(submitted by Heather Edelstein)


Heather Edelstein, Joyce Carbonneau, Robin Cino, Linda Adams, Marion Alberico, Laurie Liddy, Tracy Mrvos, Mike Mrvos, Stella P. Khoury, Angela Duclos

  • Minutes from December meeting were approved.


  • Bill not in attendance but sent update along to Beth – Boys volleyball was approved for spring. Amount needed by Boosters will be less than voted on. Coaches salary was already in the budget. Robin has a friend who will be donating shorts/uniforms for use. Leadership conference, Boosters sponsoring two students, it was decided that Bill should pick the students using same criteria he is using to pick the school sponsored students. If anyone has any suggestions though they should forward to Beth. (any grade level)
  • Joyce – Cash update…approx. $30,400 before credit cards sales were added. She has an appointment with Citizens Bank tomorrow to update bank accounts. Setting up money market & savings accounts. Getting a credit/debit card for the checking account to be used for larger purchases so board members do not have to front the cash. Check signers the only people authorized to use the card. $5,000 will be set aside in a savings account for the scholarship fund. Joyce is getting in contact with the National Booster organization to find out about tax reporting.
  • Jagwear – Had outstanding sales over the holidays. Gift certificates were a huge success. Staff purchased a lot for raffles, gifts, etc. Coordinators are requesting that a “cage” be purchased. Will make sales more mobile. Approx. $300-$500. Will have a firm price at the next meeting. Coordinators would also like to order a new t-shirt design for the spring & baseball hats. Was suggested that Polo type shirts would be a huge hit with WHS staff. Beth stated that Winham Gear is closing. Joe approached Beth to see if Boosters would be interested in purchasing any of his stock. Decided that Beth & Bridgette will check it out and see if there is anything worth purchasing.
  • Robin – Liaison update…plans on blasting out stats & such at the end of the season for different sports. Stated that she is NOT in charge of concession stand. She is in charge of coordinating any & all volunteers needed for Booster needs.
  • More parent involvement is needed. Always the same people. New parents need to take a more active role. Suggested that a parent representative from every team be required to attend the monthly Booster meetings. Beth will talk with Bill & coaches for their input.
  • Concessions – a manager is needed. Decided that two adult volunteers needed for each game. Games are on Tuesday & Friday. Dasani coolers will be delivered by the 19th along with menu boards.
  • Membership – John Carpenter resigned. (moving out of state) Currently 156 (+4 more today) members. Need to fill the position, run a winter drive.
  • Website – Lots of activity continues. Coaches are encouraged to post pictures & info. The website info is being used by WJAG news & yearbook.
  • Scholarship – update will be provided at February meeting.


  • Golf tournament – June 24th…Linda has six volunteers already. The idea of co-tournament with Pelham was rejected.
  • Comedy show – March 24th…Heather will get a committee together and start working on it.
  • Community Development Event – January 27th @ WHS. Beth will ask John if he is interested in being there.


  • Ice machine – Bill priced one out, he is talking with Warren about installation. More information at the next meeting.
  • Flag pole – not going to happen! Priced way more than anticipated. Everyone feels the money would be better spent on something the athletes would more directly benefit from. Suggested that a flag could be attached to the field house & press box.
  • Shed – Linda is getting quotes. Suggested that as long as money was being spent on a shed that it be slightly bigger (10x12) steel or wood with the idea that in the future perhaps it could be split and a modified concession stand be made.
  • Dugout covers – Tyler Caron, Eagle Scout has been secured to take on the project.


  • Beth presented several e-mails she has received. (attached)

Meeting adjourned at

Next meeting: January 27th, 7:15 pm