8th Grade Campus Visit Grant

Program Reporting Requirements

An important part of receiving grant funds is accountability. The following information is required to complete the reports:

·  information gathered from student surveys

·  feedback on the impact of the program requirements

·  budget report showing how funds were spent

Student Surveys

Your students are required to complete the following surveys, which are included in the appendices. This information will help EducationQuest evaluate the effectiveness of the program and should provide meaningful information for you to report to your school.

Needs Assessment (Appendix A)

Purpose: To establish baseline information about your students’ perceptions of college

Target audience: 8th grade students who will be part of the college visit

Due: Submitted as part of the application

How: Administered at the school, survey format

Student Program Evaluation (Appendix B)

Purpose: To measure the effectiveness of college access activities; changes in the students’ perception of college; and, assess the students’ satisfaction with the program

Target audience: 8th grade students who participated in program

Due: May 15, 2017* (Note: because students may quickly forget details from their experience, please administer the survey as soon as the grant program activities are completed)

How: Administered at the school, survey format

Grant Administrator Reports

The grant administrator, generally the counselor, will complete two reports.

Year-End Report (Appendix C)

Purpose: To gather information about the effectiveness of the program, activities and participation

Who: Grant administrator

Due: May 15, 2017*

How: Online survey from EducationQuest

What it measures:

§  Student Demographics

§  Programming Report

§  Student Program Evaluation results

Budget Report (Appendix D)

Purpose: Provide verification regarding the use of 8th Grade Campus Visit Grant funds.

Who: Grant administrator

Due: May 15, 2017*

How: Complete all budget forms/details and return to EducationQuest Foundation

*Note: if your visit is schedule near or after the stated deadline, the dates will be adjusted appropriately

If you have questions about the reporting requirements, contact Eric Drumheller at or 800.303.3745 extension 6622.

Appendix A

Needs Assessment

Instructions: This survey is given to all student participants during the application process. You may make copies of this template to collect individual results. The aggregated results will be included as part of your application.

8th Grade Campus Visit Grant

Name ______Date______

1.  Are you planning to attend college? Yes No Not Sure

If YES, what type of college?

2-year community college 4-year college or university

2-year community college with plans Technical or Trade School

to transfer to a 4-year college of university

Not Sure

2.  Have you talked with your friends about going to college? Yes No Not Sure

3.  Have you talked with your parents/guardian about going Yes No Not Sure

to college?

4.  Do you have an understanding of what college will cost? Yes No Not Sure

5.  Can you identify ways to help you pay for college? Yes No Not Sure

6.  Is your family saving money for your college education? Yes No Not Sure

7.  Are you currently enrolled in classes that help prepare you Yes No Not Sure

for college?

8.  Will a college education make you more successful? Yes No Not Sure

9.  Indicate who might impact your decision to attend college (check all that apply):

My parents/guardian

Family members other than my parents

My friends

My school counselors

My teachers

Someone in my school other than a counselor or teacher (example: coach)

10.  Indicate what might impact your decision to attend college (check all that apply):

My career interests

My interest in college

My grades

My test scores

Money for college

Appendix B


Instructions: This survey is given to all student participants following the completion of the program. You may make copies of this template to collect individual results. The aggregated results will be included as part of your year-end evaluation.

8th Grade Campus Visit Grant

Name ______Date______

Student ID ______

1.  Are you planning to attend college? Yes No Not Sure

If YES, what type of college?

2-year community college 4-year college or university

2-year community college with plans Technical or Trade School

to transfer to a 4-year college of university

Not Sure

2.  Have you talked with your friends about going to college? Yes No Not Sure

3.  Have you talked with your parents/guardian about going Yes No Not Sure

to college?

4.  Do you have an understanding of what college will cost? Yes No Not Sure

5.  Can you identify ways to help you pay for college? Yes No Not Sure

6.  Are you or your family saving money for you to Yes No Not Sure

attend college?

7.  Are you enrolled in classes that will prepare you Yes No Not Sure
for college?

8.  Will a college education make you more successful? Yes No Not Sure

Rate the following college access activities and how much help they were in preparing you for or understanding college. / Much Help / Some Help / Little Help / No Help / Did not Participate
9.  Visiting a college
10.  Learning about career options
11.  Learning about financial aid and scholarships
12.  Learning the four KnowHow2GO steps
Check the box that best
answers the statement for you. / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
13.  I enjoyed the activities I participated in.
14.  The activities made me think more positively about
going to college.
15.  There were things I learned that I didn’t know before.
16.  The overall quality of the activities met my expectations.
17.  I learned something through the activities that will make
it more likely for me to attend college.

18.  What were the top two things you learned on your campus visit?

A.  ______

B.  ______

19.  What things might still be keeping you from attending college? ______

20.  What are one or two things you would have liked to do during the college visit that you did not have the opportunity to do?


Appendix C


Instructions: This report is to be completed by the school professional that completed grant activities. Use the aggregate student survey details in this report, along with your observations on program activities. EducationQuest will send you a Word document with this information near the end of your grant term. You can use this Word document to type your results and then cut/paste them into the data collection tool (EducationQuest uses SurveyMonkey).

School and Student Demographics

Submit information as of the end of the school year.

