Fun Hack Day
6th November 2016

Proudly Presented by Wanneroo Horse and Pony Club

8.30 am start:

·  RING 1 – Leadline

·  RING 2 – Junior Walk Trot (under 12 years)

·  RING 3 – Youth Walk Trot (12-17 years)

·  RING 4 – Adult Walk Trot (18 years and over)

SUPREME WALK TROT EXHIBIT to be held on conclusion of Rings 1-4

1.00 pm start:

·  RING 5 – Junior Walk Trot Canter (under 12 years)

·  RING 6 – Youth Walk Trot Canter (12-17 years)

·  RING 7 – Adult Walk Trot Canter (18 years and over)

SUPREME WALK TROT CANTER EXHIBIT to be held on conclusion of Rings 5-7

Great prizes to be won!!!!

Pre enter or Entries on the day


Leading Rein Riders any age – 8.30am start

(A Rider competing in this ring cannot compete in any other ring)


(Age to be as at the date of Show - Handler to be 18yrs and over)

1.a. Best Presented Leading Rein Pony/Rider/Handler Combination (plaited ponies)

1.b. Best Presented Leading Rein Pony/Rider/Handler Combination (un-plaited ponies)

2. Leading Rein rider up to & inc 5yrs

3. Leading Rein rider 6yrs

4. Leading Rein rider 7yrs

5. Leading Rein rider 8yrs and over

Champion Leading Rein Rider

(Champion eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)

Reserve Leading Rein Rider (Reserve to receive sash)

6. Leading Rein Pony up to and including 11hh

7. Leading Rein Pony over 11hh up to and including 12hh

8. Leading Rein Pony over 12hh up to & including 13hh

9. Leading Rein Pony over 13hh

10. Happiest Pony/Rider Combination up to and including 12hh

11. Happiest Horse/Pony/Rider Combination over 12hh

12. Handy Pony up to & including 12hh

13. Handy Horse/Pony over 12hh

14. Pleasure Leading Rein Pony up to & including 12hh

15. Pleasure Leading Rein Horse/Pony over 12hh

Champion Leading Rein Pony/Horse

(Eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)

Reserve Leading Rein Pony/Horse


Riders under 12 years – 8.30am start

1. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (plaited)

2. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (un-plaited)

3. Rider 7 years and under)

4. Rider 8 and 9 years

5. Rider 10 and 11 years

Champion Junior WT Rider

(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)

Reserve Junior WT Rider

6. Pony up to & including 11hh

7. Pony over 11hh and up to & including 12hh

8. Pony over 12hh and up to & including 13hh

9. Pony over 13hh and up to & including 14hh

10. Galloway or Hack over 14hh

11. Pony/Galloway/Hack aged 9 years and under

12. Pony/Galloway/Hack aged 10-17 years

13. Pony/Galloway/Hack aged 18 years and over

14. Handy Pony up to & including 12.2hh

15. Handy Pony over 12.2hh up to and including 14hh

16. Handy Galloway or Hack over 14hh

17. Pleasure Small Pony up to & including 12.2hh

18. Pleasure Large Pony over 12.2hh up to & including 14hh

19. Pleasure Galloway or Hack over 14hh

Champion Junior Walk Trot Pony/Galloway/Hack
(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)

Reserve Junior Walk Trot Pony/Galloway/Hack

WH&PC Ring 3 Walk and Trot

Rider 12 years and up to & including 17 years – 8.30am Start

1.a. Best Presented Pony 14hh and under (plaited)

1.b. Best Presented Pony 14hh and under (un-plaited)

2.a. Best Presented Galloway / Hack over 14hh (plaited)

2.b. Best Presented Galloway / Hack over 14hh (un-plaited)

3. Rider 12 and 13 years

4. Rider 14 and 15 years

5. Rider 16 and 17 years

Champion Youth WT Rider

(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)

