Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) CPD Programme
Primary/ Special 2016/17
Led by Tom Carte, Deputy Headteacher of Ibstock Junior School
At Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville
5 Thursday afternoon sessions (all from 1:30 – 3:30) across the year, delivered by experienced Senior Leaders from Primary and Special education including a wide range of useful links and resources.
This is also an opportunity for NQTs to build up a network of colleagues.
13th October 2016
Welcome, trouble shooting, AfL. Marking Moderation, feedback
17th November 2016
Behaviour Management part 2. Resilience and work life balance
19th January 2017
Assessment and tracking progress. Use of differentiation
30th March 2017
Outstanding T & L. Use of questioning
8th June 2017
Moving on, next steps and Celebration
Costs per NQT: £200
Please see our NQT Induction & Support Programme Brochure 2016/17 for full details of our complete Induction and Support programme.
Places limited to 25. Please see terms and conditions on the following page.
To book your place, please fill in all fields on the form below and return it with your cheque to: Forest Way Teaching School Alliance, Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 4U, For the attention of Pam Lord.
Please make cheques payable to: Forest Way School
Primary NQT Programme CPD Training Only – 2016/17Name of NQT(s)
School Name:
School Address:
Telephone Number:
Email address of NQT:
Cost: / £200.00 per NQT
Terms and Conditions
Payment must be received prior to the meeting commencing.
The school will be liable for payment once the booking form has been received.
Forest Way School reserves the right to cancel a meeting e.g. if under-subscribed. In such circumstances a full refund will be made.
Places may be cancelled in writing to Forest Way School prior to the course commences, but refunds will only be issued based on the following notice periods:-
More than 28 working days before – full refund
14-28 working days before – 50% of the fee will be refunded
Less than 14 working days before – no refund. (Please note: This condition does not apply if you have a doctor’s sick note but we will require a copy).
For events at Forest Way School: Please ensure that you park in the Forest Way School car park (i.e. through the barrier) and not in the King Edward School car park. Please press the buzzer and reception staff will raise the barrier. On some occasions it may be necessary to block other cars, this isn’t a problem if you note your car registration number when you sign in.
Events at The CROFT are held in the bungalow at the far end of the school car park.
Details about this course and all the FWTSA courses and events are listed on our website.
Visit us at and see our Networks, Training & Events page