Hereworth School Chaplaincy - 2017

Our central theme was to emphasise our motto Non Nobis Solum. We encouraged the boys to reflect on ways Jesus has taught us to relate and serve others, to have open generous hearts, and to share the talents they have with others.

World Vision was again well supported with the boys challenged to survive for 40 hours on what they could fit into a day pack. They raised $1,600 towards supplying the children in a Syrian refugee camp with a classroom. We continued to support a World Vison child from our Chapel donations.

Special appeals at our Chapel Services are passed onto local agencies. The Samaritan Christmas box appeal was very generously supported. The ‘delicious Christmas treats’ placed under the Chapel Christmas tree to be handed onto the foodbanks is another witness of generosity from the Hereworth Community .

It is a huge privilege as Chaplain to be able to openly share the story of the Good News of Jesus with the boys. It is good to have Bishop Andrew as our Anglican connection on our Hereworth Board.

We are working on strengthening the links we have with other Anglican schools around NZ, and value the support we have to do this from Rev’d Dr Anne Van Gend. She provides a common resource base for all the schools, and encourages us to share innovative ways of delivering RE.

The tradition and special character of Hereworth help to prepare the boys to go forward with confidence. The handshake and ‘eye to eye’ contact, accompanied by a warm smile and greeting, help to set them apart and join them together.

Keeping abreast with changes is also important. (We no longer still drive the same cars that we used to 8o years ago). We were delighted that with the support of the Williams Family Trust a screen and microphone were added to the Chapel, as this made our worship times so much more relevant.

By continually re-examining the symbols on our school coat of arms, a deeper understanding is developed of the ‘glue’ that holds this magnificent school and all the old boys together. As a school, we are under God’s protection. We unashamedly proclaim the Christian faith through our Anglican tradition. We intend to be around for perpetuity. We are a place where the pursuit of knowledge happens. Our forbearers left us not a monument but a living, ever-changing legacy to uphold, cherish and always seek to improve on. The motto, “non nobis solum”, declares proudly what we stand for…. not for ourselves alone.

Last year, the Hawke’s Bay School Chaplains hosted the NZ Chaplain’s Conference in August. It was a chance to show others our stimulating and exciting RE space which brings Christ right into the heart of school curriculum activity, along with our Chapel.

Our second “Light Party” was a great night, as we celebrated All Saints with a Family Chapel service in mufti and sharing a family picnic on ‘the knoll’, showing off our homemade, no- engine trolleys down the driveway. Next year we hope to see more marvellous trolleys entered.

The traditional ANZAC service was held, providing a sombre reminder for fallen old boys.

The Leavers’ Service provides a place to handover our past, present and future visions, as the boys who are leaving receive their leavers tie, as a symbol of belonging and being welcome to return.

The traditional end of year Carol Service held at St Luke’s each December is a highlight for the local community, another expression of Non Nobis Solum.

Hereworth enjoys sharing worship times with other schools and joining the Parish of St Luke’s down in the Village, along with visiting the elderly at Waiapu Village and sharing with the pre-school at our gate. Taking ourselves out and welcoming others into our space is an area we are enjoying developing.

The role of Chaplaincy remains the trusted guardian to ensure the “special character” remains at the core of all we do here at Hereworth. I have so enjoyed being a bridge these past two years to help maintain this vital position, which upholds the special character of Christianity in the school providing links with the past, ensuring a strong foundation remains for the present and the opportunity to dream for our future.

It has been a privilege for me to work alongside my enthusiastic Chapel Monitors, our Headmaster, Steve Fiet, and his dedicated staff. It is a joy to worship alongside what I believe, is the finest boys’ choir in New Zealand.

Waiapu is truly blessed to have Hereworth School. I wish the newly appointed Chaplain well as he takes up his appointment in October.

Rev’d Rosemary Carey

Chaplain 2015-2017