S3. The microarray features up-regulated at 1500 and 2000 hours of chilling versus 500 chilling hr. Not included are 26 unknown and 38 with no significant hit. Accession no. represents the sequence from the NCBI protein database to which the EST representing the microarray feature exhibited the highest similarity. Two-fold or greater change in expression is indicated by asterisk (*). Number of copies is based on contig alignment to Affymetrix probesets.

Hours of
chilling / Functional category / Accession no. / Predicted gene product / Copy
1500 / Metabolism, glycan biosynthesis / DY639651 / 1,4-alpha-D-glucan maltohydrolase / 1
Signaling / NP_568768 / protein phosphatase inhibitor / 1
Poorly characterized / BAA88226 / thiamin biosynthetic enzyme / 2
both / Metabolism / AAO12867 / cysteine protease / 1
Metabolism, amino acid / ABA59555 / cinnamate-4-hydroxylase / 1
Metabolism, carbohydrate / CAN67876 / carbohydrate kinase / 1
Metabolism, lipid / AAM65175 / esterase D, putative / 1
Protein processing / O49286 / F-box/LRR-repeat protein 5 / 2
AAM63110 / F-box protein AtFBL5 / 1
Signaling / AAF22247 / 14-3-3 protein / 2
ABN14355 / aquaporin PIP1;5 / 3
AAM13098 / Ran binding protein * / 1
Transcription / AAK84886 / homeodomain leucine zipper protein HDZ2 / 1
Translation / CAC80549 / glycine-rich RNA-binding protein / 3
NP_198122 / ribosomal protein S21, 40S / 1
Transport / AAM61107 / nitrate transporter * / 1
2000 / Cell defense/stress response / ABF81419 / disease resistance protein, TIR-NBS-LRR type / 1
EC591288 / allergenic protein Pt2L4 / 6
ABE79314 / early tobacco anther 1, putative / 1
AAG34804 / glutathione S-transferase 14 / 1
Q39511 / metallothionein-like protein 1 / 6
ABD97258 / metallothionin 2 * / 24
P16273 / pathogen-related protein / 4
ABE81419 / thaumatin, pathogenesis-related / 2
ABI84255 / translationally controlled tumor-like protein / 1
Metabolism / ABQ10200 / cysteine protease Cp2 / 1
NP_192811 / kinase / 1
ABD47725 / peroxidase / 1
CAA10231 / xyloglucan endotransglycosylase 1 / 1
Metabolism, amino acid / BAE99157 / aminopeptidase like protein / 2
AAN72085 / aminopeptidase, putative / 1
Q9SW96 / asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase/ligase / 1
NP_180763 / GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) / 1
ABF72432 / PIP1 / 1
CAM35497 / spermidine synthase / 1
Metabolism, carbohydrate / ABF97648 / 2OG-Fe oxygenase family protein, oxidoreductase / 1
ABE81866 / 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase / 1
NP_192788 / 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase family protein, oxidoreductase / 1
AAZ79356 / aldehyde dehydrogenase / 1
BAC53928 / beta-1,3-glucanase-like protein / 1
AAM95447 / chitinase, class IV / 1
NP_175708 / cytidylyltransferase family / 1
ABO83962 / glycoside hydrolase, family 1 / 2
NP_190288 / glycosyl hydrolase family 3 / 1
Q9FPK7 / inositol-3-phosphate synthase / 2
CAC10208 / malate dehydrogenase, cytosolic / 1
Metabolism, energy / AAD27878 / chlorophyll a/b binding protein CP29 / 1
AAU25941 / cytochrome b / 1
CAA04702 / cytochrome b5 / 1
AAS92624 / cytochrome P450 / 1
BAA02248 / ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase / 1
Q9SXP2 / formate dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial precursor / 1
BAA11770 / nitrilase / 1
2002393A / oxygen-evolving complex protein 1 / 1
AAF66603 / phytochrome C / 1
AAC99772 / phytochrome-associated protein 1 / 1
Metabolism, glycan biosynthesis / CAO47665 / dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase / 1
ABE96653 / Alg9-like mannosyltransferase / 1
Metabolism, lipid / NP_196073 / beta-ketoacyl-CoA synthase / 1
NP_195981 / GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase / 1
AAO33394 / lipid transfer protein isoform / 1
AAD13306 / lipoxygenase / 1
NP_194116 / long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase/synthetase / 1
NP_190741 / saposin B domain-containing protein / 1
Metabolism, nucleotide / NP_179417 / 4-phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase (ATCOAD) / 1
ABC86739 / cyclase * / 8
Metabolism, peptide / ABE89221 / peptidase dimerisation / 1
BAE48666 / serine carboxypeptidase / 2
Metabolism, secondary metabolites / AAM65672 / 4-coumarate-CoA ligase-like protein / 1
Metabolism, cofactors and vitamins / NP_188744 / NADK1 (NAD kinase 1) / 2
Protein processing / NP_199429 / F-box family protein / 1
ABP02242 / F-box, cyclin-like / 1
