ENGL 402 UWEC SP 2004 Joseph Mlinar
Understanding the purpose of poetry
Pre-reading Activity: Prompt class discussion with brain-storm and listing
A. Why do we have poetry?
B. What’s it’s purpose?
C. Why do we need poetry?
D. Who, what is a poet?
The Poet (Herman Hesse)
Often, in full flight of longing, my soul storms upward,
To gaze on the future of blessed men,
Love, overcoming the law, love from people to people.
I find them all again, nobly transformed:
farmer, king, tradesman, busy sailors, shepherd and gardener,
All of them gratefully celebrate the festival of the future world.
Only the poet is missing…
Reading-listening Activity: Read the poem first without the title and discuss impressions and suggestions for a possible title. Reveal the title and compare. Why did Hesse choose that title?
Post-reading Activities:
1.) Point of View: Guided Journal responses
A. From what is the poet missing?
B. Why doesn’t the poet include himself in the “festival of the future world”?
C. What do you think the poem is trying to say about the purpose of poetry and poets?
2.) Figurative Language: partnered discussion and listing with brief explanations
A. What images are presented and how do they compare or contrast with your image or idea of poetry and poets?
B. What are some lines and images that interest you in particular? Why?
3.) Form/Structure: Class discussion and class recording (listing of expected poetic conventions and comparison to the poem)
A. Do you hear a rhyme or meter in the poem?
B. What aspects of this poem give you the sense that it is a poem?
4.) Theme: Guided Journal Response
A. What kind of vision for the future do you see based on your reading of the poem?
B. Do you agree with the poet? Why or why not?
5.) Writing Activity: To imagine a world without poetry and creative expression in general:
A. Write a job description for one of the character’s occupations mentioned in the poem. What does this job contribute? What would the world be without it? Would it be necessary to invent it?
B. Now write a job description for the poet. What purpose does the poet fulfill that others cannot?