson
Worship choir
*Doxology #94
Scripture Matthew 28:16-20
Pew Bible Page 1550
“Jesus Is” Video
Message Dr. V. Scott Harris
The Right Question:
“Why Did They Get So Upset with Jesus”
*Hymn #396 “O Jesus, I Have Promised” vs. 1, 3
Invitation to Church Membership
Reception of New Members
*Congregation Response Refrain
#462 “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”
Postlude “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks” Stennet
Alisa Alexander & Lani Schumacher
*Those who are able, please stand.
Minister of Music
Tom Pieper
Worship Leader
8:15: Kathy Peck 11:00: Paul Schumacher
Scripture Readers
8:15: Ryan Card 11:00: Phyllis Klock
8:15: Jack Frye, Bob Cantu, Marianne Cantu, Mel Frye
11:00: Rick Johnson, John Pazar, Pete Small, Ray Entrekin, Kevin Smith, Joshua Pazar, Gray Hudson
8:15: Dan & Sharlee Duff, David & Anne Vatcher, Pat Lockeby, Hillary Swengel
11:00: Janet Hunter, Lois Thompson, Larry & Joan Bittle, Carrie Brown, Amy Story
Joyful Ringers:Cheryl Reynolds, Lori Stachowski, Cyd Frank, Anne Pennington, Camille Piering, Linda Stevenson, Penny Brickley, Betty Kendall, Audrie Weissman
Next Week
May 3, 2015
Dr. V. Scott Harris
8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 AM
“Seizing the Moments”
Asbury United Methodist Church
220 W. Horatio Avenue, Maitland
Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris
Associate Pastor, Rev. Daniel Ivey
Retired Clergy, Dr. Barbara Riddle
Next Generation Pastor, Keith Tusing
Worship Pastor, Tom Pieper
9:30am Worship Bulletin
April 26, 2015
Dr. V. Scott Harris
The Right Question:
“Why Did They Get So Upset with Jesus”
Matthew 28:16-20
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.1
References for Matthew 28:16
· Cross References
17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.2
References for Matthew 28:18
· Cross References
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,3 baptizing them ina the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,4
References for Matthew 28:19
· Cross References
· Footnotes
20 and teaching5 them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you6 always, to the very end of the age."7
Worship Leader Chris Kovic
Video Technician Steve Alsene
Sound Technician Steve Johnson
Greeters/Offering Tiffany Reinholdt, Kitty Kovic
Set Up Jean Johnston, Jean Belyeu
Praise Team: Stephen Aldridge, Dawn Alsene, Megan Alsene, Melanie Alsene, Nikki Alvarez, Steve Davis, James Garoutsos, Michelle Rosario-Gonzalez, Terri Ikemeier, Nicola Ivey, Steve Marsee, Steve Peck, Todd Russell, Art Scott, David Stacey, Lisa Wallace, Danny Woodhall
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please keep the following beloved in your prayers: BJ Abbott, Wade Aldridge, Randy Baird, Willow Bevin, Jane & Paul Bilyeu, Grace Bridge, Bob Burkhart, Edith Burt, Camille Bybee, Zachary & Amber Bybee, Hal Card, Sharon Case, Joe Clark, Jack Cooper, Beth Daniels, Phil Dodds, Hetty Evans, Lori Faller, Brian Ferguson, Charlie File, Evelyn Futch, Chuck Green, Midge Guest, Mary Hanley, Jack Hedgepeth, Bryce Hershner, Ann Herzog, Art Hutchinson, Janet Hunter, Barbara Jackson, Al Kanode, Dale Kelly, Joan Kessler, Nelson Kessler, George King, Anne Kirby, Betty Kirk, Sharon Kuritz, Tommie Lapole, Herman Long, Harry Lulos, Frank Marcey, Mac McCauslin, Kerry McDonald, John and Joyce McLeod, Dave Morton, the Nichols family, Dick Pace, Loretta Peters, Nancy Pilk, Fran Pope, Lynn Quigley, Peggy Rester, Betty Richelieu, Evelyn Rupp, Marcia Russell, Terry Sneiderman, Jeanne Snyder, Hoke St. John, Ron Staehler, Wes Stouder, Janice Tilley, Allen Trovillion, the Van Epp family, Susie Wagstaff, Joan Wrenn.
NIGHT SECURITY POSITION AVAILABLE: If you are a church member, live close to Asbury and are interested in earning a bit of extra cash, we may have the opportunity for you! Our Night Security position will soon be available. Each evening, after all church scheduled activities, our Night Security person checks the property to see that all doors and gates are locked as well as all A/C or heating is properly set for the night. If this is a ministry area that appeals to you, contact Nancy in the church office 407.644.5222 or .
GRADUATION SUNDAY: Sunday, May 31st, we will honor our graduates for the 2015 year. If you have a relative or yourself that is graduating from high school or college, please send your information to or call the church office at 407-644-5222. We need the graduate’s name, school they are graduating from, any honors that they may be awarded and what relation they are to you.
AMERICAN FLAGS: Asbury member, Brenda P,is collecting cloth American flags. If you have any that need disposal, kindly bring them to the church office. Brenda cuts the stars out and sends the stars with a note to military overseas. The remainder of the flag is given to her dad’s Marine Corps League and is disposed of properly.
MISSION CONCERT: TODAY “Tom Pieper and Friends” will present an hour of music (trumpet and vocal, individual and group, sacred and secular) designed to entertain and delight you while bringing glory to God. There are no tickets to buy, but a love offering will be taken to support the five-week summer mission trips of Karissa and Melanie Pieper with Awe Star Ministries ( The concert will begin at 2:00 with a cookie and punch reception following the concert in the parlor.