1.  Please select your school: select your school name from the drop-down box

2.  Name of person completing the report:

Total Students Served = ______8th grade students

Please provide demographic information about students served.

Of the students served, how many were:

First Generation (if known)
Free or Reduced Lunch

If you identified minority students in your student population, please identify the number of students within each minority group.

African American/Black
American Indian/Native American/Alaska Native
Asian American/Asian

8th Grade Campus Visit Grant Programming Report

This page asks questions related to 8th Grade Campus Visit Grant activities including attendance, challenges and barriers, successes, outcomes, and suggested changes.

When you enter this data online, you will use drop down boxes. “Type” refers to whether the activity was new or enhanced with grant funds or whether it existed before this year. ‘Participation’ indicates the percentage of targeted students who participated in the activity.

Activity / Type / Participation
Nebraska college visit / New
N/A / 95-100%
Less than 10%
Explore careers that require a 2- or 4-year college education / New
N/A / 95-100%
Less than 10%
Learn what financial aid is available for college including the importance of scholarships / New
N/A / 95-100%
Less than 10%

How has the grant impacted your students in regard to college access?

Describe your successes with the college access programs and activities to date. Have there been unanticipated outcomes?

Nebraska college visit:

Explore careers that require a 2- or 4 -year college education:

Learn what financial aid is available for college:

Other successes or unanticipated outcomes:

Describe challenges or barriers to implementation of the 8th Grade Campus Visit Grant activities.

Nebraska college visit:

Explore careers that require a 2- or 4-year college education:

Learn what financial aid is available for college:

Other challenges or barriers:

Based on your observations or student feedback, suggest improvements to the grant process and its required activities.

Nebraska college visit:

Explore careers that require a 2- or 4-year college education:

Learn what financial aid is available for college:

Student Program Evaluation

Enter the aggregated results from the student program evaluation.

The survey question number as it appears on the survey is in parentheses next to the question. Please enter the number of students responding to each option.

Total number of students completing the Program Evaluation Survey: ______

1. Total number of students who plan to attend college:

Not Sure

1a. Total number of students who plan to attend:

2-year with plans to transfer to a 4-year
Not Sure
Total number of students who: / Yes / No / Not Sure
2. Talk with their friends about college
3.  Talk with their parents/guardians about college
4.  Have an understanding of what college will cost
5.  Can identify ways to help pay for college
6.  Whose family is saving money for college
7.  Are currently enrolled in classes that help prepare them for college
8.  Believe a college education will make them more successful
Total number of students who identified: / Much Help / Some Help / Little Help / No Help / Did Not Participate
9.  Visiting a college
10.  Learning about career options
11.  Learning about financial aid and scholarships
12.  Learning the four KnowHow2GO steps
Total number of students who identified: / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
13.  Enjoyed the activities in which students participated.
14.  The activities made students think more positively about going to college.
15.  There were things learned that students didn’t know before.
16.  The overall quality of the activities met students’ expectations.
17.  Students learned something through the activities that will make it more likely that they attend college.

18.  What were the top five things learned from the activities?

19.  What are the top five things that might still be keeping the students from college?

20. What are the top five things the students indicated they wish they would have been able to do during the college visits?

Appendix D – Budget report

The report on the following page is to be completed by the school professional responsible for grant administration and submitted to Eric Drumheller.

Receipts are not required. Your school must spend the funds in accordance to your school’s policies and procedures. Your school may be subject to a program audit.

8th Grade Campus Visit Grant • Expense Report

This report is to be completed by the school professional responsible for grant administration.

School name: ______Report completed by: ______

TRANSPORTATION / Date of visit: / Trip name (ex. Cather Middle Schools visit to Norris College):
Transportation provider
Name (ex. Cather Public School, Arrow Stage Lines, etc.):
Trip information
Departure / Name (ex. Willa Cather Middle School):
Address (ex. 134 Main Street, City):
Departure time (ex. 7.15 a.m.):
Destination / Name (ex. Norris College):
Address (ex. 1445 K Street, Lincoln):
Arrival time (ex. 9.45 a.m.):
Return / Departure time (ex. 3.00 p.m.):
Name (ex. Willa Cather Middle School):
Address (ex. 134 Main Street, City):
Arrival time (ex. 5.30 p.m.):
Total / Miles driven (ex. 247):
Time duration gone (15 minute increments = .25/hour; ex. 10.25 hours):
Transportation Costs
Check appropriate box and complete:
o Mileage – Total Miles ______x cost per mile $______= Total $______
o Hourly – Total time ______x cost per hour $______= Total $______
o Gas only = Total $______
Is the driver’s cost included in above rate? o Yes o No (complete Driver information section)
Driver information (Standard rate not to exceed $15.00/hour; Overtime rate not to exceed $22.50/hour):
o Standard hourly – Total time ______x hourly rate $______= Total $______
o Overtime hourly – Total time ______x hourly rate $______= Total $______
o Flat rate total: $______
Number of meals ______x cost (not to exceed $8) $______= total $______
Required substitute pay (not to exceed $150 per sub): $______
Total expense (add each grant category – as applicable)
Transportation $______+ Driver $______+ Meals $______+ Staff $ ______= Total $______
Expense authorization (by an appropriate school official certifying the amounts are true and accurate)
Signature / Printed Name and Title / Date