Reserve Youth WT Rider

6. Pony up to and incl 12hh

7. Pony over 12hh and up to and incl 13hh

8. Pony over 13hh and up to and incl 14hh

9. Pony up to and incl 14hh, aged 9 years and under

10. Pony up to and incl 14hh, aged 10-17 years

11. Pony up to and incl 14hh, aged 18 years and over

12. Handy Pony up to and incl 13hh

13. Handy Pony over 13hh up to & inc 14hh

14. Pleasure Pony up to and incl 13hh

15. Pleasure Pony over 13hh up to & inc 14hh

16. Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 14.2hh

17. Galloway over 14.2hh up to and incl 15hh

18. Hack over 15hh up to and incl 15.2hh

19. Hack over 15.2hh up to and incl 16hh

20. Hack over 16hh

21. Galloway / Hack, aged 9 years and under

22. Galloway / Hack, aged 10-17 years

23. Galloway / Hack, aged 18 years and over

24. Handy Galloway over 14hh up to and including 15hh

25. Handy Hack over 15hh

26. Pleasure Galloway over 14hh up to and including 15hh

27.Pleasure Hack over 15hh

Champion Pony/Galloway/Hack
(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)

Reserve Pony/Galloway/Hack

WH&PC RING 4 – Walk & Trot Ring
Riders 18 years and over (Adult Ring) – 8.30am start
1. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (plaited)
2. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (un-plaited)
3. Rider 18, 19 and 20 years
4. Rider 21 up to and incl 30 years
5. Rider 31 years and over
Champion Adult WT Rider (Champion to receive sash and Kentaur Gift Voucher)
(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot)
Reserve Adult WT Rider (Reserve to receive sash and Kentaur Gift Voucher)

6. Pony up to and incl 13hh
7. Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
8. Lightweight Pony up to and incl 13hh
9. Mdm/Heavy weight Pony up to and incl 13hh
10. Lightweight Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
11. Mdm/Heavy weight Pony over 13hh up to & incl 14hh
12. Pleasure Pony up to and incl 13hh
13. Pleasure Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
14. Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 14.2hh
15. Galloway over 14.2hh up to and incl 15hh
16. Hack over 15hh up to and incl 15.2hh
17. Hack over 15.2hh up to and incl 16hh
18. Hack over 16hh
19. Lightweight Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
20. Mdm / Heavyweight Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
21. Lightweight Hack over 15hh
22. Mdm / Heavyweight Hack over 15hh
23. Pleasure Galloway Hack over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
24. Pleasure Hack over 15hh up to and incl 16hh
25. Pleasure Hack over 16hh

Champion Pony / Galloway / Hack
(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot) (Champion to receive sash and Kentaur Gift Voucher)
Reserve Pony / Galloway / Hack

Walk, Trot & Canter Ring
Riders under 12 years – 1.00pm start
1. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (plaited)
2. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (un-plaited)
3. Rider 7 years and under (medallion for 1st place)
4. Rider 8 and 9 years (medallion for 1st place)
5. Rider 10 and 11 years (medallion for 1st place)

Champion Junior WTC Rider
(eligible Supreme Walk Trot Canter)
Reserve Junior WTC Rider

6. Pony up to & including 11hh
7. Pony over 11hh and up to & including 12hh
8. Pony over 12hh and up to & including 13hh
9. Pony over 13hh and up to & including 14hh
10. Galloway or Hack over 14hh
11. Pony / Galloway / Hack, aged 9 years and under
12. Pony / Galloway / Hack, aged 10-17 years
13. Pony / Galloway / Hack, aged 18 years and over
14. Handy Small Pony up to and incl 12.2hh
15. Handy Large Pony over 12.2hh up to and incl 14hh
16. Handy Galloway or Hack over 14hh
17. Pleasure Small Pony up to & including 12.2hh
18. Pleasure Large Pony over 12.2hh up to & including 14hh
19. Pleasure Galloway or Hack over 14hh

Champion Pony / Galloway / Hack
(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot Canter)
Reserve Pony / Galloway / Hack / Proudly Sponsored by

