Practicum in Human Services/
Certified Nursing Assistant Program
Course Syllabus
2016– 2017
Instructor: Mrs. Geneva Harvey; Mrs. Kimberly Benfer
Phone: (254) 675-1845
General requirements: (Two to Three Credits).
This course is recommended for students in Grades 11-12.
(1)Practicum in Human Services/Certified Nursing AssistantProgram provides occupationally specific training and focuses on the development of consumer services, early childhood development and services, counseling and mental health services, and family and community services careers. Content for Practicum in Human Services is designed to meet the occupational preparation needs and interests of students and should be based upon the knowledge and skills selected from two or more courses in a coherent sequence in the human services cluster as well as the essential knowledge and skills described in subsection (c) of this section for communication, critical thinking, problem solving, information technology, ethical and legal responsibilities, leadership, teamwork, and entrepreneurship.
(2)Instruction may be delivered through school-based laboratory training or through
work-based delivery arrangements such as cooperative education, mentoring, and job shadowing.
(3)Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as
career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
TEKS for course (First 3 weeks):
(1)The student analyzes career paths within the human services industries. The student is expected to:
(B)complete a resumé;
(D)demonstrate appropriate interviewing skills to seek employment or job shadowing experiences;
(2)The student uses oral and written communication skills and solves problems using critical-thinking skills. The student is expected to:
(B)practice effective verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic communication skills;
(C)use communication skills such as ability to empathize, motivate, listen attentively, speak courteously and respectfully, defuse client's anger or skepticism, resolve conflicting interests, and respond to client objections or complaints to the client's satisfaction;
(5)The student establishes a physically and psychologically healthy environment to inspire client confidence in services provided. The student is expected to:
(C)create a psychologically suitable environment such as implementing elements of a non-threatening environment or using social skills needed for a diverse population;
(6)The student uses leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others. The student is expected to:
(A)use leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives;
(B)establish and maintain working relationships with all levels of personnel
*** Course Outline for CNA
- The Nursing Assistant in Long-Term Care
- Foundations of Resident Care
- Understanding Residents
- Body Systems and Related Conditions
- Confusion, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Personal Care Skills
- Basic Nursing Skills
- Nutrition and Hydration
- Rehabilitation and Restorative Care
- Caring for Yourself
Student Organization:
FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America). This is the only student organization with the family as its central focus. We do community service projects to promote the family. Participation in student organizations is strongly encouraged. The Clifton FCCLA is a co-curricular chapter, so classroom projects will be in conjunction with chapter objectives.
Notebook, notebook paper, pen (blue or black), and pencil are required daily.
It’s not required to have dividers in your notebook. You will need to keep it somewhat organized for future quizzes and tests. You will also be provided a student workbook and other needed supplies.
Six weeks grades will be averaged using the following percentages:
Class work/small projects average40%
Tests/major projects average 60%
You may view your grades online. Your class notebook is your documentation of your grades. Please keep all graded papers in your notebook.
The make-up work policy is outlined in the student handbook. Students have one day of makeup for each day of excused absence. It is your responsibility to obtain all missed assignments. Make-up work may also be obtained from the teacher. Please remember to complete assignments on time. If you are absent on construction day, you may stay after school to get caught up. This is not required unless you are not finished with your project close to the deadline. REFER TO THE MAKE UP BOX FOR ALL MISSED WORK.
Promptness to class is expected. The tardy policy as written in the student handbook will be followed. After your third tardy you will receive a referral.
It is expected students will have a specified hall pass when leaving the classroom during class time.
Class Rules:
1. Listen carefully and participate appropriately in daily discussion.
2. Respect others and their property.
3. Have materials ready and listen to directions.
4. Obey all rules outlined in the Clifton High School Student Handbook. All rules
will be enforced.
- “Visible possession” of technological devices will result in an automatic detention, unless given permission. This is a campus-wide expectation.
Other Expectations:
- No extra talking during discussions/teaching time.
- Have an open mind and a willingness to learn.
- Turn all work into the shelf marked CNA.
- Stay in your seat during the class period.
- Be on time, tardies are turned in.
- If you are absent, get your makeup work from the box and get it back to me.
- Reserve bathroom breaks for in between class periods, if possible.
- If you are going to library, you will need a pass and to also turn in your phone until you return.
Student conference, warning, detention, parent conference, office referral
Food and Drinks:
No food is permitted, although drinks with a lid are acceptable.
During the period:
- Check the objectives and assignments on the board.
- Note when the assignment is due – be sure to turn in on time.
- Place a heading on all paper turned in….to include: first and last name,
class and date.
- There are no assigned seats, unless I feel it necessary.
End of period:
- Remain in seat until bell rings or I dismiss you.
2. Push in your chair.
4. Return work and materials.
5. End the class period by cleaning your work area or stay here until it’s cleaned.
Food Lab Policies:Laboratory experiences are designed to enhance the material being presented in class and are considered a privilege. If a student is missing work, has a failing course grade or does not exhibit appropriate classroom behavior, the privilege of participating in the laboratory experience may be revoked. During the laboratory experience, the student will complete the missing work or will be assigned other written work that applies to the material being covered in the lab. Incomplete lab plans may also result in the revoking of lab privileges and warrant additional written work.
Students: Please have your parents sign this form and return it at the
next class period.
My child and I have read the Practicum in Human Services/ CNA Program class syllabus. I will contact the teacher if I have any questions regarding the information contained in the syllabus.
Student’s Printed Name Parent’s Printed Name
Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature
Parent’s Daytime Phone Number or Cell Parent’s Email Address