CHANGE4CHANGE: It is time again for our visit from the UCF Wesley Foundation students who are bringing their Change4Change buckets. The funds that are raised are used to help these students work on mission projects. Please take a bucket TODAY and fill it with your loose change. A time will be given as to when the bucket needs to be returned.
ASBURY WORSHIP DRAMA TEAM: Do you have an inner desire to be an actor? Then the Asbury Worship Drama Team is for you. We are forming a drama team to perform short vignettes during our Sunday worship services, and we would like for you to join us. We will meet the first Sunday of each month. All are invited to come and see if this is something you would like to be involved in. For more info please contact the church office at 407-644-5222. We will meet Sunday, May 3rd, in the Welcome Friends Classroom at 12:15.
UMM SATURDAY BREAKFAST: All men are invited to the Saturday breakfast on May 2nd, at 7:30 am in the fellowship hall. Bring a friend!
UMM GOLF OUTING: Asbury UMM is planning a golf outing at the Ventura Country Club, Saturday, October 3rd. Shotgun start is at 8:00 am with a scramble format. ALL ARE WELCOME! The cost is $79.00 per person or $316.00 for a team of four. There will be Golf! Food! and Fun!! If you would like to be a hole sponsor, the cost is $100.00. They also need door prize donations. Sign up forms are available in the church office or from the UMM. For more information, please contact Bill Bowmar at 407-260-9697.
ASBURY BLOOD DRIVE: The Big Red Bus will be on our campus on Sunday, May 3rd from 8:00 am to noon. One pint of blood can save three lives. Please donate!
UMW LUAU PARTY: The UMW Mothers/Daughters/Sisters in Christ banquet is SOLD OUT!!!
DAVE RAMSEY FINANCIAL CLASS: Wednesday evenings, June 17 to August 12, 6:30 - 8:30, Welcome Friends Classroom. We all need a plan for our money.Financial Peace University(FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. For more info contact John Berry, Jr at or call 407-810-4352 or 407-677-4335. You may register and pay for the class at
YES (Young Energetic Seniors): For all those 55+, this ministry is all about fun and fellowship. All 55+ are invited to join. The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 12th, at 12:00pm in the fellowship hall and the menu is pasta primavera, peas, bread sticks, tossed salad, almond texas sheet cake. No reservation required. The group will be off for the months of June, July and August.
2015 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: VBS has been planned for the week of June 8 – June 12, from 9:00 am until noon. The theme this year is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! and is for rising 1st to rising 6th graders. Online registration is now available. Cost is $30.00. For more info or to volunteer contact Keith Tusing at 407-644-5222.
PRISON MINISTRY: Paul Schumacher brings prayer requests on Sunday mornings for any who are interested to pray for the inmates during the week. There is also a need for recreation equipment. The need is for new or very good condition items such as soccer balls, basketballs, footballs, basketball nets, volleyballs, volleyball net, softball gloves and board games. If you have any of these items that you would be willing to donate, call the church office at 407-644-5222 or you can leave them in the church workroom.
RED BAG MINISTRY: You may bring items for the pantry at any time. Help us to keep our children from going hungry. Remember to pick up a RED BAG on the third Sunday and return it on the fourth Sunday filled with the items requested on the attached list. Please remember…NO GLASS CONTAINERS, NO EXTRA LARGE BOXES. THERE IS A GREAT NEED now for extra cereal and extra fruit. For the months of April and May, if you could double just one of the items on the list that would help a great deal. They hope to stockpile this summer and be ready for the new school year. Also, there has been a splitting bag problem and they have found that the bags that Aldi sells for 10 cents are very durable and last a lot longer. If anyone shops at Aldi and could buy some additional bags, that would be a true blessing. Thank you to everyone who continues to support this ministry.
MEN’S GROUP MEETINGS: All men of Asbury are invited to attend any or all of the classes that are offered here just for them. Monday morning Bible study, 7:00 to 8:00 am in the conference room, facilitated by Bill Erdman. Wednesday morning fellowship, 7:00 to 8:00 am in the parlor, facilitated by Jack Cooper. Promise Keepers on Friday morning, 7:00 to 8:00 am in the parlor, facilitated by Chuck Burt. The UMM Breakfast is held the first Saturday of the month in the fellowship hall beginning at 7:30 am.
PRAYER MINISTRY: Our prayer ministry team is a vital ministry for our church. They meet once a month as a group and then someone prays over our prayer requests in the chapel every day. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 29th at 1:30 pm in the Welcome Friends Class room. If you feel led to be a member of this ministry, please contact Mavis Treat at 407-699-8654.
ASBURY SHIRTS: Your Asbury shirt has arrived. You can pick it up in the church office, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. If you have not already paid, payment is due when you pick up your shirt.
OURM MINISTRY: The next visit by Asbury men to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission will be Sunday, May 17th. We meet in the fellowship hall parking lot and leave at 6:15 pm. Please place toiletries in the containers in the narthex for the men and women clients of the mission. Toiletries Only Please. Contact: Dick Rabner.
· ALTAR GUILD: April – Marianne Cantu, Carol Minish
· PETAL PUSHERS: 1st Monday-Mel Frye, Von Hancock, 2nd Monday-Betty Kendall, Becky Black; 3rd Monday-Janna Fatic, Joy Row; 4th Monday-Faye Andrew, Lynne Bowles; 5th Monday-Janice Tilley. Flower Tags for each week by Maxine Bartz
· SANCTUARY ANGELS: Camille Piering, Betty Kendall, Molly Verbraeken, Ruth Sprous, Karen Jensen, Grace Southern, Pat Woodard
· POWERPOINT: Steve Alsene, Sam Johnson
· SOUND TECHNICIAN: Greg Lee, Steve Johnson
· VAN DRIVERS: April – Chuck Burt, Scott Stratton