Coffee, Snacks, and Worms
Your Name______
On each short line, write the word that is defined. On each long line, write a sentence in which you properly use the word.
garish incredulous belligerent poised
gesture disheveled menace
1. to make a movement of part of the body to emphasize or express ideas,
emotions, etc. ______
2. attitude of readiness to fight or quarrel ______
3. a threat or a nuisance ______
4. crudely bright; gaudy ______
5. rumpled, untidy ______
6. not able or willing to accept as true; unbelieving ______
7. put into readiness with an air of confidence ______
Short Story Elements & Literary Terms
Personification – human qualities are given to something that is not human (animals, objects, plants, nature) eg. The ship sank and was swallowed by the sea.
Alliteration – the close repetition of consonant sounds
eg. The car crashed quite close to the curb, killing the kidnappers.
Setting – the place, time, and duration of a story
Atmosphere – the mood (eg. warm, tense, depressing, hilarious) which is established by action, dialogue, setting, and character.
Types of Endings:
wrap-up ending – the conflict is clearly resolved; a satisfying ending
anti-climax ending – there is some conflict resolution, but it is not complete; the reader is left with questions
open ending – there is no resolution of conflict
ironic twist ending – the unexpected happens
Write full sentence answers to each question on lined paper in your binder.
1. How does Kate’s fantasy world contrast with her real world?
2. a) Find and quote an example of personification on p. 87
b) Find and quote a simile on p. 88.
c) Find and quote an example of alliteration from Kate’s fantasy p. 89.
3. Describe Kate’s attitude as she works in the snack bar.
4. a) What atmosphere is established by the middle of p. 89?
5. On page 89, the contrast between Kate’s fantasy world and real world
isn’t so great. Explain.
6. Give 3 character traits that Kate demonstrates as she interacts with
the boy. Support each with a specific example.
7. On page 92, “Her legs suddenly felt as if they were made of melting
lead.” Why?
8. At the end of the story, prove that Kate’s fantasy life is actually based
on her real life, instead of serving as a contrast to it.
9. What type of ending would you say this story has? Explain your choice.
Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Thinking / Students showed little thought in their writing about the short story. / Students were able illustrate some thinking and inquiry in reference to the short story / Student showed some critical thinking and inquiry in reference to the topics of the short story. / Student showed critical thinking, inquiry around the topics of the short story.
-Spelling / Student’s writing was difficult to read. Problems in their writing including grammar and or spelling. / Students had some problems with their writing that may have included grammar and or spelling. / Students answered the questions with little error in spelling and grammar. / Students showed great skill in answering the questions using proper grammar and spelling.
-Writing / The overall answers were too short and or were incorrect. / The overall answers to the short story questions were brief and or had errors. / Students answered the questions fully and correctly. / Students answered the questions with skill and full effort. They were also all answered correctly.
-Literary Terms / Students were not able to illustrate their knowledge of definitions and or literary terms. / Students showed some knowledge of definitions and or literary terms. / Students showed good knowledge of definitions and or literary terms. / Students showed full knowledge of definitions and or literary terms.