Family and Community Services Syllabus
Mrs. Hutson
Course Description:Students are provided opportunities to interact and provide services to individuals, families, and the community through community or volunteer services. Emphasis is placed on developing and enhancing organizational and leadership skills and characteristics. Students will explore all aspects of helping others. They could learn about poverty, child abuse, elderly, soldiers, and obesity, just to name a few of the subjects. This is a high school credit class.
Teaching Styles and activities: This course will involve a lot of different teaching styles. I will use lectures, power points, group work, Internet research, individual work, and others. There will be projects, as well.
Required Materials:
- 5 pound sack of flour
- 2 pair flesh colored panty hose
- 1 newborn or 0-3 month baby outfit – used or thrift store is fine – not preemie.
- Agenda
- Pens, pencils, notebook paper, no red ink
- Other items may be needed at a later date
Grading Plan:
This class will follow the HMS grading policy. Assignments will be given that will be used as formative assessment. Assignments that are Summative Assessments will be placed into one of 2 categories. The categories are as follows:
- Major Summative -60%
- Minor Summative - 40%
If a student fails an assessment, then it will be mandatory that he/she re-does the formative assessment as well as the summative assessment. The retake of the assessment will be done before or after school, during lunch, or during advisory only. If a student must reassess, then he/she will have a request for reassessment that he/she will have filled in and a parent must sign. The student will have 10 days to complete all formative and summative assessments. If a student voluntarily wants to be reassessed, then he/she will still need a request for reassessment filled in and a parent signature. He/she will also have 10 days to turn in the reassessment.
Classroom Procedures:
- Use the restroom, get a drink, and get all items out of locker BEFORE entering the classroom. You cannot leave during class.
- Pencils are to be sharpened before the tardy bell.
- Questions about grades, homework, etc. need to be asked BEFORE the tardy bell rings, or wait until after class.
- Be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Raise your hand to be called upon.
- Do not talk when I am talking.
- All assignments must include your name, class period, and date it was turned in at the top right corner.
- Assignments are to be turned into the appropriate class period’s tray (located in the front of the classroom.)
- Printing is prohibited unless you have teacher permission.
- All assignments can only be printed one time, so make sure they are complete.
- All power points must be printed in handout form in pure black and white.
- At the end of class, I am to dismiss you, not the bell. Stay in your seats until I dismiss you.
- Chairs must be pushed in when you are dismissed.
- Healthy snacks and bottled water are allowed in my class but cannot be shared with other students.
Classroom Rules:
- Be on Time
- Be prepared
- Be respectful
- Follow Directions
Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding your child’s success in my class.
– preferred method of contact
Family and Community Services Syllabus
Mrs. Hutson
Room D124