Hubbard Run Condominium Association
Board of Directors
June 28, 2010
I. The meeting began with a walk around the property at 7:00.
Present: Joe Soucie, Mike Fernandes, Sheila Persky, Dave Dearborn, Sandra Rodrigue, Stephanie Askelind, Kristi Mallett
KP Management: Jody
II. Inspection of property
On inspection, the board noted the following:
· The bulkheads on the following units need to be extensively repaired or replaced: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9
· The back stops on the following units need to be replaced: 5,6,9,35
· The weeds behind unit 8 need to be trimmed
· The tree behind unit 22 needs to be pruned
· The window mouldings on units 21-25 need to be examined for repair or replacement
· The mouldings on the sliders of the following units need to be repaired or replaced: 23, 24, 25, 28, 29
· The gutter and drain behind unit 26 need to be repaired
· R& J failed to create the number of grass swails as indicated in the contract
· A cable should be placed in the tree in front of unit 39 to prevent splitting
· The pipe in front of unit 40 needs a place to drain and a bush should be placed in front of it as it is unsightly
· The sidewalk at the end of units 36 & 37 needs to be touched up
II. Minutes
The minutes from May 28, 2010 meeting were approved.
III. Old Business
· Light outside unit 22 is still not repaired. Sheila is calling CL& P supervisor. (At the time of the transcription of these minutes, the light has been fixed.)
· The board voted to approve the presented quote for power washing.
· The board voted to bid out the replacement or repair for the hatchways.
· The town denies owning the structure behind unit 30 and the maps indicate that Hubbard Run does not own it. It is noteworthy that there is a sign on a tree right next to the structure indicating that the tree is part of a conservation easement.
IV. New Business
· As a result of the sidewalk improvement, at least 5 of the front stoops are no longer in compliance with the building code, which requires that each step be between 5 and 7 inches in height. The building inspector should be contacted to come out and make sure that there are only 5 that are not in compliance. Because they constitute a safety risk, the stoops will be fixed immediately, after photos are taken, to make sure that our unit owners or tenants and guests are safe. R&J quoted $400 to fix each stoop. Although Dutton has denied liability for this problem, because they recommended the overly, they had an obligation to advise that such action might result in such an issue. Thus, the board is in favor of pursuing legal action against Dutton for this repair if necessary.
· KP will inquire of R&J about the swails it was obligated to install in accordance with the contract. The contract calls for the installation of 4 and it is apparent that they installed only one.
V. Financials
No news to report.