1.a. Best Presented Pony 14hh and under (plaited)
1.b. Best Presented Pony 14hh and under (un-plaited)
2.a. Best Presented Galloway or Hack over 14hh (plaited)
2.b. Best Presented Galloway or Hack over 14hh (un-plaited)
3. Rider 12 and 13 years
4. Rider 14 and 15 years
5. Rider 16 and 17 years

Champion Youth WTC Rider
(eligible Supreme Walk Trot Canter)
Reserve Youth WTC Rider

6. Pony up to and incl 12hh
7. Pony over 12hh up to and incl 13hh
8. Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
9. Pony up to and incl 14hh, aged 9 years and under
10. Pony up to and incl 14hh, aged 10-17 years
11. Pony up to and incl 14hh, aged 18 years and over
12. Handy Pony up to and incl 13hh
13. Handy Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
14. Pleasure Pony up to and incl 13hh
15. Pleasure Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh

/ 16. Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 14.2hh
17. Galloway over 14.2hh up to and incl 15hh
18. Hack over 15hh up to and incl 15.2hh
19. Hack over 15.2hh up to and incl 16hh
20. Hack over 16hh
21. Galloway / Hack, aged 9 years and under
22. Galloway / Hack, aged 10-17 years
23. Galloway / Hack, aged 18 years and over
24. Handy Galloway, over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
25. Handy Hack, over 15hh
26. Pleasure Galloway Hack over 14hh up to incl 15hh
27. Pleasure Hack over 15hh

Champion Pony / Galloway / Hack
(eligible for Supreme Walk Trot Canter)
Reserve Pony / Galloway / Hack
WH&PC RING 7 – Walk, Trot & Canter Ring
Riders 18 years and over (Adult Ring) – 1.00pm start
1. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (plaited)
2. Best Presented Pony/Galloway/Hack (un-plaited)
3. Rider 18, 19 and 20 years
4. Rider 21 up to and incl 30 years
5. Rider 31 years and over

Champion Adult WTC Rider
(Eligible Supreme Walk Trot Canter)
Reserve Adult WTC Rider

6. Pony up to and incl 13hh
7. Pony over 13hh and up to and incl 14hh
8. Lightweight Pony up to and incl 13hh
9. Mdm/Heavy weight Pony up to and incl 13hh
10. Lightweight Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
11. Mdm/Heavy weight Pony over 13hh up to & incl 14hh
12. Pleasure Pony up to and incl 13hh
13. Pleasure Pony over 13hh up to and incl 14hh
14. Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 14.2hh
15. Galloway over 14.2hh up to and incl 15hh
16. Hack over 15hh up to and incl 15.2hh
17. Hack over 15.2hh up to and incl 16hh
18. Hack over 16hh
19. Lightweight Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
20. Mdm / Heavyweight Galloway over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
21. Lightweight Hack over 15hh
22. Mdm / Heavyweight Hack over 15hh
23. Pleasure Galloway Hack over 14hh up to and incl 15hh
24. Pleasure Hack over 15hh up to and incl 16hh
25. Pleasure Hack over 16hh

Champion Pony / Galloway / Hack
(Eligible for Supreme Walk Trot Canter)
Reserve Pony / Galloway / Hack
/ Proudly Sponsored by

Wanneroo Hack Fun Day – 6th November 2016


Date: Armband B/Plate:

Please fill out one form per horse per ring






Please circle which ring you will be competing in: (only 1 ring per horse/rider combination)

1. Leadline / 2.  Walk Trot
(under 12 yrs) / 3. Walk Trot
(12-17 yrs) / 4.  Walk Trot
(18 yrs over) / 5. Walk Trot Canter
(under 12 yrs) / 6.  Walk Trot Canter
(12-17 yrs) / 7. Walk Trot Canter
(over 18 yrs)

WHPC Member $45.00

EA or PCAWA Members, Member No: ______$55.00

Non Members $70.00 includes $15 day insurance

Ground Fee (per Horse)………………………………………………….... $5.00

Second Horse, same Rider (Same Ring) $20.00



Natasha or Vicki Aravidis

0416 039 834 or 0414 373 484



Wanneroo Horse & Pony Club Inc

25 Carlton Turn, Currambine, Wa. 6028