Q948P6 / ferritin-3, chloroplast precursor / 1
AAF31705 / heat shock protein 80 / 1
BAE97400 / heat shock protein 90 / 1
NP_193953 / iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex protein / 1
CAA66667 / polyubiquitin / 1
BAD53524 / potential autophage related protein / 1
ABN46981 / peroxidase, thioredoxin-dependent / 1
NP_190372 / ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase-related / 1
AAV84587 / ubiquitin carrier protein / 1
CAA71132 / ubiquitin extension protein / 1
NP_198975 / VIRB2-interacting protein 3 (BTI3) / 1
Cell structure / ABO43670 / actin / 6
AAP73462 / actin / 1
NP_564615 / peroxisomal membrane protein-related / 1
NP_195588 / proline-rich protein (PRP4) / 1
Signaling / ABN14348 / aquaporin PIP1;2 / 4
ABN14353 / aquaporin PIP2;4 / 1
NP_177612 / calcium-dependent protein kinase / 1
CAO23338 / calmodulin-binding protein / 1
NP_197994 / ChaC-like family protein / 1
AAY58313 / cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 2 / 1
NP_564267 / cyclophilin-type, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase / 1
NP_187955 / ECT2; protein binding / 2
ABG89394 / gibberellic acid receptor / 1
NP_175749 / leucine-rich repeat family protein/protein kinase / 1
BAC79573 / light induced protein like protein / 1
ABA10483 / manganese superoxide dismutase / 1
NP_188846 / meprin and TRAF homology domain-containing protein / 2
ABD65001 / Mo25 family protein / 2
NP_195548 / patched family protein / 1
ABE93337 / protein kinase / 1
CAA05491 / protein phosphatase 1, catalytic beta subunit / 1
NP_680572 / protein phosphatase 2C / 1
AAM21172 / serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A / 1
AAK49947 / TGF-beta receptor-interactig protein 1 / 1
Genetic information processing / NP_001077477 / histone H4 / 2
CAO42325 / histone H1 / 1
Q9M531 / histone H2A / 1
Replication and repair / NP_001031418 / 3'-5' exonuclease/nucleic acid binding / 1
CAN84142 / En/Spm transposon protein / 1
Transcription / NP_566800 / auxin signaling F-box 2 (AFB2), auxin binding / 2
NP_176297 / cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor, putative / 1
CAJ38367 / polyA-binding protein / 1
ABB87134 / RNA binding protein-like protein / 1
NP_200269 / RNA recognition motif (RRM)-containing protein / 2
ABE93568 / RNA-binding region RNP-1 (RNA recognition motif) / 1
NP_196657 / transcription complex protein CCR4-NOT, putative / 1
Q8LHP0 / transcription elongation factor 1 / 4
ABH02845 / transcription factor MYB93 / 1
NP_849563 / transcription factor, DNA binding, CHB3, switch 3D / 1
NP_188116 / transcription factor, PHD finger, putative / 1
AAZ99027 / WRKY-A1244 / 1
NP_974537 / YT521-B / 3
NP_567875 / zinc finger (C2H2 type) family protein / 1
NP_190382 / zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein / 2
NP_19349 / zinc finger (GATA type) family protein / 2
AAG50875 / zinc finger protein, Dof / 1
ABF95940 / zinc finger, C3HC4 type family protein, expressed / 1
Translation / NM_102901 / Bystin (51.6 kD) / 1
AAP80650 / elongation factor / 2
AAT45847 / elongation factor 1 alpha / 4
CAL25349 / elongation factor 1 alpha / 3
CAB64729 / elongation factor 1B alpha-subunit / 1
P29545 / elongation factor 1-beta / 2
P93447 / elongation factor 1-delta / 2
Q9FUM1 / elongation factor 1-gamma / 2
CAK32531 / fibrillarin 2 / 1
P33278 / protein translation factor SUI1 homolog / 2
NP_563813 / ribosomal protein L10A, 60S / 1
AAC78102 / ribosomal protein L21, 60S / 1
Q05462 / ribosomal protein L27, 60S / 2
NP_177217 / ribosomal protein L27a, 60S / 1
P41105 / ribosomal protein L28 60S / 1
AAR17783 / ribosomal protein L3 / 2
NP_172188 / ribosomal protein L35a, 60S / 2
NP_566535 / ribosomal protein L37, 60S / 1
NP_173289 / ribosomal protein L6, 60S / 1
P50346 / ribosomal protein P0, 60S acidic / 2
CAC27136 / ribosomal protein S2, 40S / 3
AAL91663 / ribosomal protein, acidic 60S / 1
Cell cycle and growth / BAC66694 / expansin * / 1
NP_172317 / GTP-binding family protein / 1
CAA21472 / GTP-binding protein GB2 / 1
AAV33646 / phytosulfokines * / 1
NP_001031446 / root phototropism 2 (RPT2), protein binding / 1
NP_569026 / senescence-associated / 1
transport / ABS32232 / exocyst complex subunit SEC6 / 1
ABF94399 / mitochondrial carrier protein / 1
NP_177024 / proton-dependent oligopeptide transport (POT) family protein / 1
BAA25753 / Ca2+/H+ exchanger / 1
ABO82395 / cystinosin/ERS1p repeat / 2
Poorly characterized / AAG31649 / PRLI-interacting factor A / 1